«Неllo, English!» (Unit 1) «New pupil. » (Lesson 10) Учитель английского языка ГБОУ лицей № 150 Калининского района г. Санкт-Петербург Неробова Вероника Андреевна
n Good morning! Good morning to you! Good morning! I am glad to see you!
Phonetic exercise [i i i i]. [r r r]. [m-m-m] [z-z-z] [ai ai].
Good morning! Good morning, Mr Lion !
Урок музыки в лесной школе Песенка What is your name? Her- ее What is her name? Her name is Anna His - его What is his name? His name is Dima
What do you think about the topic of today's lesson?
«New pupil. » (Lesson 10) n n n n Фонетическая зарядка – Звуки [r, i, d, m, z, w] Урок музыки в лесной школе - Песня “What is your name? ” Диалог «Новый ученик в лесной школе» Урок развития речи в лесной школе – рассказ о однокласснике Урок физкультуры - физкультминутка Урок математики – повторим Числительные Английская буква Ii
Новые слова count, read, write, draw n n The parrot can count. The tiger can read. The fox can write. The monkey can draw. count, read, write, draw
Count - считать Read - читать Write -писать Draw - рисовать
Урок развития речи в лесной школе Can you run? Can you jump? Can you fly? Can you swim? Can you count? Can you sing? Can you read? Can you write? Can you draw? Can you swim? Yes, I can run No, I can not fly
Примерный рассказ His name is Dima. He is seven. He can run. He can jump. He can count. He can write. He can read. He can draw. He can’t fly.
Урок физкультуры в лесной школе «Физкультминутка» n n Hands up! Clap! Hands down! Shake! Hands on hips! Jump! Hop!Stop! Stand still!
Числительные от 1 до 10. Решите примеры n n n n n 1+2= , 3+6= , 4+2= , 7+3= , 5+5= , 3+6= , 7+1= , 2+8=. 9+1=. n n n n n 3 9 6 10 10 9 8 10 10
What letters of the English alphabet do you know? n n n n n Can you find the missiing letters? A. . . , . . . d, . . . c, . . . G E. . . , . . f, B. . . h n n n n n Can you put them in alphabetic order? Aa [ei] Bb [b] Cc [s] [k] Dd [d] Ee [e] [i] Ff [f[ Gg [g][dз] Hh [h]
Гласная буква Ii [ai] - nine, five. [i] - six, swim, skip
Гласная буква Ii
Гласная буква Ii The letter Ii Spring is coming! Warm and nice! Ice is melting! Poor ice!
What emotions do you feel after the lesson? n n n n Positive emotions. -surprise -happiness -joy -success -admiration -proud I feel …… Negative emotions. -irritation -boredom -sadness -unsatisfaction - fear
Homework Lesson 10 n WB № 2 p. 9 n WB № 3 p. 9
Thank you!