- Количество слайдов: 15
NÁZEV ŠKOLY: Základní škola T. G. Masaryka, Bojkovice, okres Uherské Hradiště AUTOR: Mgr. Olga Rybnikářová NÁZEV: The USA TÉMATICKÝ CELEK: Receptivní řečové dovednosti ČÍSLO PROJEKTU: CZ. 1. 07/1. 4. 00/21. 0882
The USA United States of America
The USA is a very large country. It stretches from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific in the west.
The USA is a federal republic made up of fifty states and the District of Columbia (where the capital Washington, D. C. is situated). It is the forth largest country in the world with about 260 million people.
Mount Rushmore in the Black Hills of South Dakota There are the faces of George Washington – the first president of the USA Thomas Jefferson – one of the writers of The Declaration of Independence Abraham Lincoln – who abolished slavery Theodore Roosevelt – who became famous during WWII
The Grand Canyon A beautiful natural feature created by the waters of the Colorado River. It attracts tourists from all over the world.
Great Lakes Niagara Falls The five Great Lakes are situated in the north along the border with Canada. Their total area is the same as Great Britain. They are Lake Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie and Superior (HOMES) Between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario Niagara Falls lie.
Yellowstone National Park It is the world´s first national park – it was created in 1872. It is one of the last remaining habitats ot the grizzly bear.
Alaska It is situated to the north, near the Artic Circle.
Hawaii It is a group of island in the Pacific Ocean
The Native Americans Some Indians fought against the whites but in the end the Indians were beaten. They had to leave their lands and were placed on special reservations. Nowadays, the largest one is the Navajo Reservation. The Indians live there a combination of traditional and modern life.
Washington D. C. is the capital city of the United States. The Capitol – seat of the Congress Pentagon – the centre of military forces The White House – the residence of an American president
New York – the biggest city in The USA Manhattan Broadway The Empire State Building – until 1991 the tallest building in the world The Statue of Liberty – a gift from France in 1887
Other famous cities The Golden Gate Bridge San Francisco Los Angeles Las Vegas
Použitá literatura a zdroje informací: http: //www. vlajky-statu. cz/data/vlajky/vlajka-usa-1100. gif http: //www. ljlysek. cz/images/usa/mapy/mapa-cela. jpg http: //www. rybar. us/united_states_nice_large. jpg http: //www. rybar. us/ united_ states_nice_large. http: //patterico. com/archives/Mount%20 Rushmore. jpg http: //blog. viarentals. com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/The-Grand-Canyon. jpg http: //www. cebus. cz/wp-content/uploads/niagara_falls. jpg http: //billsisland. com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/Yellowstone-Falls-Yellowstone-National-Park-Wyoming. jpg http: //billsisland. com/ wp- content/ uploads/2010/01/Yellowstone- Falls- Yellowstone- National-Park-Wyoming. jpg http: //www. planetware. com/i/photo/wyoming-yellowstone-national-park-wy 266. jpg http: //wwp. greenwichmeantime. com/images/usa/alaska. jpg http: //www. free-wallpapers. cz/1600 x 1200/alaska. jpg http: //ebeltz. net/fieldtrips/hawaii/01 hi-statemap-usgs. jpg http: //usa 2005. kubasek. cz/files/Image/Havaj/oahu 1. jpg http: //tapety-na-plochu. luksoft. cz/nahled-velky/havaj_plaz_kauai. jpg http: //www. crystalinks. com/navajomap. jpg http: //www. geog. nau. edu/courses/alew/ggr 346/ft/mntnwest/Image 20. jpg http: //library. thinkquest. org/CR 0213720/Think. Q/famous_places/Capitol. Building. jpg http: //www. destination 360. com/north-america/us/washington-dc/images/s/washington-dc-white-house-s. jpg http: //digiweb. ihned. cz/attachment. php/13431860/n. U 3 u. BS 9 a. CFbt. JDk 5 ANys. Lp. O 1 cgrq. K 7 R 6/Pentagon. jpg http: //nd 03. jxs. cz/464/596/5 dfff 4366 b_64756487_o 2. jpg http: //chi. nhlpro. cz/media/upload/image/manhattan 2. jpg http: //mm. denik. cz/56/95/ny_socha_svobody. jpg http: //www. broadwaybabies. org/resources/broadway. jpg http: //thebesttraveldestinations. com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Golden_Gate_Bridge_San_Francisco_01. jpg http: //www. sanfrancisco. cz/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/san_francisco_mesto. jpg http: //www. velkomesta 24. cz/wp-content/gallery/los-angeles-4. jpg http: //www. myhotelgeek. com/wp-content/uploads/2008/01/las-vegas-by-night. jpg