Net migration as a percentage of total population in OECD countries,
Четыре типа стран, принимающих мигрантов 1. The traditional settlement countries. Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the US 2. European states that recruited labor in the post- war years. Austria, Germany, Luxembourg, Sweden, Switzerland 3. European states with migration linked to a colonial past and to post-war labor recruitment. Belgium, France, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom 4. New immigration countries. Ireland, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Denmark, Norway
Inflows of permanent migrants to OECD countries, 2006
Доля мигрантов в общей численности населения. 2006
Право на свободное передвижение • As far back as 1215, the English charter of freedoms, Magna Carta, declared that “it shall be lawful to any person, for the future, to go out of our kingdom, and to return”, • in the 20 th century the Universal Declaration of Human Rights set down that “everyone has the right to leave any country, including • his own, and to return to his country”.
Irregular, “illegal”, “undocumented” or “unauthorised” migration, %% of total population Япония 0, 2 OECD в целом 1 -3% Австралия 0, 2 Испания 1, 6 Греция 3, 4 США 4, 0% или 11, 6 млн. человек
Who moves where, when and why
Remittances as a percentage of GDP, 2006
Европа. Численность и доля мигрантов 2000 г.
Крупнейшие страны эмиграции и иммиграции
Доля мигрантов в населении
Перемещенные лица
Иммигранты в странах Персидского залива