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Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting September 23, 2008 Town Hall, Council Chambers Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
1. Welcome and Introductions • Planning Board and Liaisons • Planning Department – Current Development – Housing and Neighborhood Services – Long Range and Transportation – Graphics Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 2 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
1. Welcome and Introductions Agenda 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Neighborhood Conservation District Introduction and Background 3. Introduction to Zoning and Planning Terminology 4. North Carolina Highway 54 (NC 54) 5. Neighborhood Conservation District 2 -Phase Development Process 6. Issues a Neighborhood Conservation District Can and Cannot Address 7. Question and Answers Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 3 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
1. Welcome and Introductions • A Neighborhood Conservation District is a zoning designation so we will be describing basic zoning regulations • Sign-up for email updates • Please hold questions until the question and answer section Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 4 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
2. Neighborhood Conservation District Introduction and Background FRAMEWORK A Neighborhood Conservation District is a set of land use regulations that are applied to a specific neighborhood as a zoning overlay. The focus of a Neighborhood Conservation District is on the physical design of new development (new structures or additions to existing structures) Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 5 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
2. Neighborhood Conservation District Introduction and Background POLICY Comprehensive Plan • Adopted May 8, 2000 • Created by the citizens of Chapel Hill to articulate a vision for the future of the community. • Acknowledges that the challenge facing Chapel Hill is one of managing change. • Focuses on specific actions relating to 12 major themes. Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 6 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
2. Neighborhood Conservation District Introduction and Background POLICY Comprehensive Plan 3 A. Neighborhood Protection Residential Conservation Areas are neighborhoods that touch and circle the downtown and central campus. “These neighborhoods are rich in history and tradition, are highly valued by residents, and are among the areas of Town that are most susceptible to change. ” Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 7 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
2. Neighborhood Conservation District Introduction and Background POLICY Comprehensive Plan What does this Residential Conservation Area designation mean? “When policy choices that affect these areas are before the Town Council (road issues, rezoning proposals, public investment decisions), the balance should tilt in favor of protection and preservation. ” Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 8 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
2. Neighborhood Conservation District Introduction and Background IMPLEMENTATION Land Use Management Ordinance • Enacted January 27, 2003 Amended through July 1, 2008 • The major purpose of the Land Use Management Ordinance is to implement the Town’s adopted Comprehensive Plan. • Establishes standards and procedures for new development or redevelopment in the Town. Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 9 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
2. Neighborhood Conservation District Introduction and Background IMPLEMENTATION Land Use Management Ordinance • Establishes zoning districts for the Town • Provides for special Overlay Zoning Districts including Neighborhood Conservation Districts and Historic Districts • Because a Neighborhood Conservation District designation is a zoning district we will be describing basic zoning regulations Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 10 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
2. Neighborhood Conservation District Introduction and Background IMPLEMENTATION Land Use Management Ordinance Purpose Statement: Within the Town there are unique and distinctive older in town residential neighborhoods or commercial districts which contribute significantly to the overall character and identity of the Town and are worthy of preservation and protection. As a matter of public policy, the Town Council aims to preserve, protect, enhance, and perpetuate the value of these neighborhoods or commercial districts through the establishment of Neighborhood Conservation Districts. Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 11 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
2. Neighborhood Conservation District Introduction and Background District Name Date of Enactment NCD-1 Northside February 23, 2004 NCD-2 Greenwood June 12, 2006 NCD-3 Kings Mill/Morgan Creek June 12, 2006 NCD-4 Pine Knolls June 12, 2006 NCD-5 Mason Farm/Whitehead Circle June 11, 2007 Coker Hills October 8, 2007, Effective January 1, 2008 NCD-6 Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 12 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
3. Introduction to Zoning and Planning Terminology • Zoning: the division of a city/town into areas, or zones, classifying allowable uses for property and size restrictions for buildings within these areas. • The Town Council enacted a Zoning Atlas which designates the zoning districts for Chapel Hill. • The Zoning Atlas is a referenced part of the Land Use Management Ordinance. Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 13 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
3. Introduction to Zoning and Planning Terminology Land Use Plan Zoning Map Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 14 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
3. Introduction to Zoning and Planning Terminology Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 15 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
3. Introduction to Zoning and Planning Terminology 3. 8 -1: Dimensional Matrix • Basic dimensional regulations for each zoning district identified on the Zoning Map • Applications for new development are required to comply with the dimensional regulations that apply to the zoning district in which the applicant’s property is located. Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 16 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
3. Introduction to Zoning and Planning Terminology Minimum Lot Size • Expressed in Square Feet • Includes Minimum Frontage and Lot Width Examples • R-2: 10, 000 square feet • R-3: 5, 500 square feet • NCD-2: Greenwood: 1 acre Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 17 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
3. Introduction to Zoning and Planning Terminology Maximum Density • Typically applies to residential uses such as multi-family developments • Expressed in number of dwelling units per acre Examples • R-2: 4. 0 dwelling units per acre • R-3: 7. 0 dwelling units per acre Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 18 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
3. Introduction to Zoning and Planning Terminology Building Envelope • Three dimensional space within which a structure is permitted to be built on a zoning lot and which is defined by setback and height regulations. Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 19 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
3. Introduction to Zoning and Planning Terminology Minimum Setback (Street, Interior, and Solar) • Expressed in feet Example • R-2: Minimum Street of 26, Minimum Interior of 11, Minimum Solar of 13 feet • R-3: Minimum Street of 24, Minimum Interior of 8, Minimum Solar of 11 feet • NCD-6: Coker Hills: Minimum Street of 40, Interior and Solar of 20 feet Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 20 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
3. Introduction to Zoning and Planning Terminology Maximum Building Height (Primary and Secondary) • Expressed in feet Examples • R-2 Maximum Secondary 50 Feet • R-3 Maximum Secondary 60 Feet • NCD-2 Greenwood: Maximum Secondary 35 Feet Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 21 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
3. Introduction to Zoning and Planning Terminology Floor Area Ratio • Floor Area Ratio: determines the maximum permitted floor are on the site (based on land area) Example • NCD-2: Greenwood: Maximum Floor Area Ratio for single family dwelling of. 15 Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 22 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
4. North Carolina Highway 54 (NC 54) Glen Lennox is located on NC 54 which is part of a larger study area by the Chapel Hill/Durham Metropolitan Planning Organization Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 23 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
5. Neighborhood Conservation District Process • Planning Board Led • Citizen Participation • Rezoning Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 24 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
5. Neighborhood Conservation District Process Informational – Phase One • Initiated by Town Council; or by property owners representing 51% of the land area within the proposed district; or by 51% of property owners in a proposed district upon submittal and acceptance of a petition by Council • Includes: ØPlanning Board review ØDesignation of a notification boundary ØInformation packet and notification ØPublic Information Meeting Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 25 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
5. Neighborhood Conservation District Process Informational – Phase One FOR GLEN LENNOX ONLY… For the Glen Lennox Neighborhood Conservation District Informational Phase, the Council instructed the Planning Board and the Planning Department to structure the process to facilitate a constructive dialogue between the property owners and the neighbors. • On September 9, the Planning Board petitioned the Council to financially support the hiring of a professional facilitator to manage the constructive dialogue process for the Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood. • On September 22, the Council passed a resolution to hire the Dispute Settlement Center of Orange County to develop and provide facilitated dialogues for the Glen Lennox Area neighborhood. Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 26 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
5. Neighborhood Conservation District Process Initiation – Phase Two • Phase One must be completed to begin Phase Two • Initiated by Town Council; or by property owners representing 51% of the land area within the proposed district; or by 51% of property owners in a proposed district upon submittal and acceptance of a petition by Council • Phase Two shall consist of a Planning Board Feasibility Review and Town Council action. Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 27 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
5. Neighborhood Conservation District Process Initiation – Phase Two Neighborhood Conservation District Feasibility Review Conducted by the Planning board, to analyze: • the community goals • the level of urgency • the plenary or committee structure • the initial boundary Planning Board shall submit its recommendation to the Town Council Action The Town Council shall review the Planning Board’s recommendation and the Town Staff recommendation and act on the petition. Action on the petition may include endorsement to begin the rezoning process to establish a Neighborhood Conservation District or to not begin the process. Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 28 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
5. Neighborhood Conservation District Process Development • The process allows residents and landowners multiple opportunities to voice their concerns about the neighborhood and to participate in the creation of regulations that would be specific to the proposed Neighborhood Conservation District. • Timing can take up to a year • Development Process Includes: ØMailings ØNeighborhood Meetings • The end result is a Neighborhood Conservation District Plan proposal Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 29 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
5. Neighborhood Conservation District Process Plan • The Neighborhood Conservation District Plan Includes: Ø Description and map of neighborhood boundary Ø Special Design Standards and Regulations Ø Design Guidelines • Once developed, the proposed Plan is submitted to the Planning Board for review Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 30 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
5. Neighborhood Conservation District Process Rezoning 1 • The Planning Board receives the proposed Neighborhood Conservation District Plan, receives input about the plan, and recommends a Neighborhood Conservation District Plan to the Council 2 • The Council holds a public hearing to receive the Planning Board recommendation, a staff report and public feedback about the proposed Neighborhood Conservation District Plan 3 • If approved, the Council creates the Neighborhood Conservation District by enacting an Ordinance to amend the Town’s Zoning Atlas – i. e. a rezoning Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 31 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
6. Issues a Neighborhood Conservation District Can and Cannot Address… Development applications and Building permits are required for construction of a new structure or changes to the footprint of an existing structure In order to get a Building Permit the applicant must have a Zoning Compliance Permit Zoning regulations are applied to new development or redevelopment through the Town’s development review process Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 32 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
6. Issues a Neighborhood Conservation District Can and Cannot Address… Issues a Neighborhood Conservation District can address… Floor Area Ratio Some residents in a neighborhood did not feel that this recently built house fit with the character of the neighborhood because of its scale in relationship to the size of the lot. This neighborhood’s Neighborhood Conservation District has a Maximum Floor Area Ratio of. 2. Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 33 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
6. Issues a Neighborhood Conservation District Can and Cannot Address… Issues a Neighborhood Conservation District can address… Setbacks Residents this neighborhood wanted to preserve the characteristics of houses set far away from the street and low stone fences. This neighborhood’s Neighborhood Conservation District has a Minimum Street Setback of 50 feet and requires that fences in the front yard and taller that 2. 5 feet have openings of at least 50% or more in the construction of the fence. Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 34 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
6. Issues a Neighborhood Conservation District Can and Cannot Address… Issues a Neighborhood Conservation District can address… Lot Size Some residents in this neighborhood were not in favor of two large houses being built where there had previously been only one house. This neighborhood’s Neighborhood Conservation District has a minimum lot size of 1 acre. Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 35 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
6. Issues a Neighborhood Conservation District Can and Cannot Address… Issues a Neighborhood Conservation District can address… Lot Size Another neighborhood’s Neighborhood Conservation District has a minimum lot size of 1 acre. Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 36 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
6. Issues a Neighborhood Conservation District Can and Cannot Address… Issues a Neighborhood Conservation District can address… Density Some residents felt that there were properties in their neighborhoods that were being developed to function as rooming houses. In response, these neighborhood’s Neighborhood Conservation Districts prohibit the development of any more duplexes. Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 37 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
6. Issues a Neighborhood Conservation District Can and Cannot Address… Issues a Neighborhood Conservation District cannot address… • Rental vs. Owner-occupied • Affordability • Loud noise • Sidewalks • Roads • Demolition • Traffic • Color of buildings • Litter/Property maintenance • Tree Protection (the Town is addressing through a Town-wide Tree Protection Ordinance) Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 38 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
• We are here to provide information about the process to both citizens and developers and to apply the Town’s regulations fairly and uniformly. Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 39 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
• • This is a Planning Board led process. Staff is available to provide information. ncd@townofchapelhill. org (919) 968 -2728 Questions and Answers Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 40 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 41 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 42 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 43 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org
Glen Lennox Area Neighborhood Conservation District Public Information Meeting 9/23/2008 44 Town of Chapel Hill | 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. | www. townofchapelhill. org