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NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP & SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT (NIESBUD) “setting standards in entrepreneurship and small Business development since 1983” NIESBUD, Noida, India
Vision and Mission Vision To aid and assist the spread of entrepreneurial culture among different target groups Mission To be in a position to promote enterprise creation and provide sustenance to enterprises through different interventions : training, research, consultancy, mentoring services 2
Major Activities Training; Research; Training Aids; Incubation Facilities; Hand-holding Support; Cluster Interventions; Promotional Measures Entrepreneurship; Consultancy Services for spread of 3
Training Programmes during the last 5 years Sl. No. Year No. of Prog -rammes * No. of Beneficiaries * i 2007 -08 152 (x) 6, 178 (x) ii 2008 -09 262 (72) 10, 093 (63) iii 2009 -10 355 (36) 12, 238 (21) iv 2010 -11 938 (164) 25, 864 (111) v 2011 -12 1, 465 (56) 36, 235 (40) * Growth Rates (%) have been given in the brackets. 4
Salient Features of Training Programmes Majority of the EDPs/ESDPs being organized under the ATI Scheme of the Ministry of MSME; Continued efforts for organizing Training of Trainers (To. T)/ Promoters; Emphasis on announced/ marketdriven training activities; 5
Salient Features of Training Programmes (Cont’d…) Tailor-made training activities for focussed target groups; Focus on emerging areas and those with high employability; Close and continuous Monitoring of the off-Campus training activities for maintaining quality and efficiency. 6
Research & Evaluation Study of the Schemes of different Ministries/ Departments/ PSUs etc. ; Training Need Assessment : Skill Gaps; Base-Line Surveys; Industrial Potential Surveys; Preparation of Project Profiles. 7
Cluster Interventions Monitoring & Evaluation of 10 KVIC and 04 Coir Clusters as Technical Agency under SFURTI Scheme; Soft Intervention in 11 Industrial Clusters as an Implementing Agency; Setting up of Common Facility Centre (CFC) in Scissors Cluster, Meerut; EDPs/ESDPs in different Clusters under ATI Scheme of the Ministry of MSME. 8
International Training Programmes 8 -weeks’ training programmes under SCAAP/ITEC/ Colombo Plan Fellowships; Number of training programmes increased from 07 in 2007 -08 to 12 during 2012 -13 with 03 new Programmes; 9
Training-cum-Incubation Centre : Garment Manufacturing Operational since 2007 -08; Equipped with modern machines for different operations; Organizing short term training activities in different aspects of the field; Assistance in forming Self-Help Groups (SHGs) especially to women; 10
Hand-holding Support To Trainees • Increased focus on providing Handholding support for promoting enterprise creation; • Facilitating the participants in ◦ - Project Preparation, ◦ - Marketing Plans, ◦ - Credit Disbursement. 11
Employment Opportunities for Trainees Increased interaction with trade/industry/associations etc. Involvement of the local placement agencies Organizing/Participation in Job Fair(s). 12
Recent Initiatives - Policy Assisting the Standardization Committee; Assisting the formulation of a National Policy on Entrepreneurship; Assisted the finalization of Report of the Working Group of MSME Growth for 12 th Five year Plan; Facilitated finalization of modalities of Collaboration for making PMEGP effective; Contributed towards revision of guidelines under ATI Scheme; Adoption of Vaishali, Bihar for preparing and implementing Village Level Action Plan. 13
Recent Initiatives – Academic Formation of an Academic Council of professionals/experts; orientation towards Research and related activities; Publishing Books on ESDPs; Designing and organizing new training programmes for different targets groups; Introduction of E-Leaning Module on Entrepreneurship Development; Launching the Project Management Certification Programmes for Students and 14 working Executives;
Recent Initiatives – Academic (Cont’d…) Strengthening of Monitoring Mechanism imparting efficiency to off-campus activities: ◦ ◦ ◦ for Tele-calling Involvement of the State Governments Surprise visits by Institute’s Teams, District Officials etc. Sending SMSs Web-based Video Conferencing through ‘SKYPE’; Collaboration with reputed Universities, Management Institutions etc. ; Intellectual Property Facilitation Centre (IPFC) made operational with the assistance of the O/o DC (MSME); 15
Recent Collaborative Activities Collaboration with International Finance Corporation (IFC) for To. T; Association with GIZ for Building Capacity of MSME Industry Associations; Cooperating with Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) for reviewing the Text Books on Entrepreneurship for Class XI & XII, Training of Teachers, undertaking measures for popularizing Entrepreneurship among Schools/Students etc. ; Joining hands with CBSE in launching and implementing Waves of Change: Bringing Booklet “Earn while you Learn”; Collaboration with established/reputed educational and professional Institutions/organizations. 16
Outreach of the Institute Empanelment of 39 organizations as Partner Institutions (PIs); 17
Recent Initiatives - Others Initiation of acquisition of ISO - 9000 : 2008 Certification; Evolution of Participatory and Transparent Management ; Focus on increasing Productivity through high morale and creation of an enabling working environment; Strengthening of the Vigilance Mechanism; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiatives; Improving the Physical Infrastructure of the Institute; Initiation of the Green Initiative through reduction of the paper work and increased plantation of trees, shrubs etc. ; Emphasis on filling up of vacant posts; Proposal for further strengthening of manpower base. 18
Financial Self-Sufficiency Financially self-sufficient since 2007 -08; Revenue rose from Rs. 302. 56 lakh in 2007 -08 to Rs. 2, 366 lakh during 2011 -12; Diversifying the revenue base for sustenance of self -sufficiency over a period of time; Creation of a Corpus Fund of Rs. 25 crore: As on March 31, 2012, Rs. 333. 37 lakh; Savings of 24% under ATI Scheme; Marked Improvement in Productivity of the Employees to Rs. 35. 34 lakh during 2011 -12 from the levels of Rs. 5. 83 lakh during 2007 -08. 19
Revenue Generation : Growth Rates (Rs. In lakh) Year Revenue Generated Growth over previous year (%) 2007 -08 302. 56 X 2008 -09 368. 61 22 2009 -10 444. 36 21 2010 -11 1891. 65 326 2011 -12 2366. 00 25 20
FUTURE STRATEGY Networking with developmental organizations (Governmental/ NGOs); Accelerating the rate of enterprise creation; Capacity Building of existing MSMEs; Creating a National Resource Centre; Harbouring innovation and experimentation. 21
ACTION PLAN (For the next 3 years) All efforts to sustain the Institute with action and financial stability; Increased visibility in National and International Forums Research and Documentation: Strengthen the delivery mechanism of the ESDPs Entrepreneurship and Education Training of Trainers Management Development Programmes 22
ACTION PLAN (For the next 5 years) Becoming Centre of Excellence in Entrepreneurship Education and Development; Catalytic Role in effective implementation of MSME Policy; Emerging as one of the potential nodal agencies for MSME/Entrepreneurship University; Sustaining Self reliance through Market Driven Activities. 23
Challenges/Issues of Concern Research Publications Incubation Services Post Training follow-up Effective engagement with existing MSMEs 24