Скачать презентацию NCEA and Scholarship Examinations 2016 What to Скачать презентацию NCEA and Scholarship Examinations 2016 What to


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NCEA and Scholarship Examinations 2016 NCEA and Scholarship Examinations 2016

What to bring to your exams 1. Admission Slip If you forget your admission What to bring to your exams 1. Admission Slip If you forget your admission slip, go to the office (reception) but note that waiting for another one to be printed might make you late for your exam. If there is any writing on either side of your admission slip you will need to go to the office/reception and obtain a reprint. 2. Plastic bag containing: ü Blue and/or black pens ü Calculator and spare batteries if required

Exam Code and NSN (top left of the plastic bag) Exam Code and NSN (top left of the plastic bag)

Start Times § Morning exams start at 9: 30 AM ü Be there at Start Times § Morning exams start at 9: 30 AM ü Be there at 9: 10 AM § Afternoon exams start at 2: 00 PM ü Be there at 1: 40 PM § No student may enter the exam after the first 30 minutes Ø There are NO exceptions • If you are late to a language exam which has a listening section, the audio will not be re-played for you if you missed it because you were late

Where to go § § § Go to the Gym when you get to Where to go § § § Go to the Gym when you get to school Names will be called out in the order that you enter the gym If you are in a classroom you will be instructed where to go

NOT allowed in the exam § § § § § Refill or blank paper NOT allowed in the exam § § § § § Refill or blank paper Twink Ipods Cellphones Apple watches Headphones Electronic translators Notes Food (unless you are diabetic)

§ Cellphones ü Turn them off and place in plastic bag § Bags and § Cellphones ü Turn them off and place in plastic bag § Bags and Blazers are to be left in the foyer of gym. Ideally don’t bring them. § You may be asked to turn out your trouser/shirt pockets § Toilet visits will be documented. Multiple visits will result in a special report being written. § Drink bottles – clear plastic with no writing/branding/logos

Entering the exam room § You will be invited into the gym/room § Absolute Entering the exam room § You will be invited into the gym/room § Absolute silence from this point on, unless a supervisor asks you a question. § A supervisor will show you to your seat. § Do not open the plastic bag of exam papers until instructions are read and you are told to do so.

Reader/Writers § If you have the assistance of a reader/writer or are using a Reader/Writers § If you have the assistance of a reader/writer or are using a computer, you will be asked to come into the gym foyer § You will meet your reader/writer or supervisor. § Your reader/writer or supervisor will have your exam paper, etc. and take you to your exam room.

Before the exam begins § All examinations will start on time § Late candidates Before the exam begins § All examinations will start on time § Late candidates should wait at the door for a supervisor to escort them to their desk. They must read the exam instructions and sign a sheet. § NO ENTRY after 30 minutes § NO EXTRA TIME is permitted if you arrive late

Calculators § Calculator memories will be cleared just before the exam. § They will Calculators § Calculator memories will be cleared just before the exam. § They will be checked by teachers. § Cell phones cannot be used as calculators.

At the start of the exam § A supervisor will read aloud the pre-examination At the start of the exam § A supervisor will read aloud the pre-examination instructions § Check that each booklet has your exam code and NSN on the top left corner § Remain SILENT § If you put your booklets on the floor, make sure that they are closed and underneath your desk.

During the exam § Raise your hand if you need: üExtra paper üTo go During the exam § Raise your hand if you need: üExtra paper üTo go to the toilet (after 1 hour but not in the last 15 minutes) üYou have finished and wish to leave BUT You may not leave in the first 45 minutes nor during the last 15 minutes

Exiting the exam room § Raise your hand stay seated and silent until your Exiting the exam room § Raise your hand stay seated and silent until your booklets are collected by a supervisor ü The time you leave is noted ü Leave the gym/room quickly and quietly.

Sickness during exams If you are unable to attend an exam due to sickness Sickness during exams If you are unable to attend an exam due to sickness you will need to provide Mrs Graham with a medical certificate. Your grade will be determined by your mock exams

Questions? See Mrs Graham. If you have an exam CLASH and have not received Questions? See Mrs Graham. If you have an exam CLASH and have not received a letter regarding this, please meet me today at the front of the hall when you are dismissed. NZQA Freephone 0800 697 296