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Latin America is a heterogeneous mix of subregional economies n Small Central American and Latin America is a heterogeneous mix of subregional economies n Small Central American and Caribbean nations are highly dependent on exports of agricultural products and traditional manufactures like apparel n The Andean countries (Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Colombia) are almost exclusively primary-product exporters, with the exception of Colombia where manufactured exports make up one-third of the total. n Southern Cone countries (Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay) also emphasise primary products, although they have more developed manufacturing sectors than the Andean nations. n By contrast, in the region’s two largest economies – Brazil and Mexico – manufactured exports account for more than one-half and three quarters, respectively, of total exports.

Latin America is a heterogeneous mix of subregional economies n Furthermore, the dominance of Latin America is a heterogeneous mix of subregional economies n Furthermore, the dominance of Brazil and Mexico in the region’s exports increases in proportion to the technological complexity of goods: the two countries accounted in the late 1990 s, for 60% of traditional exports, 77% of basic intermediate inputs, and 85% of Latin America’s exports of advanced industrial products. n The acute financial crisis in Asia has contributed to the dramatic improvement in Latin America and the Caribbean’s position as a destination foreign direct investment (FDI) in the 1990 s, with the increase in FDI to the region doubling from US$ 33 billion to $65 billion between 1995 and 1997. n However, one-half of total FDI in 1997 went to just two countries, Brazil (30%) and Mexico (19%), reinforcing the existing disparities in the region.

NSI in LA nowadays n how structural reforms are influencing technological behaviour throughout the NSI in LA nowadays n how structural reforms are influencing technological behaviour throughout the Latin American production structure. n how trade liberalisation and market de-regulation efforts are affecting the way in which firms import, generate, adapt, diffuse and use new technologies n how the new patterns of behaviour compare with those prevailing during the import-substitution period.

NSI: the co-evolution of micro, meso and macroeconomic forces n 1 - At micro NSI: the co-evolution of micro, meso and macroeconomic forces n 1 - At micro level: learning strategy of each individual firm and its success along such front. ü How much does it spend in R&D and engineering activities ? ü How much does it get out of such expenditure in terms of new products and production processes or in terms of improvements of those that it already had? ü How much attention does it provide to human capital training interacting with universities, technical schools and the like?

Technological behaviour is determined by the co-evolution of micro, meso and macroeconomic forces n Technological behaviour is determined by the co-evolution of micro, meso and macroeconomic forces n 2 - At the meso level: – the competitive and technological regime in which each particular industry operates. – the spatial dimension - local innovative and productive systems n 3 - At the macro level: – The national and the international dimensions – Explicit versus implicit policies – Organisations, regulatory systems, institutions and public policies applied in the field of science and technology. ü How much does a country spend in R&D activities? ü What is the relative public/private involvement in knowledge generation and diffusion efforts? etc. ü What is the role of the financial sector?

PRODUCTION ORGANIZATION AND TECHNOLOGICAL BEHAVIOR DURING THE IMPORT SUBSTITUTION PERIOD. n Aggregate R&D spending PRODUCTION ORGANIZATION AND TECHNOLOGICAL BEHAVIOR DURING THE IMPORT SUBSTITUTION PERIOD. n Aggregate R&D spending and at the structure of the knowledgegeneration efforts undertaken by Latin American countries during the ISI period, – Expenditure in R&D as a percentage of GDP, has always been low in Latin America, especially if we compare with OECD countries and with the emerging economies of South-East Asia. – As a rule, R&D expenditure has never been much more than half a percentage point of GDP, even in the region's larger economies n The ‘nature’ of the innovative ‘culture’ - centered around public R&D agencies - that developed throughout those years.

Knowledge generation efforts in the public sector of the economy. n Public-sector enterprises and Knowledge generation efforts in the public sector of the economy. n Public-sector enterprises and R&D laboratories and technological institutes were created in Latin America during the Second World War and throughout the 1950 s. n The State took as its responsibility – the production of many goods and services, such as energy, transportation, telecommunications, urban sanitation services, etc. – the development of many of the so called heavy industries related to the defence sector of the economy, including iron and steel, petrochemicals or aluminium. n In order to expand into such activities governments found it necessary to design, build and maintain a large number of new production facilities. n Different public firms undertook responsibility for producing complex goods and services thus requiring a significant amount of technological capabilities and expertise.

Knowledge generation efforts in the public sector of the economy. n Geo-political issues played Knowledge generation efforts in the public sector of the economy. n Geo-political issues played a major role in explaining: – some of the scientific and technological efforts undertaken, for example, by Argentina or Brazil in order to develop domestic technological capabilities both in the nuclear field as well as in aeronautics. – Some policy decisions n Public sector undertook responsibility for establishing R&D institutes and laboratories, providing them with equipment, trained personnel and research budgets. n Armed forces played a role of their own in this sphere strongly influencing in many countries the nature of the scientific and technological activities thereafter undertaken.

Knowledge generation efforts in the public sector of the economy. n n State-owned public Knowledge generation efforts in the public sector of the economy. n n State-owned public utilities created their own engineering and R&D departments in order to study the specificity of local demand better to understand the nature of the locally-available natural resources. These engineering departments fulfilled a vital role in designing and maintaining the new production facilities brought on stream by public sector firms such as YPF, Pemex, Petrobras, etc. in the petroleum field, Usiminas (Brazil), Somisa (Argentina), Lázaro Cárdenas (Mexico) in the Iron and Steel industry, etc.

Knowledge generation efforts in the public sector of the economy. n n As a Knowledge generation efforts in the public sector of the economy. n n As a result, and within a short period of time, a large number of public R&D and engineering centers emerged, representing the core of the National System of Innovation of that period. This is where the bulk of S&T funds were spent, and where most of the human capital training took place during the post-war years. Pari pasu with the above a large number of public financial agencies (BANADE, BNDE, NAFINSA, CORFO, etc. ) emerged. These agencies took responsibility for the funding of large-scale investment projects, including technology.

Knowledge generation efforts in the public sector of the economy. n State with public Knowledge generation efforts in the public sector of the economy. n State with public banks and development agencies, designed and built up many large-scale production facilities in – ‘heavy industries’ – public services such as energy, telecommunications, etc. n n Numerous studies document the crucial role played by public agencies during the ISI period developing the scientific and technological infrastructure, training human resources, and designing and financing the erection of large-scale production facilities in the above mentioned fields. Far from telling a story of failure, many of these studies tell a story of success, resulting in the timely development of domestic technological capabilities.

Knowledge generation efforts in the public sector of the economy. n We also get Knowledge generation efforts in the public sector of the economy. n We also get a similar picture of success when we look at the performance of State-run agricultural institutes such as INTA in Argentina, EMBRAPA in Brazil, INIA in Chile, etc. n These agencies made great progress in the design and testing of agricultural equipment, in delivering agricultural extension services, etc.

Technology-generation efforts in the private sector of the economy. n Domestic subsidiaries of transnational Technology-generation efforts in the private sector of the economy. n Domestic subsidiaries of transnational corporations n Locally-owned companies – Small and medium-sized enterprises – Large domestic conglomerates

Domestic subsidiaries of transnational corporations n n A large number of foreign companies arrived Domestic subsidiaries of transnational corporations n n A large number of foreign companies arrived in the region in the second half of the 1950’s and throughout the 1960’s, bringing with them new product, process and organizational technologies that were often unknown in the domestic production environment. Local engineering capabilities and the functioning of the National Innovation System changed quite significantly as a consequence of their arrival. n These firms did not come to Latin America with the idea of developing a local technological infrastructure, but many of them found that they needed to do so in order to operate in a highly idiosyncratic production and institutional environment.

Domestic subsidiaries of transnational corporations n Given the firm-specific nature of much industrial technology, Domestic subsidiaries of transnational corporations n Given the firm-specific nature of much industrial technology, these enterprises had to ‘adapt’ to the local circumstances production routines and organizational know how that was originally created in their headquarters to be utilized in a very different context. n As a result many of these firms found it necessary to create "localized" engineering departments and supplier development programs that were geared to the needs, operational scale and organizational patterns of local production. n Such technological efforts could perhaps be regarded as ‘minor’ or ‘incremental’ although in more than a few occasions they demanded experimental work, the use of pilot plants, and involved a significant amount of new knowledge generation within the firm.

Locally-owned companies n Small and medium-sized enterprises, most of which were family-owned firms. – Locally-owned companies n Small and medium-sized enterprises, most of which were family-owned firms. – A large number of locally-owned SMEs developed in Latin America during the 1940’s and 1950’s induced by high tariff protection and subsidized government financing. – Many of these firms were family-owned companies that engaged themselves in the production of textiles and garments, footwear, machine tools, furniture, farm machinery, etc. – Even though many of these firms often started out as repair shops using second-hand machinery and very little under the form of production organization know how, it is to be noted that many of them grew quite rapidly during the 1950’s and 1960’s.

Locally-owned companies n Many of them managed to put together their own technical and Locally-owned companies n Many of them managed to put together their own technical and engineering departments, designing new products and developing new production processes, training their own workers and technicians and making rapid progress along a highly idiosyncratic long-term learning path. n Technological learning process in this type of firms was more haphazard and less systematic. n Focused primarily upon copying foreign product designs to which local consumers had become accustomed in the past, without worrying too much about issues of costs or quality.

Large domestic conglomerates n Raw material processing industries and produce highly standardized ‘commodities’ as Large domestic conglomerates n Raw material processing industries and produce highly standardized ‘commodities’ as pulp and paper, iron and steel, vegetable oil, cooper, petrochemicals etc. n These are mostly ‘machine-paced’ industries in which technical progress tends to be ‘embodied’ in new equipment and originates in the capital goods industries catering for their needs. n However, tend to carry out a significant amount of ‘in house’ engineering efforts with the purpose of ‘adapting’ to the local raw materials and production environment the ‘generic’ machinery and equipment they purchase from equipment suppliers.

Large domestic conglomerates n Many found it necessary to set up formal engineering departmentsin Large domestic conglomerates n Many found it necessary to set up formal engineering departmentsin order to – supply themselves with incremental units of technical know how with which to improve production processes and – understand the highly idiosyncratic nature of the local raw materials they were dealing with. n Unlike large industrial commodity producers in developed countries (pulp and paper in Sweden and Finland, cooper in Canada or Australia, etc. ), the large Latin American conglomerates engaged in raw material processing industries did not undertake significant efforts developing ‘in house’ engineering and R&D capabilities with the aim of increasing domestic value added moving into more complex products and ‘specialties’.

. An overview on the functioning of the national innovation system during the ISI . An overview on the functioning of the national innovation system during the ISI period. n Close to 80% of the R&D efforts carried out during the ISI period were financed by the Public sector and were performed by public labs and engineering departments of firms producing energy, telecom, etc. n National innovation systems of the ISI period also featured small ‘in house’ engineering departments of local subsidiaries of transnational corporations, of locally-owned conglomerates and of a large number of newly emerging family -owned SMEs n These different groups of firms – public enterprises, subsidiaries of large MNCs, family-owned SMES, etc. ) moved along a highly idiosyncratic and firm -specific learning curve, as they matured through time. n Each of them faced different needs and opportunities as far as technological and innovative behavior in concerned.

An overview on the functioning of the national innovation system during the ISI period. An overview on the functioning of the national innovation system during the ISI period. n Their technological interaction was very low: ‘National innovation systems’ developed as fragmented and uncoordinated aggregates which lacked in purpose and sense of direction. n State-owned enterprises established their R&D laboratories and engineering departments in order to design and operate a large number of new production facilities engaged in the production of public services such as energy or telecommunications, as well as a number of goods required by the defence sector of the economy. n For such purpose these firms undertook responsibility for the development of human capital and for the design and construction of many new production facilities. .

An overview on the functioning of the national innovation system during the ISI period. An overview on the functioning of the national innovation system during the ISI period. n n Several problems Some successes – Sectoral and local systems (as aircraft and telecom in Brazil; agroindustry systems) – Skill base – Infrastructure n Is the above picture changing, now that the region is moving toward trade liberalization and market deregulations?

CHANGES IN THE NATIONAL INNOVATION SYSTEM AS A RESUT OF TRADE LIBERALIZATION AND MARKET CHANGES IN THE NATIONAL INNOVATION SYSTEM AS A RESUT OF TRADE LIBERALIZATION AND MARKET DE-REGULATION EFFORTS. n Recent structural reforms and the rapid process of diffusion of computer-based production technologies, on the other, are significantly changing: – the technological behavior of individual economic agents, – the structure and performance of markets, and – the nature and functioning of the institutions and agencies that belong in the national innovation system of each of the countries in the region.

The 1990 s - How structural change (liberalization, deregulation and privatization) affected systems of The 1990 s - How structural change (liberalization, deregulation and privatization) affected systems of innovation in Latin America n 1 - Tariff protection on imported capital goods has been sharply reduced. – Less expensive and more easily accessible pieces of machinery and equipment have become available facilitating their substitution for locally-produced capital goods, as well as for engineering manpower and unskilled labor.

The 1990 s - How structural change (liberalization, deregulation and privatization) affected systems of The 1990 s - How structural change (liberalization, deregulation and privatization) affected systems of innovation in Latin America n 2 - ‘In house’ R&D efforts and engineering activities have been reduced by many firm in recent years. – Privatized companies (telecom, energy, transport, etc services which now operate on the basis of technology and engineering services brought from their respective headquarters and capital goods supplied by their international suppliers. – Domestic subsidiaries of large MNCs which have ‘de-verticalized’ their production organization routines becoming part of Internationally Integrated Production Systems (IIPS) coordinated by their respective headquarters.

The 1990 s - How structural change (liberalization, deregulation and privatization) affected systems of The 1990 s - How structural change (liberalization, deregulation and privatization) affected systems of innovation in Latin America 3 - New computer-based production technologies are rapidly diffusing in the economy making ‘realtime’ production organization a growing feature of the local production environment, at least among domestic subsidiaries of transnational corporations and large local conglomerates. – Such a transition demanded a rapid professionalization of management staff as well as the absorption of international quality control norms and standards. – This has not so far been succesfully undertaken by the large majority of family-owned SMEs.

The 1990 s - How structural change (liberalization, deregulation and privatization) affected systems of The 1990 s - How structural change (liberalization, deregulation and privatization) affected systems of innovation in Latin America n 4 - The privatization of State-owned public companies resulted in upgrading and modernization of telecommunications, water and sanitation, energy and transport services. – It is paradoxical that it has been obtained at the cost of a much smaller utilization of locally-available technological capabilities, – the new owners – themselves public companies from more developed industrial countries – reorganized their local operation on the basis of technology and engineering services brought from their respective headquarters or from international subcontractors.

The 1990 s - How structural change (liberalization, deregulation and privatization) affected systems of The 1990 s - How structural change (liberalization, deregulation and privatization) affected systems of innovation in Latin America n 5 - Public R&D institutes and laboratories – change in incentive regime access to public funding has been considerably reduced. – changed instructure and performance. – forced to search for funding in the private sector of the economy for as much as two thirds of their operating budget. n their response has been to downgrade their research efforts, concentrating on metrology, quality control routines and other standardized technical services to production, more easy to be sold to private firms in the economy.

The 1990 s - How structural change (liberalization, deregulation and privatization) affected systems of The 1990 s - How structural change (liberalization, deregulation and privatization) affected systems of innovation in Latin America n 6 - Government policies: – Demand-side subsidies for the allocation of R&D funds. – Promotion of University/industry links • Major public universities have now been transformed in quasiprivate organizations. – Intellectual property – rights have been significantly increased extending patentability to fields such as pharmaceuticals, computer software, microorganisms, etc. and gradually incorporating WTO disciplines.

Results n Market forces have induced the re-structuring of Latin American economies – in Results n Market forces have induced the re-structuring of Latin American economies – in the direction of ‘static’ comparative advantages, i. e. sectors making use of unskilled labour and natural resources, – against ‘knowledge-intensive’ activities involving the use of domestic engineering capabilities and more basic R&D efforts. n LA countries – specialized in low domestic value added commodities, – ‘price takers’ in extremely competitive international markets (pulp and paper, fishmeal, vegetable oil, steel, aluminum, etc). – external sector presents long term fragility (low demand elasticity of such commodities) – Contrarywise, they have become avid importers of engineering intensive capital goods and machinery.

Results n Very little of the ‘public-good’ nature of technology and of the need Results n Very little of the ‘public-good’ nature of technology and of the need for a ‘national strategy’ in the field of knowledge-generation and know -how dissemination activities normally to be found in more mature industrial societies has actually permeated to Latin American government spheres. n Orthodox policy making still regards technology as a pure private matter and the macro ‘fundamentals’ of the economy as the only set of forces government should be involved with. n There is very little debate in the region as to the complex institutional fabric underlying knowledge-generation and technological diffusion activities.

Strategies of MNCs in Latin America During the 1990 s Source: Cassiolato and Lastres Strategies of MNCs in Latin America During the 1990 s Source: Cassiolato and Lastres 2000 (adapted from CEPAL 2000)

Latin America – Trade Balance – Selected Countries Manufacturing Industry and Technology Intensive Sectors Latin America – Trade Balance – Selected Countries Manufacturing Industry and Technology Intensive Sectors (1970 -1999)