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NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LIFE AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES OF UKRAINE “Accumulation of 137 Cs by NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LIFE AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES OF UKRAINE “Accumulation of 137 Cs by the family Rosaceae Holosiiv forest” Supervisors of studies: doctor of biological science, professor V. A. Haichenko candidate of agricultural science, associate professor E. M. Berezhniak Kyiv - 2013 Author: the 4 -year student of 2 -nd group the faculty of ecology and sustainable development Malvina Prylypko

Relevance of the work: Holosiiv forest rich in Relevance of the family Rosacea - Relevance of the work: Holosiiv forest rich in Relevance of the family Rosacea - this, representatives work: Holosiiv forest rich in in particular, of the family Rosacea - this, in particular, wild apple, pear, rose, blackberry and others. Curiosity to the peculiarities of accumulation and redistribution of major radionuclides doze-making wild forest vegetation caused by partial using of their fruits, which have bind fruits, which have the properties of metabolism regulation, bind and neutralize heavy metals, toxic substances. However, the heavyuse, especially substances. However, the and food safe metals, toxic as traditional medicines safe use, especially of the human medicines and food component of component as traditionaldiet is impossible without knowledge of the levels and intensity of 137 Cswithout knowledge of the human diet is impossible accumulation - radionuclide, which causes internalof 137 Cs(cesium 137) accumulation levels and intensity exposure and generates higher effective dose. radionuclide, which causes internal exposure and generates higher effective dose.

Main tasks: - to analyze on the basis of the literature contamination of Holosiiv Main tasks: - to analyze on the basis of the literature contamination of Holosiiv forest after the Chernobyl accident; -to select samples of soil, plants and fruit in the Holosiiv forest and determine the content of 137 Cs in them; - to identify the basic laws of migration and redistribution of 137 Cs in a chain soil → plant → fruit; - to alculate the accumulation and transfer factors of 137 Cs by the family Rosaceae; -to justify the using in food plants and fruit in the Holosiiv forest. The aim: To determine the 137 Cs features of accumulation by the family Rosaceae of Holosiiv forest.

It was used radiological, biometric and field methods. On the territory of Holosiiv forest It was used radiological, biometric and field methods. On the territory of Holosiiv forest I have sampled the soil and plants, such blackberry dove-coloured, wild apple, brier canine, wild pear.

With help of radiometer RUB-01 -P 6 it was conducted a determination of specific With help of radiometer RUB-01 -P 6 it was conducted a determination of specific mass activity of the samples on dry weight of sample.

Specific activity branches, Bq /kg , wild apple , 222 Specific activity branches, Bq Specific activity branches, Bq /kg , wild apple , 222 Specific activity branches, Bq /kg , rosa canina , 113 Specific activity branches, Bq /kg , wild pear , 44 Type of sample blackberry dove-coloured rosa canina wild pear wild apple The specific activity of the branches of the second year of growth Rosaceae Holosiiv forest Specific activity branches, Bq /kg 388 113 44 222

Chart Specific activity fruits, , blackberry dove-coloured , 270 Title Specific activity fruits, , Chart Specific activity fruits, , blackberry dove-coloured , 270 Title Specific activity fruits, , wild pear , Specific activity fruits, , wild apple , , rosa canina , 79 73 Specific activity fruits, 57 Type of sample blackberry dove-coloured rosa canina wild pear wild apple The specific activity of the fruits Rosaceae Holosiiv forest Specific activity fruits, Bq /kg 270 57 79 78

Transfer activ , blackberry dove-coloured , 2. 1 Transfer activ , wild apple , Transfer activ , blackberry dove-coloured , 2. 1 Transfer activ , wild apple , Transfer activ 1. 2 Transfer activ , rosa canina , 0. 6 Transfer activ 137 Cs from soil to plants Transfer activ , wild pear , 0. 2 Type of sample blackberry dove-coloured rosa canina wild pear wild apple Transfer activ 2, 1 0, 6 0, 2 1, 2

Factor accumulation , wild pear , Factor accumulation 1. 8 Factor accumulation , blackberry Factor accumulation , wild pear , Factor accumulation 1. 8 Factor accumulation , blackberry dovecoloured , 0. 7 Factor accumulation Intensity of accumulation from the plant to fruit Factor accumulation , rosa canina , Factor accumulation , wild apple , 0. 5 0. 4 Type of sample blackberry dove-coloured rosa canina wild pear wild apple Factor accumulation 0, 7 0, 5 1, 8 0, 4

CONCLUSIONS The study of the processes of accumulation and redistribution of 137 Cs in CONCLUSIONS The study of the processes of accumulation and redistribution of 137 Cs in some plants of the family Rosaceae Holosiiv forest set: 1. The density of 137 Cs contamination of soil at the experimental area is about 185 k. Bq/m 2 (5 Ci/km 2). 2. Determination of the specific activity of the vegetative parts of plants studied reflects a clear species-specific accumulation and enables us to construct a number of highest specific activity: blackberry dove-coloured → wild apple → brier canine → wild pear. 3. Transfer of radionuclides to plants species differences also reflect the intensity of accumulation with the highest values for plant shrub layer (blackberry dove-coloured).

4. The specific activity of the fruits studied plants typically ten times lower than 4. The specific activity of the fruits studied plants typically ten times lower than the specific activity of vegetative mass, confirming previously identified patterns of distribution of 137 Cs in plants. 5. Specific activity of wild fruits and berries representatives Rosaceae Holosiiv forest does not exceed the permissible levels of contamination for food (DR-2006) and can be consumed without restriction.

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