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DETAILS OF SPMU (IN POSITION), STAFF STRENGTH ETC. § SPMU Odisha has been formed vide notification no. 13675/WR dt. 10/06/2016 of Do. WR, Go. VT of Odisha. §SPMU structure : 1. Project Coordinator; 2. Project Director(NHP): 3. Nodal Officer(SW): 4. Nodal Officer(GW): EIC(P & D), WR Director, Costal Protection & River Training, BBSR. Director Hydrometry, BBSR. Supdt. Engineer, GWD, BBSR. §PMU-Odisha. GW has been constituted by the Project Coordinator(NHP Odisha) Vide order no. 28335 dt. 06/08/2016. PMU[Odisha GW) Structure: 1. B. R. Padhee, SE, -Nodal Officer, Odisha-GW. 2. Er. Anup K. Das, EE -Hydrologist. 3. Er. S. K. Pattnaik AEE(C) -Hydromet Instrumentation Expert. 4. Sri B. K. Sahoo, Geologist -Hydrogeologist. 5. Er. Suparna Nayak, AEE(M) -Procurement specialist. 6. Sri B. P. Padhee, Geologist -GIS Expert. All are in position at present and working in addition to their routine responsibility. Moreover, this Directorate has suggested to appoint the following categories of manpower to work in PMU cell(Odisha-GW). a) Asst. Accountant-1 no. ; b) Comp. Operator cum-Office Assistant-2 nos. c) Security Guard-1 no. ; d) Office Attendant for PMU cell-1 no. Besides, the field Divisions have requested to engage security personel and office assistants for their Divisions which will be submitted to the higher authority for approval.
FUNDS RECEIVED(2016 -17), (2017 -18) & EXPENDITURE TILL DATE YEAR WISE FY 2016 -17: INR 17. 74 Lakhs. FY 2017 -18: INR 0. 0 Expenditure incurred so far “NIL”.
MAJOR PROCUREMENT ITEM IN PIP (ITEM CODE, ITEM AND AMOUNT): Sl No. Item Code Item Name Amt. (INR lakhs) 1 A 1. 2. 01 DWLR with Telemetry 1000 2 A 1. 2. 02 Medium Piezometers 600 3 A 1. 2. 03 Deep Piezometers 130 4 A 1. 4. 01 DWLR+WQProbe with Telemetry 250 5 A 1. 6. 01 to A 1. 6. 05 Water Quality Lab Equipment (5 Pkgs) 6 A 1. 8. 06 Benchmark & RL Survey 7 A 3. 1. 02 CIvil works for Construction of State data Centre (New) 270. 0 8 A 3. 2. 01 Renovation /Repair of existing Divisional data Centre 110. 0 9 A 3. 3. 01 Procurement of Office Furniture & Non ITC equipment for state data Centre 100. 0 10 A 3. 4. 01 to A 3. 4. 15 IT Hardware & Soft. Ware(Desktop, printer, power supply and online UPS, scanner, OS etc. ) 11 A 3. 5. 01 to A 3. 5. 04 Arc GIS, 2 D Modelling software, MS Office, Anti virus etc. ) 12 C 2. 1. 04 PDS 1: Study on GW Pollution in Twin City of Cuttack. Bhubaneswar - COnsultancy 13 C 2. 2. 04 PDS 2: Determining measures suitable & effective for artificial Recharge to GW in hard rock tarrin of Kalahandi, Nuapada, sundergarh & malkanagiri districts Odisha - Consultancy 250. 0 14 C 2. 2. 05 PDS 3: Identification of Freshwater zone in Coastal areas of Odisha - Consultancy 200. 0 15 C 2. 2. 06 PDS 4: Impact assessment Study of Rooftop Rainwater harvesting & GW recharge in 5 Cities/ Towns of Odisha Consultancy 125. 0 16 D 3. 1. 02 Inspection Vehicle (New) 17 D 3. 2. 03 Hiring of Vehicles (8 yrs Operation) 152. 3 75. 0 135. 20 62. 25 30. 0 40. 0 150. 0
MAJOR PROCUREMENT ITEM IN AWP 2016 -17 & THEIR STATUS(ITEM CODE, ITEM AND AMOUNT): Sl No. Item Code Item Name Amt. (INR lakhs) 1 A 3. 4. 01 Desktop Computers with OS 3. 5 2 A 3. 4. 03 Laptop with OS 3. 5 3 A 3. 4. 14 Power Supply & On-Line UPS for data centre 2. 00 4 A 3. 5. 02 Microsoft Office ( Multi User Lic) 1. 00 5 A 3. 5. 03 Antivirus 0. 50
MAJOR PROCUREMENT ITEM IN AWP 2017 -18 & THEIR STATUS(ITEM CODE, ITEM AND AMOUNT): Sl No. Item Code Item Name Amt. (INR lakhs) A 1. 2. 01 Medium Piezometers A 1. 2. 03 Deep Piezometers 3 A 3. 1. 01 Consultancy for design, architecture etc for State Data Centre (New) 10. 0 4 A 3. 2. 01 Renovation /Repair of existing Divisional data Centre 11. 0 1 2 A 3. 4. 01 5 A 3. 4. 03 A 3. 4. 10 IT Hardware & Soft. Ware(Desktop, printer, power supply and online UPS, scanner, OS etc. ) 120. 00 26. 0 19. 5 A 3. 4. 11 6 A 3. 5. 02 A 3. 5. 03 MS Office, Anti virus 7 D 3. 1. 01 Cost of infrastructure & furnishing of SPMU 4. 25 5. 0
PHYSICAL PROGRESS-COMPLETED, PROCESS UNDERWAY, PROPOSED: - COMPLETED: - Identification of 143 sites for installation of new Piezometers. PROCESS UNDERWAY: -Bid document for installation of 143 Piezometers under process. PROPOSED: -Procurement of IT hardware & software through bidding process. (since GEMS/DGS&D can not be followed at present in the state)
STATUS OF VARIOUS STUDIES/PDS ETC. : - Various studies/PDS have been Programmed during FY 2018 -19.
STATUS OF DATA ENTRY IN E-SWIS: - Data entry in E-SWIS ; not related to Odisha-GW.
STATUS OF HYDROMET STATION (BOTH GW & SW), RECOINCILIATION WITH STATE, CGWB, CWC, IMD ETC. Total existing piezometers: 649. Total proposed Piezometers in PIP: 700. Piezometers Proposed during FY 2017 -18 : 143. Reconciled with CGWB, Integrated by SER, CGWB. Identifying suitable locations for installation of telemetry systems in existing Piezometers under progress.
STATUS OF STATE WRIS Not yet started. Requires advice & support from TAMC.
STATUS PUBLIC FINANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM(PFMS): Registered with PFMS. Expenditure not incurred till yet. PFMS guidelines will be followed.
ANY OTHER ISSUES: TAMC support is required for preparation & finalizing bid documents (for DWLR, WQ equipments engagement of consultants & other procurements.
WAY FORWARD: Do. WR has communicated the approval of AWP 2017 -18 amounting to Rs. 299. 87 lakhs vide letter No. 18816/WR Bhubaneswar, dtd 03/08/2017 after which the funds will be utilized way forward.