Lecture 7.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 11
Нейросемантика и НЛП. Структура смысла. Модели рефрейминга. Evgeni Molodychenko
Лексические средства Уровни абстракции Hall, Bodenhamer (2010) Meta Levels Even More Abstract Language Sensory-Based Language Primary Levels Sensory-Based Representations The VAK Representations Unconscious Sensory Reception of Information “Would you turn around (K) and look (V) at the dirt on the carpet? Do you see (V) the dirt that forms the shape of your footprints? Now what do you have to say (Ad) about that? ” “You are so rude to come into my clean house and make a filthy mess. I get so angry at your irresponsibility? ” ВАК = Визуальный, Аудиальный, Кинестетический
Структура смысла Frame of reference Внешний стимул (объект, ситуация) ВАК-репрезентация Laziness frame A father sees his teenage son lying on the couch watching TV You’re lazy! А мог бы сказать: “I’m so glad John can relax and enjoy the good things of life, unlike my traumatic childhood”
Структура смысла External Behaviour Internal State causes/means Nothing has any “meaning”. Meaning only and exclusively arises when consciousness comes along and connects an external thing to an internal state. Doing so creates a frame of reference inside the person about the thing. In fact we cannot even understand the external behavior (EB) or even apart from the frame. Apart from the frame, we don’t know anything about its meaning to another person. Apart from knowing another person’s frame, we typically tend to use our own frames-of-references. In that way we impose our “meanings” upon them.
Рефрейминг “But This” “Not this” Meta-Level Primary Level f eo m Fra rence g e ref eanin of M t bou a Fra ref me of of M erenc ean e ing abo ut VAK & Ad Representation About X
Deframing Specificity: chunking down (Разобобщение) Your being late means you don’t care about me. How specifically does my being late carry all that meaning? How does it mean that I don’t care about you? How late do I have to arrive for it to mean this – 30 seconds, 1 minute, 5 minutes, 1 hour? How many minutes suddenly translate into the meaning that I don’t care about you? How do you know that at twelve minutes I care, but that at thirteen I don’t? If I arrived late by nine and a half minutes, then you will know that I still care about you? External Behaviour Chunk down / разобобщить Internal State
Reframe EB Reframe IS Reframe EB Do you know that I simply viewed it means I had to do a lot of things at the office? Etc. . Find another IS for that EB Reframe IS If I really didn’t care for you I would not call or come home at all or give you the finger when I passed by. Etc. Find another EB for that IS
Reflexive Reframing Reflexively apply EB or IS to Self or Listener It’s a kind of late to tell me know, don’t you think? That must mean you don’t care me, right? So I can also take it that any and every time you run late for an appointment with me it really means that you don’t care about me, is that what you’re saying? Reversing Presupposition In what way does this EB actually mean or cause the opposite of the IS? In what way can/might/will my being late mean that I do care for you?
Identity Framing So how I handle time and schedules turns me into a caring or uncaring person? So truly caring people have got timemanagement down to an art? Truly caring people always use Day Timers?
Allness or Universality Framing How would you like it if we applied this to all others at all other times? Use universal quantifiers (“parent words”): all, always, everybody, nobody, all the time, never, none… So I show up late once, and that means I don’t care at all about you? Since everybody arrives late at some time or another in their life, then the only kind of people on the planet are those who don’t care about anybody?
Спасибо за внимание! Thank you for your attention! Institute of Philology & Intercultural Communication