- Количество слайдов: 32
National Research Nuclear University «MEPh. I» Department «Elementary Particle Physics» INSTRUMENTS and FACILITY in HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS Dr B. A. Chernyshev Part 2 Interactions of Particles with Matter Lection 10 Leptons and Photons
Electromagnetic Interactions of Particles with Matter
Stopping Power (-d. E/dx) for Muons
Electromagnetic Interactions of Electrons with Matter Peculiar properties of ionization processes for electrons kinematics spin identity
Ionization Processes of Light and Heavy Particles A typical trajectory for an electron, a proton and alpha particle of 10 Me. V in silicon. The electron trajectory is drawn on a scale 10 times smaller than the others.
Stopping Power (-d. E/dx) for Electrons ionization losses radiation losses
Energy Loss Bremsstrahlung Е << meс2 1<< Е/meс2 <<137/Z 1/3 Е/meс2 >>137/Z 1/3
Radiation Length Distance over which the electron energy is reduced by a factor of 1/e due to radiation loss only. Approximate Formula - Dahl
Bremsstrahlung Photon Spectrum Approximate Formula (y=k/E)
Critical Energy Ec – energy at which ionization and bremsstrahlung loss are equal. Berger and Seltzer Ec. R Rossi
Extrapolation Energy Range Electron Energy, Me. V Matter 0. 05 0. 5 5 50 500 4. 1 160 2· 103 1. 7· 104 6. 3· 104 4. 7· 10 -3 0. 19 2. 6 19 78 Aliminium 2· 10 -3 0. 056 0. 95 4. 3 8. 6 Lead 5· 10 -4 0. 026 0. 30 1. 25 2. 5 Air Water
Positron Interaction with Matter Interaction of positrons in matter is described by the same relations as for electrons, but additionally taken into account annihilation effects Cross section ~ Z/ + at + << c, ~ Z/E+ at E+ >> me; “Time-Life" of the slow positron in a solid ~ 10 -10 с.
Electromagnetic Wave Scale 13. 6 e. V Range Wave Length Energy Radiowave Infrared radiation > 1 mm 760 nm ÷ 1 mm < 1. 2 me. V ÷ 1. 6 e. V Visible light Ultraviolet X-rays γ-quanta 380 nm ÷ 760 nm 120 Å ÷ 380 nm 0. 012 Å ÷ 120 Å < 0. 012 Å 1. 6 e. V ÷ 3. 2 e. V ÷ 100 e. V ÷ 1 Me. V > 1 Me. V
Photon Interaction with Matter Three basic processes of photon interaction with matter : - photoeffect; - Compton effect; - electron-positron pair production.
Photon Interaction with Matter
Photoelectric effect Atomic photoeffect Albert Einstein wins Nobel prize in 1921 for his work on explaining the photoelectric effect. Energy of emitted electron depends on energy of and NOT intensity of beam. Auger effect Characteristic X-rays
Theory of Atomic Photoeffect Nonrelativistic case (E << mec 2): n = P/P; e – photon polarization vector mec 2 >> E >> I (η << 1): Ultrarelativistic case (E -I >> mec 2): Total cross section
The Main Conclusions of the Photoeffect Theory Cross section ~ Z 5; Cross section decreases with increasing energy E : ~ (1/E )7/2, at E > IK; ~ 1/E , at E >> IK; Contribution of the K shell to cross section is ~ 80%.
Compton effect re = e 2/mc 2 = 2. 8 10 -13 cm, Classical electron radius.
The Main Properties of the Compton Scattering • Cross section ~ Z (incoherent sum of the contributions of atomic electrons); • Cross section decreases with increasing energy E : ≈ σT, at E << mec 2; ~ ln(E )/E , at E >> mec 2; • Nuclear contribution in cross section is very small, Classical nuclear radius rn = Z 2 e 2/(Mnc 2) ~ 10 -3 -10 -4 re.
Pair Production In the nuclear field electron-positron pair production becomes energetically possible at energy exceeding 2 mec 2 = 1, 022 Me. V. Energy of -quantum is transmitted into energies of pair and the recoil nucleus. Pair production is the dominant process of -quantum interaction with matter at energy 100 Me. V and above.
Pair Production Threshold Energy Pair Production in the frames of QED theory Probability of the Process
Pair Production Cross Section Nonrelativistic case (0 < E - 2 mec 2 << mec 2) Electron and positron momenta are predominantly perpendicular to -momentim Ultrarelativistic case (E >> mec 2) Electron and positron are flying in the direction of - quantum angle ~ me c 2 / E
Probability of pair production Radiation Length
Linear energy-absorption coefficient [cm-1]: Mass energy-absorption coefficient μ [cm 2/g]
Electromagnetic Cascade Simple model
Very Simple Model of Electromagnetic Cascade
Parameters of Electromagnetic Cascade
Simulation of Electromagnetic Cascade
Electromagnetic Cascade
Longitudinal and transverse shower profiles with passage of electrons through the Pb. WO 4 Ee = 1, 100, 1000 Ge. V Ee = 1 and 1000 Ge. V