- Количество слайдов: 12
Neighbourhood Planning Seminar presented by Amy Cater
Introduction ØIntroduced by the Localism Act 2011 ØLetting local people “have more say” ØOver 230 plans have come into force
Your experience? ØPositive / Negative? ØTime taken to finalise ØHelp from Local Planning Authority?
2016 Regulations ØAmendment Regulations ØNeighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 ØTown and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015
Development Plan ØOnce NP made it forms a Development Plan Document (DPD) ØPlanning applications must be determined in accordance with the DPD ØBUT: five year land supply (5 YHLS)
The Framework (NPPF) ØParagraph 49 of NPPF ØPresumption in favour of sustainable development ØParagraphs 183 -185 and 198
Housing White Paper Ø “Fixing our broken housing market”
Neighbourhood Planning Bill Ø 3 rd Reading -House of Lords yesterday ØDuty to have regard to post-examination NP ØAbility to modify NP area ØAssistance from LPA
Neighbourhood Planning Bill ØPlanning conditions ØPlanning Register ØPubs
Case Law ØDLA Delivery v Lewes District Council [2017] EWCA CIV 58 ØNewick Neighbourhood Plan ØNP ahead of Local Plan
Open session Questions from delegates
Neighbourhood Planning Seminar presented by Amy Cater