- Количество слайдов: 39
MAJOR FINAL OUTPUT ACCOMPLISHMENT IMPACT Finance Section (Budget/Accounting/Cashier) 1. Budget for Prepared/Consolidated and FY 2013 and submitted the following budget documents: FY 2014 • FY 2013 WFP • FY 2012 Actual Obligation & FY 2013 Current Year Program • NCDA Proposed FY 2014 • FY 2014 Budget Briefing Folio • FY 2014 Budget Proposal including NCDA 2012 Accomp. & 1 st Sem. 2013 NCDA Accomp. Report. Compliance with DBM requirement in accordance with the GAA 2
MAJOR FINAL OUTPUT ACCOMPLISHMENT IMPACT Finance Section (Budget/Accounting/Cashier) • Power. Point presentation of Budget documents presented during budget deliberation/ hearing at DSWD/Congress/ Senate 2. Notice of Facilitated the release of Cash Notice of Cash Allocation (NCA) for Jan. to Dec. 2013 Prepared monthly Status of In accordance with 3. Status of Funds and Statement of the approved Funds Allotment Obligations and expenditure program Balances used during Mancom Meeting 4. Cash Prepared Annual Cash Based on approved Program of Program and Agency Budget GAA 2011 3 the Council Matrix
MAJOR FINAL OUTPUT ACCOMPLISHMENT IMPACT Finance Section (Budget/Accounting/Cashier) Recorded the daily financial In accordance with 5. Daily transactions to obtain real time the Physical Financial Plan per division per Transactions allotment balances program/project Processed and released 6. Checks paid on time 1, 105 checks with the total released amount of P 29, 277, 093, 02 from Jan. to Nov. 15, 2013 for various payments to concerned payee including the repair of NCDA’s vehicles and maintenance of NCDA Building Journalizing of Transactions 7. Journal for Jan. to Dec. 2013 4 Transaction
MAJOR FINAL OUTPUT ACCOMPLISHMENT IMPACT Finance Section (Budget/Accounting/Cashier) 8. Payment to various payees Facilitated processing of disbursements vouchers of various payee including salaries of NCDA employees: RATA of NCDA Officers: remittances to GSIS, PAGIBIG, PHILHEALTH, LPB, QUEDANCOR and TAX Remittance. 9. Liquidation Submitted complete liquidation In compliance with Report for report to DSWD for the P 1 DSWD request to SPED Mobile Million SPED Mobile Project liquidate Project partnered with PFRD 5
MAJOR FINAL OUTPUT ACCOMPLISHMENT IMPACT Finance Section (Budget/Accounting/Cashier) 10. Bank Submitted Bank Reconciliation In compliance with Reconciliatio Statement to COA for January COA requirement n Statements to February, 2013 11. Annual Alpha Prepared and Reconciled BIR In compliance with listing of BIR Form 1604 CF and 1604 E BIR requirement Taxes Annual Alpha listing of BIR Withheld Taxes Withheld 12. Report of Fund Utilization Submitted Quarterly Report of In compliance with Fund Utilization to DSWD for the January to Dec. 2013 utilization of fund 13. Projected 2013 Taxes Recalculation of Projected 2013 Taxes 6
MAJOR FINAL OUTPUT ACCOMPLISHMENT IMPACT Finance Section (Budget/Accounting/Cashier) 14. COA Reports Prepared reports submitted to In compliance with COA: COA requirement § § § Journal Entry Vouchers General Ledgers Check Disb. Journals Trial Balance Statement of Income and Expenses § Balance Sheet § General Journals 15. Financial Reports Monthly Rep. of Disb. Report on Aging of Cash Advances Annual Financial Reports Bank Accounts Inventory Report 7
MAJOR FINAL OUTPUT ACCOMPLISHMENT Personnel Section 16. Appointment Processed appointment of newly document for appointed 1. Admin. Aide VI, OED personnel 2. Planning Officer, PMD 17. Publication – Prepared documents for Notice of publication of Notice of Vacancy Vacancies for - 1. Admin. Aide VI, TCD 2. Admin. Officer V/Budget Section 18. Performance Assessment and review of the Evaluation 57 staff of their Performance Review Appraisal Review Accomplishment for 2012 IMPACT Speedy appointment of newly hired personnel Publication was issued To evaluation the performance of the staff in relationship to their duties and responsibilities 8
MAJOR FINAL OUTPUT ACCOMPLISHMENT IMPACT Personnel Section 19. Performance- Establishment/Content of the ff. in the website: Based • Transparency Seal (Cert. of Incentive Compliance) System • Citizen’s Charter Require. Certification of Ranking of ments Compliance with the requirements of DBM, DSWD and AO 25 Secretariat as the basis of the Performance-Based Employees’ Performance Ratings Bonus of the Council Certification of Philgeps Submission of agency’s performance targets Form A Details of bureau/office performance indicators and targets Form A-1 Department targets on key programs and projects targets form b 9
MAJOR FINAL OUTPUT ACCOMPLISHMENT Personnel Section 20. Performance NCDA Performance Planning Assessment Workshop, August 6 -7 -8, 2013, Island Cove Hotel, Kawit, Cavite 21. Numbering of 162 Travel Order Special/ 197 Special Order Travel Order 22. Monitoring of Monitored the following personnel Personnel Actions: §Monthly report on the CL and actions other leaves §Monthly report on punctuality and absences §Plantilla of Personnel §Notice of Step Increments IMPACT To set breakthrough goals & performance targets until 2016 in the Office Perf. Contract and Review & Individual Perf. Contract and Review To implement the Council’s programs and projects Efficient management of personnel 10
MAJOR FINAL OUTPUT ACCOMPLISHMENT IMPACT Personnel Section 23. Foreign Coordinated/Processed International Travel required documents of NCDA meeting/training/confe Personnel for the ff. travel: rence attended by §ASEAN Workshop on CRPD NCDA Personnel at Chiang Mai, Bangkok - February 17 to 21, 2013 ü DED Mateo A. Lee, Jr. , ü MR. Miguel Antonio P. Limon §Regional Workshop on Disability-Inclusive Agribusiness Development - Feb. 20 to 23, 2013, Bangkok, Thailand ü ED Carmen R. Zubiaga 11 ü Ms. Lila Lynn S. Simon
MAJOR FINAL OUTPUT ACCOMPLISHMENT IMPACT Personnel Section § QUT-Developing a Result Framework on Disability – Brisbane, Australia ü Dir. Carmen Reyes-Zubiaga ü Mr. Miguel Antonio P. Limon, ü Ruth C. Tacujan ü Josephine V. Despi § Development of Leadership and Networking of Persons with Disabilities on October 8 to December 1, 2013, Japan ü Ms. Virginia S. Rabino 12
MAJOR FINAL OUTPUT ACCOMPLISHMENT IMPACT Personnel Section § United Nations High Level Meeting on Disability and Development, Sept. 22 - 28, 2013, New York City, USA ü DED Mateo A. Lee, Jr. § High-Level Meeting on Disability and Development (Sept. 20 -25, 2013, New York City, USA ü Dir. Carmen Reyes-Zubiaga § Delegation of the Cambodia Trust and the International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics at the UN High Level Mtg. on Disability and Development, Sept. 22 - 28, 2013, New York City, USA ü Mr. Randy D. Calsena 13
MAJOR FINAL OUTPUT ACCOMPLISHMENT IMPACT Personnel Section §Second APCD/JAIF Project Regional Meeting and ASEAN Meeting on Promoting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)Towards Enhancing the Roles and Participation of Persons with Disabilities in the ASEAN Community, Aug. 26 -30, 2013, Hanoi, Vietnam ü Dir. Carmen Reyes-Zubiaga, ü Ms. Leovigilda G. Oasin 14
MAJOR FINAL OUTPUT ACCOMPLISHMENT IMPACT Personnel Section 24. Local Training §CSC Training on “The Strategic Role of HR in Organization ü Ms. Leovigilda G. Oasin §NCC Training on “Managing ICT Services in Government. IOTIL Framework” ü DED Mateo A. Lee, Jr. ü Ms. Leovigilda G. Oasin ü Mr. Rey Andrew V. Sendon 15
MAJOR FINAL OUTPUT ACCOMPLISHMENT Personnel Section 25. Scholarship Coordinated/Processed required documents of NCDA personnel for attending: §DAP Middle Managers Class of the Public Mgt. Devt. Program – Feb. 1 to June 5, 2013, (study leave) DAP, Tagaytay City ü Mr. Rizalio R. Sanchez 26. Monitoring of Monitored the following personnel Personnel Actions/Report on: §Compensatory Leave and other actions leaves §Punctuality and absences §Plantilla of Personnel §Notice of Step Increments IMPACT Develop skills and knowledge of the staff for career development Efficient management of personnel 16
MAJOR FINAL OUTPUT ACCOMPLISHMENT IMPACT Personnel Section Gender Sensitivity Seminar, Awareness and 27. Training/ Seminars and October 11, 2013, NCDA, knowledge on gender issues Re-orientation Quezon City 28. On-the-Job Training Public Service Ethics and To gain public thrust Accountability, October 24, through ethical & 2013, NCDA, Quezon City accountable public service 1 student from Manila Certificates of Christian Computer Institute completion of the for the Deaf (MCCID) taking trainee up Diploma in Business Technology, assigned to Able to learn various FAD office work and procedures. 17
MAJOR FINAL OUTPUT ACCOMPLISHMENT IMPACT Records Section 29. Recording/ Maintained proper filing of NCDA recording of all documents (as incoming/outgoing NCDA of 11/15/13) documents -1919 (incoming) -2774 (outgoing) Proper recording/filing system of documents for easy retrieval Maintained filing systems in the Records Section -2406 documents 30. Delivery/ Mailing of NCDA documents (as of 11/15/13) Delivered/Mailed documents to the different agencies -1012 (Delivered) -1449 (Mailed) 18
MAJOR FINAL OUTPUT ACCOMPLISHMENT IMPACT Records Section 31. Petty Cash for Disbursed Petty Cash for Messenger messengerial and mailing services – 27 Petty Cash 32. Supervise reproduction services/book binding of documents Supervised/Facilitated for the reproduction/bookbinding services of various documents from different divisions: OED, RPC, PMD, TCD, IECD and FAD: üReproduction services – 134, 250 pp (approx. 268 rms) üBookbinding – 1, 677 sets of documents 19
MAJOR FINAL OUTPUT ACCOMPLISHMENT Property and Supply Section Facilitated day to day PR's of all 33. Purchase/ divisions concerning requests of Canvassing supplies and canvassed thru Requests of Phil. GEPS & phone calls (279 PRs) Supplies IMPACT Items requested were delivered to concerned divisions/staff 34. Billing payment Facilitated/processed documents Payment was of the following: for the payment of monthly billing delivered on - Smart of Smart mobile, credit line for time. - Petron gasoline and monthly consumption - Reservoir of mineral water for Council’s - Meralco meetings - Maynilad PLDT Bayantel Security Services 20
MAJOR FINAL OUTPUT ACCOMPLISHMENT IMPACT Property and Supply Section 35. PAL Credit Facilitated/Processed documents Booking and Line for regular booking of NCDA Payment were Officials and Staff for local travels. made on time. 36. Equal Access Travel and Tours Service Cooperative Facilitated/Processed documents Not available to for booking of NCDA officials and PAL credit Line staff for local and international travel 37. Catering Services Facilitated Catering Request by Concerned Division and facilitated processing payments for catering services – 127 Request for Catering Meals was served during the mtgs. and payment received by concerned 21 caterer.
MAJOR FINAL OUTPUT ACCOMPLISHMENT IMPACT Property and Supply Section 38. Credit Line with Facilitated catering request thru Jollibee credit line with Jollibee – 21 Catering Request from Jollibee 39. Petty Cash Disbursement 40. Assistive Devices Meals were served to the requesting divisions Facilitated request for Petty Cash Bought & served Advance for emergency purchases emergency of supplies of concerned Division – purchases of items requested 18 Petty Cash Advance by concerned divisions Facilitated request of various assistive devices by partner agencies and individuals needing assistive devices Purchased and distributed assistive devices in cooperation with other divisions. 22
MAJOR FINAL OUTPUT ACCOMPLISHMENT IMPACT Property and Supply Section 41. Inventory of Office equipment/ properties Prepared/Submitted NCDA Report Compliance of Inventory of Equipment/ with COA/DBM Properties to COA/DBM 23
MAJOR FINAL OUTPUT ACCOMPLISHMENT IMPACT General Services 42. Maintenance of Maintained the cleanliness of the Habitable and the cleanliness office building and its Healthy of office surroundings from January to workplace and building and its March, 2013. surroundings. Facilitated the following general repairs of NCDA bldg. 1. Installed P-Trap pipe to eliminate odor of the male & female CR at the 1 st and 2 nd flr. of the bldg. 2. Replaced new door jamb at the TCD room. 3. Fixing the leakage of water sewerage at the pantry. 24
MAJOR FINAL OUTPUT ACCOMPLISHMENT IMPACT General Services 4. Fixing the leakage around the atrium. 5. Fixing the installation of sink & concreting of cabinet counter at the pantry under the sink. 6. Fixing water pipe line due to leakage below the lavatory at the 2 nd floor male comfort room 7. Repaired and install P-Trap at the chairman’s office CR. 8. Relocation of two wall mounted split type air conditioner. 9. Demolition of existing partition between TCD & PMD 25
MAJOR FINAL OUTPUT ACCOMPLISHMENT IMPACT General Services 10. General cleaning of NCDA Cistern Tank 11. Cleaning and arranging disposable files, and unserviceable supplies and equipment at the stockroom. 12. General cleaning shampooing of the 73 pcs. of NCDA blinds 13. General cleaning of 4 private CR’s of NCDA Officers, 2 common CRs for male and female. 26
MAJOR FINAL OUTPUT ACCOMPLISHMENT General Services 43. Schedules Facilitated/Prepared 811 trips of office tickets of Council’s 5 vehicles for official trips and shuttle of concerned NCDA employees IMPACT Proper scheduling and coordination of trips to save cost of fuel of the Council. Employees are safely shuttled from point of pickup to NCDA and from NCDA to their point of destination, it also eliminates tardiness, thus, improving the employees performance. 27
MAJOR FINAL OUTPUT ACCOMPLISHMENT General Services 44. Repairs & Maintained the Council’s vehicles Maintenance of in good working conditions. Office vehicles. Facilitated the repairs of the following NCDA vehicles: 1. Ford Everest – ü Heater plug ü Aircon repair & replacement of window switch. ü Change of front left & right and outer & inner wheel bearing 2. Isuzu Hilander ü Engine Overhaul IMPACT NCDA Officers and employees are safely conveyed to their official meetings and other functions. 28
MAJOR FINAL OUTPUT ACCOMPLISHMENT IMPACT General Services 3. Toyota Innova ü Replacement of Right Steering Rack, Power window switch, ü Engine Decarbonising & other spare parts. ü Aircon repair 4. L-300 ü Replacement of front & rear shock absorber, fuel tank and air filter ü General check-up of brake pads overhaul of radiator and engine wash. 29
MAJOR FINAL OUTPUT ACCOMPLISHMENT General Services 45. Renewal of GSIS insurance and LTO registration of Council’s vehicles. Facilitated the renewal of GSIS insurance and LTO registration of üL-300 üToyota Innova üHi Ace Commuter üFord Everest üHilander IMPACT 30
MAJOR FINAL OUTPUT ACCOMPLISHMENT IMPACT Other Administrative Concerns/Activities 46. Rendered Finalized referral letters (419 Assistance was support letters) on medical/financial granted to assistance in assistance of various illnesses, clients terms of dialysis, chemotherapy and referral education assistance of the clients to clients and (86 clients) to the following NCDA concerned agencies: üPCSO Employees üVP Jojo Binay üSelected Senators/Congressman üSelected Mayors üDSWD Regional Office üConcerned PSWDO/MSWDO üPhil. Cancer Society/PGH üCHED Home-visitation to Nikki Vidal (client) at Cavite on June 1, 2013 31
MAJOR FINAL OUTPUT ACCOMPLISHMENT IMPACT Other Administrative Concerns/Activities 47. Mancom Meetings 48. Weekly meetings of FAD Section Chiefs Attended Mancom meetings Conducted weekly meetings of FAD Section Chiefs on admin. issues/concerns: üAudit Observation Memorandum & other COA matters üBudget (WFP/Status of Funds) üProperty & Supply backlog üAgency Bonus üPersonnel matters Hiring of Personnel) üActivity Proposal üTelephone Lines/Smart Phones üMaintenance of Building üMaintenance of vehicles üIPCR/FAD Performance Contract üInventory Meeting Financial transaction assessed and monitored 32
MAJOR FINAL OUTPUT ACCOMPLISHMENT Other Administrative Concerns/Activities 49. Attends various Attended the following trainings/ Trainings/ conferences: Conferences Training on Critical Thinking for Leaders, CSC Building, June 2527 Orientation Training on Disability Inclusive DDRMC , June 18 -21, Bayview Hotel National Orientation on the NHE Expansion for PWDs, April 16 -18, 2013, Bayview Hotel Assessment Workshop on the Devolved Programs/Services for PWDs, Davao City, May 6 -10, 2013 IMPACT Participated in the discussion and contributed ideas and recommendations 33
MAJOR FINAL OUTPUT ACCOMPLISHMENT IMPACT Other Administrative Concerns/Activities § Orientation Seminar on the Promotion of a Drug-Free Workplace Program for NGAs, LGUs and SUCs, July 12, 2013, NIA, Quezon City § Fun Day for Children with Disabilities, in connection with 2013 NDPR Week Celebration at SM Fairview, July 21, 2013 § Acted as Resource Person on “Trabaho Para Sa Mga Taga Meycauyan na May K”, July 23, 2013, Meycauyan City, Bulacan Province 34
MAJOR FINAL OUTPUT ACCOMPLISHMENT Other Administrative Concerns/Activities § DSWD Performance Planning Writeshop, July 24 -26, 2013 at Greenhills Elan Hotel Modern, San Juan City 50. Participate Acted as Regional NCDA Programs Coordinator as projects/activiti additional assignment and es and takes attended the following – charge of § 3 rd Quarter Monitoring and support Coordination in Region II, at services Tuguegarao City, August 13 -16, 2013, IMPACT RCDA Meeting , monitoring of LGU municipality, meeting with Mayor Pattung and PWD Leader. 35
MAJOR FINAL OUTPUT ACCOMPLISHMENT IMPACT Other Administrative Concerns/Activities Lectured on the overview of National PWDs Laws, Intl. Laws and Covenant 2 nd & 3 rd PWD Decades & the 10 Incheon Goals as basis for their 20132022 Decade Plans and Annual Work and Financial Plan, PWD and NHE Action Plan for budgetary purposes. 36
MAJOR FINAL OUTPUT ACCOMPLISHMENT IMPACT Other Administrative Concerns/Activities § Monitoring /Coordination/ Recommendations to Consultation and Dialogue NCDA – to conduct of re: PDAO & NHE, AVRC an RPC-DSWD Regional PWD Focal and other LGUs in Region Person to finalize the 1, Dagupan City, August RPC-Focal Person PWD 27 -30, 2013 Manual and planning of common activities with the participation of the DSWD PWD Inter Bureau Focal Person for a comprehensive and Integrated Decade Auxilliary Social Services Programs. 37
MAJOR FINAL OUTPUT ACCOMPLISHMENT Other Administrative Concerns/Activities § Orientation and Organization of Access Audit at the Local Level, Region 2 Tuguegarao, Sept. 19 -21, 2013 § Gave a message on social pensions to MSWDOs of Batanes IMPACT Agreements were met on the schedule of orientation and organization of Access Audit Team and Employment of Sub. Committee Access audit of 11 Engineering Districts of the Region. Possibility of revitalizing/organizing a PWD apostolate in every parish. 38
Thank You from: Accounting Budget Records FINANCE and ADMIN. DIVISION Property & Supply and Gen. Services Cashier Personnel 39