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National Food Security Mission Executive Committee Meeting Date: 16 th May, 2012 GUJARAT STATE National Food Security Mission Executive Committee Meeting Date: 16 th May, 2012 GUJARAT STATE Presented by : S. J. Solanki Jt. Dir. Agri(Pulse), Guj. State. , Gandhinagar.

Area Production and Productivity statistics for NFSM districts of Gujarat State from 2006 -07 Area Production and Productivity statistics for NFSM districts of Gujarat State from 2006 -07 to 2011 -12

Area, Production and Yield statistics of Gujarat State (Area in lakh ha, Prod. In Area, Production and Yield statistics of Gujarat State (Area in lakh ha, Prod. In lakh MT & Yield in Kg/ha) Year Districts 2006 -07 Rice Wheat Pulses A P Y NFSM Districts 1. 17 0. 90 783 3. 61 8. 28 2294 3. 08 1. 79 632 Non-NFSM Districts 5. 73 10. 51 1025 7. 11 19. 63 2760 5. 18 3. 72 739 2007 -08 NFSM Districts 1. 18 1. 23 1042 4. 17 10. 40 2492 6. 63 5. 69 858 Non-NFSM Districts 6. 41 13. 52 2109 8. 57 27. 98 3266 2. 18 1. 75 803 2008 -09 NFSM Districts 1. 09 0. 78 715 3. 50 6. 57 1876 5. 61 4. 32 771 Non-NFSM Districts 6. 39 12. 25 1918 7. 41 19. 36 2611 2. 23 1. 77 793 2009 -10 NFSM Districts 0. 91 0. 38 419 3. 34 8. 22 2458 5. 32 3. 86 725 Non-NFSM Districts 5. 88 12. 55 2133 5. 44 15. 30 2813 2. 04 1. 34 659 2010 -11 NFSM Districts 1. 07 0. 93 872 5. 49 14. 60 2661 Non-NFSM Districts 8. 90 7. 22 811 7. 01 15. 73 2242 10. 40 35. 53 3417 2011 -12* NFSM Districts 1. 06 0. 92 863 5. 13 15. 89 3100 9. 43 7. 58 804 Non-NFSM Districts 8. 03 24. 89 3100 6. 22 13. 32 2142 Note: Data of Area , Production & Yield is based on final forecast. *as per 3 rd advance estimates year 2011 -12. # All districts of Gujarat State are covered under pulses from 2010 -11

18 Production scenario for NFSM districts 16 14 Production( in lakh MT) 12 10 18 Production scenario for NFSM districts 16 14 Production( in lakh MT) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2006 -07(Base year) 2007 -08 2008 -09 2009 -10 2010 -11 2011 -12 Rice 0. 9 1. 23 0. 78 0. 380000001 0. 93 0. 92 Wheat 10. 4 6. 57 8. 22 14. 6 15. 89 Pulses 1. 79 5. 69 4. 32 3. 86 7. 22 7. 58

3500 Crop wise Productivity scenario under NFSM 3000 Yield in Kg/ha. 2500 2000 1500 3500 Crop wise Productivity scenario under NFSM 3000 Yield in Kg/ha. 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Rice Wheat Pulse 2006 -07 783 2294 632 2007 -08 1042 2492 858 2008 -09 715 1876 771 2009 -10 419 2458 725 2010 -11 872 2661 811 2011 -12 863 3100 804

Physical & Financial Progress Report NFSM Year 2011 -12 Physical & Financial Progress Report NFSM Year 2011 -12

Grant Received During Year 2011 -12 & Achievement (Rs. In lakh) Crop Total grant Grant Received During Year 2011 -12 & Achievement (Rs. In lakh) Crop Total grant available Grant Utilized % Achievement 1 NFSM-Rice 189. 50 193. 66 102. 20 2 NFSM-Wheat 613. 39 534. 34 87. 11 NFSM-Pulse 1351. 62 1445. 87 106. 97 A 3 P 803. 00 748. 78 93. 25 2957. 51 2922. 64 98. 82 Sr No 3 Year 2011 -12 4 TOTAL

Financial Statement of Year 2011 -12 (NFSM scheme) Rs. In lakh CROP Total Unspent Financial Statement of Year 2011 -12 (NFSM scheme) Rs. In lakh CROP Total Unspent as Fund Expenditure Total Fund Provision on Released in during year available for 2011 -12 01/04/2011 year 2011 -12 Rice 189. 50 71. 00 118. 50 189. 50 193. 66 Wheat 614. 89 6. 00 607. 39 613. 39 534. 34 Pulse 1351. 62 -199. 00 1550. 62 1351. 62 1445. 87 SUBTOTAL 2156. 01 -122. 00 2276. 51 2154. 51 2173. 87 A 3 P 870. 30 248. 00 555. 00 803. 00 748. 78 TOTAL 3026. 31 126. 00 2831. 51 2957. 51 2922. 64

National Food Security Mission-Rice (Provisional) March - 2012 Rs. In Lakh Sr. No. 1 National Food Security Mission-Rice (Provisional) March - 2012 Rs. In Lakh Sr. No. 1 1 Approved intrventions Unit 2 3 Demonstration on imroved package of practice. (One demo. Nos. Of 0. 4 ha at every 100 ha of Rice area. ) Target Phy. Fin. 4 5 Achivement Phy. Fin. 6 7 280 7. 00 280 5. 22 100 75 Achivement (%) Phy. Fin. 8 9 2 Demonstration on System of Rice Intensification ( SRI)- one demo. Of 0. 4 ha at every 100 ha of Rice area Nos. 60 1. 80 72 1. 89 120 105 3 Demonstrations on Hybrid Rice Tech. (One demo. Of 0. 4 ha Nos. at every 100 ha of Rice area. ) Assistance for Distribution of HYVs. Seeds. Qtl. Seed Minikits of Rice: (A) HYVs (5 kg each) Nos. (B) Hybrid (6 kg each) Nos. Incentive for Micro Nutrients Ha. Incentive for Liming in Acidic Soils Ha. Sub-Total INM (item 6+7) Assistance for Plant Protection Chemicals and Bio-agent Ha. Nos. Incentive for Conoweeder & other Farm Implements. Nos. Incentive on Knap Sack Sprayers. Nos. Incentive on Seed Drills. Nos. Incentive on Rotavators. Sub-Total Machinaery (item 9 to 12) Incentive on Pump Sets Nos. Farmers Trainings (One FFS at every 1000 ha. ) Nos. Award for Best Performing Districts Nos. Local Initiatives (Activity not specified) Rs. TOTAL FINANCE 10 0. 30 10 0. 22 100 73 2853 0 0 4325 4874 814 1614 21 21 2470 334 16 990 14. 26 0. 00 21. 62 24. 50 17. 27 22. 99 3. 02 5. 95 49. 23 33. 25 2. 11 41. 36 193. 66 143 0 0 108 122 163 161 53 105 158 134 80 0 0 143 0 0 108 123 115 77 50 99 86 133 62 0 103 102 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2000 10. 00 0 0. 00 4000 20. 00 500 15. 00 1000 30. 00 40 6. 00 20 6. 00 1560 57 250 25. 00 20 3. 40 1 5. 00 0 40. 00 189. 50

National Food Security Mission-Wheat (Provisional) March - 2012 Sr. No. Intrventions Unit 1 2 National Food Security Mission-Wheat (Provisional) March - 2012 Sr. No. Intrventions Unit 1 2 3 Target Phy. Fin. 4 5 Achivement Phy. Fin. 6 7 1261 Rs. In (Lakhs) Achivement (%) Phy. Fin. 8 9 1 Demonstration on imroved package of practice (One Demonstration of 0. 4 ha at every 50 ha of Wheat area ) Nos. 1300 22. 17 97 85 2 Distribution of Certified Seed of HYVs (SRR) Qtl. 46000 230. 00 34700 140. 13 75 64 3 Distribution of Seed Minikits of HYVs of Wheat (10 kg each) Nos. 0 0. 00 1344 0. 00 0 0 4 Incentive for Micro Nutrients Ha. 16000 80. 00 12602 57. 12 79 71 5 Incentive for Gypsum (Salt affected soils). Ha. 10000 50. 00 13065 88. 96 131 178 Sub-Total INM (Item 4+5) Ha. 26000 130. 00 25667 146. 08 99 112 6 Incentive on Knap Sack Sprayers. Nos. 500 15. 00 834 10. 78 167 72 7 Incentive on Zero Till Seed Drills Nos. 0 0. 00 0 0 8 Nos. Ha. 0 0. 00 0 0 90 210 10. 50 63. 00 66 320 9. 77 108. 94 73 152 93 161 800 88. 50 1220 129. 49 153 138 11 12 Incentive on Multi-crop Planters Incentive on Seed Drills. Incentive on Rotavators Sub-Total Machinary (Item 6+10) Incentive on Pump Sets Incentive for Sprinkler Sets 0 100 0. 00 7. 50 109 70 10. 90 3. 65 0 70 0 49 13 Farmers Trainings (One FFS at every 1000 ha) 50 8. 50 48 7. 06 96 83 1 5. 00 0 0 5 25. 52 0 21. 90 0 86 1 13. 87 0 2. 69 0 19 0 80. 00 50 50. 27 0 63 614. 89 534. 34 9 10 14 15 16 Nos. of Award for Best performing Districts Disst. Nos. of Miscellaneous Expenses (a) PMT & Other expen. at Dist. level Disst. Nos. of (b) PMT & Other expen. at State level State Local Initiative (Activity-wise) Rs. TOTAL FINANCE 26. 00 87

National Food Security Mission-Pulses (Provisonal) March - 2012 Rs. In lakhs Sr. No. 1 National Food Security Mission-Pulses (Provisonal) March - 2012 Rs. In lakhs Sr. No. 1 Approved intrventions Unit 2 Seeds: (i) Purchase of Breeder Seeds of Pulses from ICAR (ii) Production of Foundation Seeds. (iii) Production of Certified Seeds. Sub-Total (ii+iii) (iv) Distribution of Certified seeds Organisation of Technology Demo. 0. 4 ha. Intigrated Nutrient Management (a) Lime/Gypsum (b) Micro- Nutrients (c ) Rizobium Culture/PSB distribution Sub-Total INM (3 -a to 3 -c) Intigrated Pest Management (IPM) Assistance for Distribution of P P Chemicals weedicide Sub-Total IPM (4 to 6) Incentive for Knap Sack Sprayers Distribution of Seed Drills. Zeero Tillage Seed Drills Distribution of Rotavators Lazer Land Leveler Sub-Total Machinery (Items 7 to 10) Distribution of Sprinkler Sets. Incentive for Pump sets Insentive for open pipeline (a) Extension, Training including Award to Best Performing District 3 Qtls. Qtl. Nos. Ha. Ha. Nos. Ha. Nos. (i) Training on Patter of FFS (ii) State Level Training of Trainers (iii) Award for Best Performing District Nos. No. 16 Local Initiative (Activity Not Specified) Miscellaneous Expenses & PMT (a)District level (Existing NFSM Disrtict) 17 (b)State level (c ) Misc. expenses to State for other disrtict TOTAL FINANCE Rs. Rs. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Target Phy. Fin. 4 5 200 10. 47 8000 80. 00 150. 00 23200 240. 47 20000 240. 00 0 0. 00 10000 75. 00 10000 50. 00 10000 10. 00 30000 135. 00 13000 97. 50 13000 65. 00 500 2. 50 26500 165. 00 500 15. 00 200 30. 00 10 1. 50 300 90. 00 0 0. 00 1010 136. 5 200 15. 00 50. 00 350 52. 50 Achivement Phy. Fin. 6 7 53 4. 25 1198 11. 98 22736 227. 36 23987 243. 59 23662 194. 44 978 15. 15 0 0 19312 134. 75 16909 79. 36 16779 4. 38 53000 218. 49 14623 77. 77 14494 61. 64 595 2. 35 29712 141. 76 1253 15. 4 163 23. 63 2 0. 55 450 134. 99 30 45. 00 1898 219. 57 145 7. 38 895 85. 94 1377 79. 47 Achivement (%) Phy. Fin. 8 9 27 41 15 15 152 103 101 118 81 193 180 169 159 168 44 177 162 112 80 111 95 119 94 112 86 251 103 82 79 20 37 150 188 161 73 49 172 393 151 0 0 110 3 1 0 11 1 18. 70 3. 00 5. 00 220. 00 49. 17 6. 28 15. 00 1351. 62 412 0 0 1695 0 0 17. 99 0 0 171. 95 0 23. 29 3. 56 23. 29 1445. 87 375 0 0 0 96 0 0 78 47 57 155 107 15

NFSM Provisional Utilization Certificate for the Year 2011 -12 GUJARAT State (Provided by ATMA) NFSM Provisional Utilization Certificate for the Year 2011 -12 GUJARAT State (Provided by ATMA) Item Sr. No. Amount (Rs. In lakh) 1 Opening Balance as on 1/4/2011 274. 07 2 Fund Received 2831. 51 3 Other receipt including interest 2570. 66 4 Total Fund 3131. 29 5 Provisional expenditure up to 31/3/2012 2934. 66 6 Closing Balance as on 31/3/2012 196. 63

Physical and Financial Progress under A 3 P during 2011 -12 for Gujarat State Physical and Financial Progress under A 3 P during 2011 -12 for Gujarat State Sr. No. Crop 1 Pegionpea 2 Udid 3 Moong 4 Gram State Total Achievement Target Area Expenditure (in ha) District (in ha) (Rs. In lakh) 3000 136. 29 Vadodara 1000 45. 04 Sabarkantha 7000 Banaskantha 1000 35. 96 2000 90. 42 Bharuch 7000 307. 71 Total 2000 Dahod 2000 78. 07 3000 116. 12 Banaskantha 5000 Kutch 2000 63. 52 5000 179. 64 Total 2000 105. 88 2000 Dahod 16000 671. 30 16000

PMT (Technical Assistants) for NFSM at District Level Wheat Sr. No Districts Sanction ed PMT (Technical Assistants) for NFSM at District Level Wheat Sr. No Districts Sanction ed post Filled post Pulses Vaccant Sanction post ed post Filled post Total Vaccant Sanction post ed post Filled post Vaccant post 1 Jamnagar 0 - - 2 0 2 2 Palanpur 4 1 3 2 1 1 6 2 4 3 Himmatnagar 4 1 3 2 0 2 6 1 5 4 Dahod 0 - - 2 0 2 5 Gandhinagar (H. Q. ) 2 1 1 2 2 0 4 3 1 6 Bharuch 0 - - 2 0 2 7 Bhuj 0 - - 2 0 2 8 Patan 0 - - 2 2 2 0 2 9 A'bad 4 2 2 0 - - 4 2 2 10 Mahesana 4 2 2 0 - - 4 2 2 11 Vadodara 0 - - 2 2 0 12 Godhara 0 - - 2 1 1 13 Rajpipla 0 - - 2 1 1 14 Surat 0 - - 2 0 2 2 0 2 18 7 11 24 7 17 42 14 28 Total

Proposed Annual Action Plan for 2012 -13 for Gujarat State (Rs. In lakh) Sr. Proposed Annual Action Plan for 2012 -13 for Gujarat State (Rs. In lakh) Sr. No. Component Targets worked out by GOI Targets suggested by State 1 Rice 238. 18 239. 01 2 Pulse 1931. 90 1994. 20 3 Wheat 687. 703 752. 71 4 A 3 P 1994. 00 Total 4851. 78 4979. 92

Special Initiatives and overall impact of NFSM Ø Timely supply of inputs by periodically Special Initiatives and overall impact of NFSM Ø Timely supply of inputs by periodically co-ordination and monitoring. Ø Well in advance target allocation to district levels. Ø Deputing district level nodal officer of the rank of Joint Director who monitor the progress and implementation of the scheme on weekly bases. Ø Established separate NFSM Cell at State level. Ø Separate bank accounts for NFSM at state and district level. Ø Identification of beneficiaries during Krushi Mahotsav in consultation with village level bodies. Ø Overall production has increased with implementation of NFSM. Ø Farmers welcomed A 3 P concept

Strategies under NFSM during 2012 -13 and input planning for Kharif- 2012 Ø Timely Strategies under NFSM during 2012 -13 and input planning for Kharif- 2012 Ø Timely allocation of targets. Ø Instruction for the identifying the beneficiaries during Krushimahotsav- 2012. Ø Meeting for input Planning for Kharif-2012 with the stake holders. Ø Finalization of input package for A 3 P 2012 with the SAU’s. Ø Efforts for making available PMT at state as well as district level.

Issues to be looked in Ø Revision in the basic education qualification and experience Issues to be looked in Ø Revision in the basic education qualification and experience criteria, highly needed Ø Relaxation in the age criteria for the certified seed distribution component. Ø Contegency or miscellaneous expenditure provision should be raised up to 3 lakh and 5 lakh for district and state respectively per year and per crop. Ø PMT should be provided to all districts and crops in respective of allocation.

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