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Navigating Approval Processes: Finding your Sherpas Penny Kollar, Office of Quality Assurance
Office of Quality Assurance • Most common connection to the Quality Assurance office is through the Cyclical Program Review or New Program Development • Every program/department will have already gone through program review once • Programmatic changes will come up over course of curriculum mapping, so we’re walking you through various processes of New Program Development today
Flow Chart
PDC Forms • Different forms for different program changes / proposals: PDC Forms A to E • Different approval processes for each form/type of change Best to Call Before You Dig!
Your Sherpas – Quality Assurance Office We’re always here to help guide you through the process of program changes and proposals. We’re happy to help! (ext. 2114 – Penny)
Form A New Program Form B Major Modification to Existing Program Form C Minor Program Changes (has variations) Form D New Course Form E Minor Course and Calendar Changes
Form E Form C Which path is YOURS? Minor Course and Calendar Changes Minor Program Changes (has variations) Form D New Course Form B Major Modification to Existing Program Form A New Program
Form E: Minor Course & Calendar Changes PURPOSE: Proposing program changes which: – affect degree requirements, but – do not alter the learning outcomes of the program. PATH: Department Faculty Council Grad Council. PDC only for information
Form E: Minor Course & Calendar Changes EXAMPLES: 1. Deleting courses 2. Course calendar description changes 3. Course title changes 4. Renumbering courses 5. Pre/anti/co- requisite changes 6. Contact hour/laboratory requirement changes 7. Cross-listing courses
PDC Form E: Exceptions • May need to complete 2 forms – PDC Form E and PDC Form C • These two forms may work together if deleting one course (Form E) but replacing it with another course (Form C) EXAMPLE: • Changing requirement of Psychology as a requisite course to Sociology instead.
Form E Minor Course and Calendar Changes For program changes which: – affect degree requirements, but – do not alter the learning outcomes of the program. Form C Minor Program Changes For program changes which: – affect degree requirements, but – do not alter program learning outcomes
Minor Program Change PDC Form C EXAMPLES: • Request for additional resources to support a course • Deleting a program PATH: Department Faculty Council Grad Council PDC Senate Steering Senate
Form C Variations C 1: Articulation Agreement/ Degree Completion PURPOSE: Formalizing advanced standing and/or blocking transfer credit into an existing program C 2: Combined or Concurrent Program Offerings (existing programs) PURPOSE: Combining two existing standalone programs
Form C Variations C 1: Articulation Agreement/ Degree Completion EXAMPLE: Entrance pathway for college graduate in sport management from Lambton College to BHK Windsor C 2: Combined or Concurrent Program Offerings EXAMPLE: Combined: Sociology/Criminology Concurrent: B. Ed/French Language
PDC Form C Exception • If one or more of the programs proposed to be combined, or run concurrently, are not currently established, a PDC Form A is required. EXAMPLE: Psychology & Health Science (no current Health Science degree)
New Course Proposal PDC Form D PURPOSE: Proposing new courses, adding courses to an existing program PATH: Department Faculty Council Grad Council PDC Senate Steering Senate
Major Modification to Existing Program PDC Form B PURPOSE: • Significantly changes to the requirements, structure, design and content of an existing program. • Changes to program-level learning outcomes. PATH: Department Faculty Council Grad Council Provost PDC Senate Steering Senate
Major Program Modifications EXAMPLES: • Changes to significant portion of the courses in the program (typically 1/3) – If Learning Outcomes change – it’s a major modification • Addition of new program stream such as co-op, practicum or internship. (Development of core curriculum must be done on Form A) • Substantial shift of credits within a stream, or between theoretical and practical/experiential components • Offering an existing UWin degree program at a different location
Major Program Modifications MORE EXAMPLES: • Program mergers • Substantial change to the core disciplines of a program • Elimination or addition of culminating program requirement or, for graduate programs where a thesis was previously required – the addition of a course-based option • Offering an existing program substantially online where it’s been previously offered face-to-face or vice versa
Examples of Major Mods Name of Program Modified Degree Designation Classification of Type of Major Modification Brief Description of the Major Modification Communication, Media and Film BA Honours Undergraduate Add new field, concentration, stream; change program learning outcomes Mathematics BMath Undergraduate Add new field, concentration, stream; change program learning outcomes The change redefined the existing focus as a stream in Studio Arts and added a stream in Film Production and Media Arts. The new option will provide students with a solid foundation and sophisticated understanding of theories, contexts, and technical knowledge required to create artistic and skillful film and video productions in a range of formats. Students will have the opportunity to specialize in film and video production in the areas of directing, cinematography, sound recording, writing, stop-motion animation, editing and post-production, with an emphasis on storytelling through new approaches to the media. Added a new Finance Concentration stream as an option in the BMath program. The objective of the new stream is to provide students with an opportunity to combine an interest in mathematics with an education in finance to provide a pathway to lucrative careers in the financial and banking sectors as well as to graduate programs in mathematics, financial mathematics, business or economics. Date of Internal Approval (MM/DD/YYYY) Date the Major Modification becomes Effective (MM/DD/YYYY) 1 -13 -2017 9 -1 -2017 2 -10 -2017 9 -1 -2017
NOT Major Modifications • Changes to requirements, delivery system, pedagogical approach, assessment policy or semester pattern: while these may later inform major modifications to the program, they are not in themselves major program modifications. Any form? • Deletion of an entire program. This may be significant, but there is no program to modify, so no major modification form to complete. (Form C)
PDC Form A: New Programs PURPOSE: 1. New Degree Program 2. New non-degree undergraduate diploma or certificate program 3. New for-credit graduate diploma 4. New field in an existing graduate program PATH: New Program Steering Committee Provost External review Department Faculty Council Grad Council Provost PDC Senate Steering Senate Quality Council MAESD (if funded)
New Degree Programs New program development is important to students, departments, the University and society. Do you need this in light of what I’m doing in part 1? Up to you…
PDC Form A: New Programs • Requires assessment of comparable program, student and market demand • Collaborative, consultative process ensures proponents have access to the information, consultation and expertise needed for successful external approvals
New Degree Program Development 1. Complete: a. New Program Notice of Intent b. First two pages of the MTCU Program Approval Certification Form: i. ii. “Proposed program details” (page 1) Section 1, Strategic Mandate Agreement (SMA) Alignment (page 2) 2. Submit to the Office of Quality Assurance (pkollar@uwindsor. ca)
New Degree Program Development 3. Meet with the New Program Steering Committee (NPSC). • Individuals involved in various elements of program review • Develop project plan with their help 4. Receive preliminary program development approval from the Provost
New Degree Program Development 5. Complete all required program development documents: a) PDC Form A – Proposal Brief - details about the required documentation are available from the QA website. b) All pages of the MTCU Program Approval Certification Form
New Degree Program Development • Office of Quality Assurance supports completion of Form A and MTCU template. • This process is intended to ensure that proponents and departments receive information and advice critical to success in program development, from multiple units. • Program proposals submitted without undertaking this process will not, under any circumstances, be reviewed or moved forward.
New non-degree undergraduate diploma or certificate program PURPOSE: Non-degree programs aimed at working professionals who don't have time for a full -time program. UG certificates • 8 -12 courses • can be done concurrently with a degree • aligned with existing degree programs UG diplomas • 13 -29 credits
New non-degree undergraduate diploma or certificate program PATH: Do NOT go to Quality Council for approval MTCU for funding approval only if required EXAMPLES: – – Honours Certificate in Civil Engineering Certificate in Arts Management Certificate in Public Administration Certificate in Applied Information Technology
Graduate Diplomas The Quality Council recognizes 3 types or categories of Graduate Diploma (specific appraisal conditions apply to each): • Type 1: Awarded when a candidate admitted to a master’s program leaves the program after completing a certain proportion of the requirements. Students are not admitted directly to these programs. PATH: New Type 1 Diplomas require submission to the Quality Council for an Expedited Approval (no external reviewers required) (HOW are these different paths? )
Graduate Diploma Type 2 • Offered in conjunction with a master’s (or doctoral) degree, the admission to which requires that the candidate be already admitted to the master’s (or doctoral) program. • An additional, usually interdisciplinary, qualification. PATH: New Type 2 diplomas require submission to the Quality Council for an Expedited Approval (no external reviewers required) prior to their adoption.
Graduate Diploma Type 3 • A stand-alone, direct-entry program, generally developed by a unit already offering a related master’s (and sometimes doctoral) degree • Designed to meet the needs of a particular clientele or market. PATH: Where the program has been conceived and developed as a distinct and original entity, Expedited Approval.
Graduate Diploma Type 3 EXAMPLES: • Graduate Diploma in Advanced Practice Oncology/Palliative Care • Graduate Diploma - Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner
Program Approvals? Costs Policies Schedule Content Credit Learning Approvals Pedagogies Spaces People
Program Sherpas! • Office of Quality Assurance • Centre for Teaching and Learning • Office of Open Learning • Registrar’s • Finance • University Secretariat • Provost’s Office • Dean’s Office
Current Departmental Goals? Better faculty More students sticking with it expertise/program match Better fit with community needs More flexibility More engaged students Less resource- intensive programs Stronger reputation More domestic graduate students More international graduate students Better quality students Being part of something great Less infighting Cash flow Clarity about departmental priorities Better graduate employment rates More students involved in research Getting the dean/ provost/ Fewer programs with small student someone off our backs Different balance of enrolments More clout large and small More engaged faculty classes Greater clarity about More interdisciplinarity what’s happening in our Tangible evidence our programs are good programs Peace in our time