Скачать презентацию Neutrino Physics 2 Pedro Ochoa May 22 nd Скачать презентацию Neutrino Physics 2 Pedro Ochoa May 22 nd


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Neutrino Physics 2 Pedro Ochoa May 22 nd 2006 1 Neutrino Physics 2 Pedro Ochoa May 22 nd 2006 1

What about solar neutrinos and the solar neutrino problem? Kamland is an experiment which What about solar neutrinos and the solar neutrino problem? Kamland is an experiment which studies the disappearance of reactor neutrinos Kashiwazaki Kam. LAND uses the entire Japanese nuclear power industry as a long baseline source Takahama Ohi 2

In a fission reactor, there is a flux of associated with that you can In a fission reactor, there is a flux of associated with that you can predict to a good accuracy. 235 U, 239 Pu, 241 Pu and 238 U 3

You can detect these antineutrinos via inverse beta decay: 4 You can detect these antineutrinos via inverse beta decay: 4

How the detector looks from the inside 5 How the detector looks from the inside 5

At Kamland’s average L of about 180 km, the disappearance probability in the three At Kamland’s average L of about 180 km, the disappearance probability in the three neutrino model is, to a very good approximation: So if there are oscillations, this spectrum will be distorted: Notice similarity with 2 flavor approx. 6

 Oscillations were observed indeed (2002)!! Kamland was actually the first experiment to observe Oscillations were observed indeed (2002)!! Kamland was actually the first experiment to observe the disappearance of “earthly” electron antineutrinos Other experiments hand’t seen anything (they were too close) Conclusive evidence of reactor disappearance: Best fit values: ( C. L. ) The solar neutrino problem was finally solved ! 7

III. Open Questions What are some of the unsolved problems in Neutrino Physics? We III. Open Questions What are some of the unsolved problems in Neutrino Physics? We know that neutrinos have mass !!!!! Things make sense in the light that neutrino mass eigenstates mix with the weak eigenstates creating the oscillation phenomenon measured in many experiments. We think that: Everything fits the model extremely well ! Well, almost…. there is always a black sheep !! 8

Let’s first discuss “The LSND Anomaly” (1995) The Liquid Scintillator Neutrino Detector Experiment: • Let’s first discuss “The LSND Anomaly” (1995) The Liquid Scintillator Neutrino Detector Experiment: • Beam of protons on water produces π+ mainly Stop at Cu target Oscillations? • Search for through Baseline ~30 m Neutrino Energy 20 -55 Me. V, detect prompt e track, 20

The interior of the LSND detector: 10 The interior of the LSND detector: 10

What the LSND experiment saw: • Through • they observed: excess of: • oscillation What the LSND experiment saw: • Through • they observed: excess of: • oscillation probability: Do you see a problem with this picture? Yes !! Only two independent m 2 if three neutrinos !! 11

How to explain the LSND anomaly? 1) There are more neutrinos : But LEP How to explain the LSND anomaly? 1) There are more neutrinos : But LEP showed that there are three active (i. e. that interact with the Z) neutrino flavors only… the extra neutrinos would have to be sterile ! 2) CPT Violation (in other words, ): Before it could all nicely fit in a spectrum like But now it would have to be something like , which is unlikely. 3) Some weird combination (CPT + 1 sterile neutrino, sterile neutrino decay…) 12

Other experiments have ruled out parts of the LSND allowed region: The Mini. Boone Other experiments have ruled out parts of the LSND allowed region: The Mini. Boone experiment at Fermilab will be able to put this issue to rest 800 tons of mineral oil D=12 m green=unexplored If Mini. Boone finds a signal new exciting physics !! 13

Let’s change topics now. Earlier I said that: What parameter am I leaving out? Let’s change topics now. Earlier I said that: What parameter am I leaving out? !!! Is it zero or just very small? Nobody knows… U is directly related to whether or not there is CP violation in the neutrino sector! 14

Best limit on θ 13 comes from a reactor experiment called CHOOZ: MINOS will Best limit on θ 13 comes from a reactor experiment called CHOOZ: MINOS will actually expand that limit (or discover θ 13): m 2 = 0. 0025 e. V 2 At their baseline (~1 km): At MINOS baseline (~735 km): 15

NOVA (Nu. MI Off Axis Experiment) will be able to assess this much better: NOVA (Nu. MI Off Axis Experiment) will be able to assess this much better: Use the same Nu. MI beam that used for MINOS !! But remember: By going off axis we can get more neutrinos in the energy region where we’re more interested. At 14 mrad the spectrum peaks just above the first oscillation maximum. Given the current limit of θ 13 set by CHOOZ, the oscillation probability cannot be larger than 5%. This is why to study these oscillations we need a monster detector. 16

What will be achieved: NOVA may also address one of the biggest puzzles in What will be achieved: NOVA may also address one of the biggest puzzles in neutrino physics: What is the right hierarchy? (note: we know m 221 > 0 from solar neutrinos) 17

This would be achieved through something called Matter Effect: The basic concept is that This would be achieved through something called Matter Effect: The basic concept is that electron neutrinos, besides oscillating in the usual way, can interact with the electrons in rock while they propagate: But this will not happen for This creates a small difference in the probability of seeing vs. The direction of this effect depends on the mass hierarchy. This effect must be disentangled from possible CP violation, which also implies that 18

Besides the hierarchy, there’s something about neutrino masses we still don’t know: ? ? Besides the hierarchy, there’s something about neutrino masses we still don’t know: ? ? We don’t know the absolute scale of the neutrino masses !! There is actually a way of searching for this directly… 19

Neutrino mass should affect the spectrum of tritium decay: Endpoint energy E=18. 57 ke. Neutrino mass should affect the spectrum of tritium decay: Endpoint energy E=18. 57 ke. V An experiment called KATRIN (Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino Experiment) in Germany will look for this effect. 20

Observing this effect is a major technological challenge. The way they’ll do it is Observing this effect is a major technological challenge. The way they’ll do it is with a “MAC-E-Filter”: The beta electrons are transformed into a broad beam of electrons flying almost parallel to the magnetic field lines. Because of the electrostatic potential, all electrons with enough energy to pass the barrier will make it to the detector. Varying the E field allows to measure the beta spectrum in a integrating mode. KATRIN will be able to measure the neutrino mass down to 0. 2 e. V (90% CL). 21

The other way is through Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay (denoted 0 vββ): 2 neutrino The other way is through Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay (denoted 0 vββ): 2 neutrino Double Beta Decay is actually known to exist and allowed by the Standard Model: No piece of cake. First calculated in 1935 by M. Goeppert Mayer, and first observed in 1987 (any ideas why so hard to observe? ) But 0 vββ has not been seen (convincingly at least): What is the condition for this to happen? That neutrinos are their own antiparticle !! (i. e. they are Majorana Particles) If 0 vββ is observed then we’d know for sure that 22

The 2 vββ decay is a major background for the 0 vββ search. It The 2 vββ decay is a major background for the 0 vββ search. It is a very hard measurement !! T 1/2 (2 vββ) ~ 1020 years T 1/2 (0 vββ) ~ 1025 27 years. 23

If 0 vββ is observed, would that tell us something about the neutrino mass? If 0 vββ is observed, would that tell us something about the neutrino mass? Yes !! The effective neutrino mass (due to mixing) can be disentangled: Called the Matrix Element Remember: electron neutrino has no definite mass Calculating the matrix elements is no picnic, and many authors disagree among themselves: Rodin et al, nucl-th/0503063 Several 0 vββ candidates. Each experiment uses a different one (and different technique) 24

We cannot go through all the proposed experiments that are going to try to We cannot go through all the proposed experiments that are going to try to measure 0 vββ. However, you should know that somebody claims to have observed it already. Most sensitive experiments to date are based on germanium 76. This is one of them. Note that only a subset of the Heidelberg Moscow collaboration claims the observation of 0 vββ. The collaboration actually split over this. 25

Would you buy this? Other experiments will look in the same region to confirm/disprove Would you buy this? Other experiments will look in the same region to confirm/disprove it. 26

SUMMARY & CONCLUSIONS Neutrino physics is a field full of surprises, and with plenty SUMMARY & CONCLUSIONS Neutrino physics is a field full of surprises, and with plenty of room for discovery !! 27