National dress is the treasure of the people, the emblem of country’s culture and traditions, displaying way of their life. Folk clothing carries the centuries-old traditions and customs of the regions, changing and improving. Traditions concerning national costume, passed down from generation to generation. Each nation has its own national dress. Now it is an important part of modern life.
England although England is a country rich in folklore and traditions it has no definitive national costume.
The most well-known folk costumes are those of the Morris dancers. They can be seen in many country villages during the summer months performing folk dances that once held ritualistic and magical meanings associated with the awakening of the earth.
The costume varies from team to team, but basically consists of white trousers, a white shirt, a pad of bells worn around the calf of the leg, and a hat made of felt or straw, decorated with ribbons and flowers.
Morris dancing was originally an all -male tradition, but now some teams contain women, too. The bells and ribbons are said to banish (отгонять) harm and bring the fortune.
The British have a recognizable English uniform. The costume of Beefeaters (the guards of the Tower of London) is the most famous. It consists of a gold embroidered scarlet camisole with a frilled collar , stockings and a black round hat with fields. The uniform used to be dark blue, but in 1549 it became scarlet.
Sometimes this typical English uniform is called “ Tudor Royal Dress”. Nowadays this bright wartime dress is a symbol of conservatism and love of traditions. Nowadays it is worn by the guards only at the official ceremonies.
Polo T-shirts first appeared in England were used by polo players. That’s why they got the name of this sport.
The word “sweater” comes from the verb “sweat” which means “потеть”. Initially this kind of clothing was used to get warm.
The word “pullover” is also English. It means “одевать сверху” This type of clothing was very comfortable for sailors and officers as it was easy to put on and warm to wear. Besides it didn’t have any buttons or clasps.
In 1853 -56 during Crimean War where England took place the winters were very cold and windy. That’s why Lord Cardigan brought his soldiers a wool collarless jacket with a deep neckline. It was better suited for wearing under a uniform. Nowadays they are worn both by women and men. Due to this brave and clever General we’ve got this kind of warm clothes.
First a jumper was invented as the type of sports clothes. The word “jumper” means «прыгун» . But since 1920 -s jumpers became more common and were worn not only for sports but also for resting.
At the beginning of XIX century the first Duke Wellington asked his shoemaker to modify his old boots. They became more modern, slim and lost their high heels and sockets (раструбы). New boots have got the name of his master. Wellingtons (Wellington boots) are still popular all over the world. They are usually worn by troopers and horsemen.