- Количество слайдов: 12
Networking Opportunities Projects (SSAs, ETIs, etc) aiming to boost FP 6 participation: v. RURAL ETI-NET v. INTEGRATING ACC v. MISMEC v. NAOMITEC v. Continuing Support to the NIPs from Armenia, Azerbaijan & Georgia
RURAL ETI-NET Set up and manage a European rural network: v. Novel Crops v. On-farm processing v. Forestry / wood chain v. Waste management v. Eco-systems Objective: To assist the participation of at least 50 SMEs in FP 6 projects Target group: SMEs & Stakeholder Groups
RURAL ETI-NET Beta Technology Ltd UK Bureau for International Research and Technology Co-operation A Agenzia Per La Promozione Della Ricerca Europea I Swedish EU/R&D Council S The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey TR University of National and World Economy BG RTD Talos CY HELP-FORWARD NETWORK EL Food Industrial Research and Technological Development Company S. A. EL Rannsoknamidstod Islands IS S. C. Temagon Romania S. R. L. RO Institute of Landscape Ecology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences SK
Integrating -ACC Integrating the New Member States and Associated Candidate Countries into the 6 th Framework Programme through networking activities and improved NCP services in the area of Sustainable development, global change and ecosystems : v Sustainable Energy Systems v Sustainable Surface Transport v Global Change and Ecosystems
Integrating -ACC Objectives: v. To improve NCP services in the ACC v. To Reinforce the networking approach by building bridges between the research networks Target. Europe across Groups: Research Networks, professional associations, end-user associations, Technology Transfer networks, etc in the fields of Sustainable Energy Systems, Sustainable Surface Transport, & Global Change and Ecosystems
Continuing Support to the NIPs from Armenia, Azerbaijan & Georgia Objectives: v to open the European Research Area towards Trans. Caucasian countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia), v to raise the quantity and quality of participations from the Trans. Caucasian Countries in the 6 th EU Framework Programme, v to support establishment, development and training of INTAS FP 6 National Information Points (NIPs) in the Trans. Caucasian countries, v to set-up an Advisory Board to give continuous organisational advice and support and exchange of best practices to the NIPs on management issues related to institution building, to capacity building, and to community activities of the NIPs.
MISMEC Objectives: v To support SMEs to take part in proposals and ongoing projects of FP 6 v To provide information on calls, how to write a proposal, how to join a project (e. g. large IPs and No. E) v To assist SMEs to join as coordinators, research partners and end-users v Focus in projects on the Mechatronics sector – combination of Mechanics, Electronics & Informatics New Methods for Involving SMEs in Mechatronics sector in FP 6
MISMEC Targets: v To assist at least 270 SMEs leading to participation in at least 70 FP 6 project proposals, of which: • • 230 SMEs will participate in 50 proposal submissions to new and on-going IPs and No. E 40 SMEs will participate in 20 proposal submissions under other instruments v To develop working practices that will facilitate networking provided by European intermediaries working with participation of SMEs in FP 6 New Methods for Involving SMEs in Mechatronics sector in FP 6
Germany, UK, Italy, Sweden, Greece, Israel, Lithuania 1. GERMANY: SEZ - Steinbeis Europa 7 Partners Zentrum 2. WALES: WDA - Welsh Development Agency 3. ITALY: CECCP - Centro Estero Camere Commercio Piemontesi 4. SWEDEN: IVF - Industrial Research and Development Corporation 5. GREECE: Diktyo PRAXI / HELPFORWARD Network 6. ISRAEL: MATIMOP – Israeli Industry Centre for R&D 7. LITHUANIA: MSI - Institute of Lithuanian Scientific Society New Methods for Involving SMEs in Mechatronics sector in FP 6
NAOMITEC Objectives: v To promote and facilitate the participation of SMEs in the new FP 6 instruments : IPs and No. E v To provide information on calls, proposals, how to join a project (e. g. large IPs and No. E), search for partners v Focus on projects on Nano & Micro Technologies and their applications in the most important industrial sectors (ITC, Transportation, Health Care, Targets: Aerospace, Environment) v To assist at least 80 SMEs leading to participation in at least 40 FP 6 project proposals Nano and Micro-TEC SMEs in IPs and No. E
16 1. GERMANY: VDI/VDE Partners: 2. FRANCE: ARIST-CRCI Germany, France, UK, Italy, Finland, Austria, Belgium, Greece, Israel, Poland, Switzerland, Netherlands 3. FRANCE: CEA 4. UK: Beta. Technology Limited 5. ITALY: AIRI 6. ITALY: APRE 7. ITALY: CNR-ISMN: GT 8. FINLAND: Eureco OY 9. AUSTRIA: BIT 10. GREECE: Diktyo PRAXI 11. BELGIUM: BEA 12. ISRAEL: ISERD 13. POLAND: IFTR PAS 14. SWITZERLAND: Euresearch 15. SWITZERLAND: FSRM 16. NETHERLANDS: EG Liason Nano and Micro-TEC SMEs in IPs and No. E
Contact details Epaminondas Christophilopoulos Tel: +30 2310 552791 Fax: +30 2310 552790 epaminondas@help-forward. gr www. help-forward. gr