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Nationalism in India and Vietnam: The Fight Against Colonial Control 7 th Grade Geography Nationalism in India and Vietnam: The Fight Against Colonial Control 7 th Grade Geography SS 7 H 3 The student will analyze continuity and change in Southern and Eastern Asia leading to the 21 st century. a. Describe how nationalism led to independence in India and Vietnam. b. Describe the impact of Mohandas Gandhi’s belief in nonviolent protest.

Key Ideas l l l Nationalism- a belief that people should be loyal to Key Ideas l l l Nationalism- a belief that people should be loyal to those whom they share a common history, customs, origins, and sometimes language or religion. Colonialism- a practice of domination, the control or governing influence of a nation over a dependent country, territory, or people. Independence- freedom from the control, influence, support, aid, or the like, of others.

Indian Nationalism Grows l Two groups form in India l l Hindus and Muslims Indian Nationalism Grows l Two groups form in India l l Hindus and Muslims Both hated the British Learned about nationalism while fighting in the British Army during WWI When they returned from the war—treated as second-class citizens

Indian Nationalism Grows l l Indians applies European views of nationalism and democracy Indian Indian Nationalism Grows l l Indians applies European views of nationalism and democracy Indian National Congress Muslim League -Even though Hindus and Muslim were divided, they had the same goal: Independence

Nationalist Activity l l India wanted self-government Joined the British army l thought they Nationalist Activity l l India wanted self-government Joined the British army l thought they would gain more rights in government But NO, still treated poorly l l Angered Indians acted violently British Governments formed l l “Rowlatt Act” : protesters in prison without trial. Educated Indians denied this law, rebelled

Amritsar Massacre l Hindus and Muslim gather in Amritsar l l angered British government Amritsar Massacre l Hindus and Muslim gather in Amritsar l l angered British government forbid public meetings. British commander told the army to kill them-> 400 died. 1200 wounded Angered India l Loyal Indians revolutionaries and nationalists

Mohandas K. Gandhi l l l Gandhi: Leader of Independence movement Politically acted with Mohandas K. Gandhi l l l Gandhi: Leader of Independence movement Politically acted with his religious ideas Called Mahatma = “GREAT SOUL” The Gandhi Rap

Civil Disobedience l Stated principle of satyagraha= “truth-force, ” “civil disobedience” l l l Civil Disobedience l Stated principle of satyagraha= “truth-force, ” “civil disobedience” l l l Disobeying unfair laws Gandhi required “No Violence” Purpose: weaken British government and economy l Don’t do things that will help British. l Boycott of British cloth § Dropped British cloth sales

Salt March l Indians could only buy salt from British government l l walked Salt March l Indians could only buy salt from British government l l walked 240 miles to the seacoast § > “Salt March” Made their own salt Tried to shut down British salt works, but failed and were attacked by the Police Gandhi and 60, 000 people were arrested

India Self-Rule l Indians gain political power l Government of India Act: providing selfgovernment India Self-Rule l Indians gain political power l Government of India Act: providing selfgovernment l Helped move closer to full independence l Muslims & Hindus fought for more power l Short Biography of Gandhi

Vietnamese Nationalism Historical Background l l In the Early 1900’s the French controlled an Vietnamese Nationalism Historical Background l l In the Early 1900’s the French controlled an area in Southeastern Asia called Indochina This later came to be called Vietnam French wanted control of the rich agricultural products and natural resources of this area How do you think the Vietnamese felt?

History of Nationalism l l l Vietnam worked hard to maintain freedom from China. History of Nationalism l l l Vietnam worked hard to maintain freedom from China. (a very powerful neighbor) They saw themselves as different from other Southeastern Asian countries (sense of pride and nationalism!) They also rejected French colonial rule

Ho Chi Minh (Nationalist Leader) l l He worked for Vietnamese Independence from the Ho Chi Minh (Nationalist Leader) l l He worked for Vietnamese Independence from the French He chose the Communist Party as the vehicle to challenge colonialism Communists were generally critical of colonialism Ho Chi Minh staged protests with his Communists Party

Vietminh League l l l Independence was the goal They believed the French would Vietminh League l l l Independence was the goal They believed the French would give up control after WW II (The French did not) They fought the French for nine years People in the countrysided with Ho Chi Minh The French gave up control in 1954 after years of fighting

Ho Chi Minh l l l Communism-a social structure in which classes are abolished Ho Chi Minh l l l Communism-a social structure in which classes are abolished and property is commonly controlled, as well as a political philosophy and social movement that advocates and aims to create such a society. U. S did not like a communist leader running a country U. S. felt communism would spread to other Asian countries (contain) The U. S. went to war against North Vietnam Nationalism was extremely high

Vietnam Unified l l The North and South unified Vietnam became a Communist country Vietnam Unified l l The North and South unified Vietnam became a Communist country (Republic of Vietnam)