- Количество слайдов: 33
“ National Center of State scientific and technical expertise” JSC Project results «System analysis and forecasting in the realm of science and technologies by the direction “Mechanical engineering” Expert group: Tyrtyshniy Ye. S. Kenzhin B. M. Altayev T. I. Godyna N. N. Dautbayev B. A. Lizunov V. N. Underbayev O. D. Smirnov Yu. M. Ismurzinov N. R. Almaty, 2014
Ø Project aim: - To train persons who take decisions to changes in future. - To define strategic directions of scientific research and working-out in the sphere of mechanical engineering which allow Kazakhstan to get a new level of development and provide living standards increase and Kazakhstan people well-being. - To estimate threats, risks and possibilities of mechanical engineering development in Kazakhstan in future. Ø Horizon period – 2030 2
The main groups of project results users NCSSTE Ministries and departments • Workig out of scientific and technical and innovation politics • The choice of priorities of science and technologies development • Taking of investment decisions and budget scientific programs forming • …. • Trends of scientific and technological and innovation development • Estimation criteria of scientific projects directed on future development • Grading of scientific projects and programs, which are corresponding to challenges and needs of Kazakhstan in future • Forming of package of scientific projects and programs with assignment priorities for financing • Forming of world, state and regional research nets • Definition of priorities directions for creation of Center of excellence • Scientists mobility maintenance (including international) • Facilitating the growth of the number of releases and patents in the spheres which are more significant for long term development Industry • Increasing of information level about future markets, products, technologies and R&D • Strengthening the connection between science and business • Correspondence of business strategies to priorities of country development in future Science • Directions of realization of R&D, new area of research • International and in-country mobility, cooperation with leading international research institutes • Increasing of releases and patents quality Society • Priorities, providing the increasing of nation wellbeing • Increasing of all society members well-being • Improvement of education system and development of innovation business, providing with population employment growth
Scannin Research conduction scheme g 1. Bibliometric and patent analysis 1000 and more publication references and patents (Scopus) Bibliomet 2. Bibliometric and patent analysis in Kazakhstan ( NC SSTU base) ric and patent analysis 1. Expert panels on every weak base, including more 60 experts in section 8 sectors 2. Questionnaire more than 300 Kazakhstan experts 3. Round tables with the participation of more than 300 experts 1. Trends, possibilities, threats of machine industry development in the world and Kazakhstan, SWO Tanalysis development scanning 2. Definition of key development factors on the Scenari future o Upside scenario 1. plannin development till 2030. g 2. 8 sectoral scenaries of development System analysis and prediction Expert panels, interviews, seminars and round tables Plan of actions (aims, tasks, results in section: Road 1) 8 sectors maps 2) More 20 sub sectors 3) Macro level (interdisciplinary programs of scientific research) Technol ogical 1. Tree of analysis technologies 2. BMO analysis 3. Passport of scientific lines 4
Researches results Ø Scenario development of mechanical engineering in Kazakhstan for the period untill 2030 is a base for strategical understanding of variants of future mechanical engineering development in Kazakhstan on the base of definition of key trends, possibilities and risks of future and also variables which have a high uncertainity in future. Ø The list of products/services, technologies and lines of science researches and developments conduction Ø Road maps are work detailed elaboration in development of priority directions of science and technological development in the sphere of mechanical engineering in Kazakhstan in the period untill 2030 Ø Lines certification of science research and development conduction 5
Trends and factors of machine industry development in Kazakhstan “MECHANICAL ENGINEERING” IN KAZAKHSTAN Politics Economy Society Technology • Population growth, -Priority of “green” especially in developing economy countries - Third Industrial Revolution - Reindustrialization -6 th Technological Way - Changing of consumer - Development of IT preference technologies of new - Lack of skilled staff or generation necessity of education - Development of system modernization Kazakhstan technologies in -Population and products mechanical engineering consumers mobility - Safety of mechanical - Demands increase in engineering production high quality goods Environment - Income growth in -Pollution of ground developing countries and water in the result - Industrial security of human economic - Price changing for activity resources and exchange -Lack of water - Production resources globalization -Quantity of carbon - High competition of dioxide and other neighboring countries greenhouse gases in the (China, RF) atmosphere increases – global climate change -Geopolitic unsteadiness in some regions -State intervention increase -Fight for earth, water and energy - Entering in WTO - Participation in the Customs Union - Improvement of investment climate 7
Trends and factors of machine industry development in Kazakhstan “Critical” influenced «Критические» по factors влиянию факторы Факторы с высокой Factors with high неопределенностью uncertainty Social Influence level Technoloogical Economical Ecological Political Uncertainty level Key factors on makro-level: Т 1 Priority of “green”economy Т 2 Third industry revolution Т 3 6 th Technological mode E 4 High competition of neighboring countries (China, RF) P 3 Fight for earth, water and energy Key factors on micro-level: Т 2 Absence of production correlation with sectoral science T 6 Automation of processes in mechanical engineering E 2 Production of mechanical engineering products with small lots Р 4 Improvement of investment climate
Interrelation and mutual factors influence Micro level Macro level Important influence Influence 9
Results analysis of world and Kazakhstan competences in the sphere of mechanical engineering The most frequently used phrases/themes in releases on mechanical engineering 10
2030: Optimal future for Kazakhstan in the sphere of mechanical engineering Transport mechanical engineering • Implementation of high technologies will provide a turnout of rival products of railways traction equipment; • New types of energy-conservative components will be created: asynchronous traction motors, trolleys for rail cars; • Trucks and motor-cars on electric and hybrid propulsion will be used; • In finishing items, native auto components for all types of transports will be not less than 60%; • Optimization of transportation will be fulfilled at the expense of widely used technologies of computer distant control of freight traffic and transport flow. Agricultural engineering • Complexes of cars and equipment for high productive cattle breeding and farm products processing will allow to provide a receipt of high quality final production at low cost price; • Resource saving complexes of cars with minimum and zero cultivation for plant breeding will provide a realization of «green technologies” in industrial scales; • Results of research and development of express operation technologies of tractors and FM and СЭ and composite materials (including tyres) will promote import substitution of component base and forming of competitive production of agricultural engineering; • Release of competitive meat and dairy products will be assimilated by means of usage of industrial productions with a high level of mechanization and automation processes; • Multibank wasteless automated agricultural complexes with round-the-clock production of agricultural raw materials will be functioned. 11
2030: Optimal future for Kazakhstan in the sphere of mechanical engineering Ore mining and smelting mechanical engineering • On the base of high technology a release of machine complex and equipment in technology of manless mining of coal beds will be assimilated; • Serial production of drill pipes and life-limited parts of mining equipment with wear resistant coating of different types will be assimilated; • All mining companies will be provided with domestic smart tools of air environment control in bottom holes and forecasting units and protection from industrial disaster and catastrophe. Power mechanical engineering • High quality units for electricity outputs on the base of wind and solar energy usage will be functioned; • Existing energy providers will use facilities of heat recuperation everywhere (secondly usage of stream and excess heat); • Consumers and producers of electricity will be united in intellectual energetic systems; • All existing heating stations will be assimilated with modern safety products from pollutant flux in then atmosphere. General mechanical engineering • All-round switching on PLM Systems of product lifecycle management for providing of release of leading high technology productions will be realized in mechanical engineering; • . Implementation of 3 D printing in mechanical engineering will be a good indicator of real industrial power of the state; • Developed industrial robots of 2 nd and 3 rd generation will allow to realize productions of the most difficult mechanical engineering products; • On the base of domestic raw materials base on production of rare-earth metals new highly effective electric motors and generators on strong constant magnets and highly temperature superconductor material will be created. f 12
Strategies of answer on future key challenges within “Mechanical engineering» direction JUDGING FROM KAZAKHSTAN COMPETENCE in the period untill 2030 Independent development of scientific programs -Planning of resource saving complexes of machine production with minimum and zero cultivation for plant breeding -Planning of three elements stamp-welded trolley with axle load 25 tons for rail cars -Planning of asynchronous traction motors production for diesel-electric locomotive and electric locomotive -Research and implementation of effective methods of increasing of strength properties and corrosion resistance of screw blades -Planning of coating increasing the service properties of life-limited parts -Process research of worked out sand mixture regeneration -Development of perfected new construction of hydraulic machines in particluar gear pumps and production technologies -Technologies development of thermo friction processing of tooth wheel teeth -Planning of combustion products of organic fuel clearance 13
Answer strategies on future key challenges within «Machine industry» direction JUDGING FROM KAZAKHSTAN COMPETENCE, in the period untill 2030 Conduction of mutual scientific researches with leading world scientific centers - Plannng of equipment production for cattle breeding mechanization -Planning for equipment production for meat products - Planning of electric tracion machines production -Technological processes development of auto components production -Planning of wind energy source (WES) -Development and implementation of equipment for intellectual management of energetic nets of enterprises and urban economy -Planning of accumulation battery of extended capacity production for WES, radio electronics -3 D printing - Industry robotics -High effective electric machines on the base of SCM/RM and VSTP/RM Transfer of leading technologies and adaptation to Kazakhstan conditions -Manufacturing technologies of executing mechanisms parts production of tractors and FM -Manufacturing technologies of machines and equipment for processing of agricultural raw materials -Research and development of technologies of tyres made of СЕ production and equipment for their production -Research in the sphere of combustion procedures in combustor plants (plasma burners and etc) -PLM systems 14
R&D competences of Kazakhstan in the sphere of mechanical engineering Attractiveness Car industry 1 st priority Machine-tool industry Oil and gas Electrics Household appliances Instrumentation Agricultural Construction Element base RW ore and metallurgic Component base Energetic 2 nd priority Aircraft industry Shipping industry Realizability Diameter – release of RK in 2014 15
Definition of priority themes of SIORK for Kazakhstan in the period of untill 2030 on Mechanical Engineerng direction Structural composition of responders Структурный состав респондентов 85 62 representatives of academic and представители scientific академического и community научного Структурный состав респондентов Structural composition of academic and 14% академической и научной сферы scientific sphere responders 18% сообщества representatives of business представители community бизнес сообщества 21% Doctor of доктора наук 47% Science кандидаты наук работники сферы научной деятельности магистры Doctor of philosophy workers of scientific activity sphere Responders correlation on age structure Соотношение респондентов по возрастному составу Experts number on age Over 60 16
In the estimation of technologies and themes of scientific researches it took part Representatives of academic and scientific communities Representative of business community Institute of high technologies SAUTS-OIL Astana city regional technological park of Alageum Electric “Kaz. NIPIEnergoprom” Institutions Shardarinskaya HPP KBTU West Kazakhstan Machine Industry Company Kazakhstan Sea Academy Teniz Burgylay KGUTI named after Sh. Yessenov Teniz. Service Hydropribor R&D Kaz. Munai. Gas-Service KIn. EU named after M. Dulatov Kaztsinkmash Pavlodar state university Semipalatinsk machinery plant Kazakhstan nuclear institute Semei Engineering ENU named after L. N. Gumilyev Ulba metallurgic plant Kaz. NTU named after Satpayev “Arselor. Mittal Temirtau” JSC 17
Priority area of SIORK of mechanical engineering direction Product/Service Technologies Themes of schientific research and developments Transport mechanical engineering Production of «green revolution” auto mobiles on electric traction Electric traction automobiles production technologies Auto components to “Green revolution» Auto components production – electric traction auto production mobiles technology Three elements stamp welded trolleys for rail cars Technology development of electric traction auto mobiles Development of technological processes of auto components production Three elements stamp Technologies development of three elements stamp welded trolley with axle load 25 tons for rail cars production technology Technology development of asynchronous traction motors Asynchronous traction motors for diesel Technology for diesel electric and electric locomotives production electric and electric locomotives developments of asynchronous traction motors for railroad train 18
Priority area of SIORK of mechanical engineering direction Product/Service Technologies Themes of schientific research and developments Ore mining and smelting mechanical engineering Corrosion resistant screw blade of added strength Technology of production of corrosion resistant screw blade of added strength Development and implementation of effective methods of strength properties increasing and screw blade corrosion resistant Life limited pats with increased service characteristics Increasing technologies of service characteristics life limited details Development and research of coatings, increased services characteristics of life limited parts Equipment with regenerate sand mixture Regeneration technology of worked out sand mixture Process research of regeneration of worked out mixture New developed hydraulic cars Wear resistant tooth wheel Technology of new hydraulic cars production Research of developed new construction of hydraulic cars in particular gear pumps and production technologies Technology of thermo friction processing Research of Technology of thermo friction of teeth of tooth wheels processing of teeth of tooth wheels 19
Priority area of SIORK of mechanical engineering direction Product/Service Technologies Themes of schientific research and developments Agricultural engineering Parts of executing mechanisms of tractors and agricultural Technology of parts production of Planning of parts production of executing mechanisms of tractors and FM and AM Planning of tyres production for tractors and FM made of synthetic elastomer Development of new products modifications, expansion of nomenclature of details for tractors and AM made of synthetic elastomer and compositions Machines and equipment for Technologies of manufacture of machines and equipment for farm produce processing Resource savings complexes Technology of manufacture of of cars for plant breeding Resource savings complexes of cars for plant breeding Equipment for mechanization of cattle breeding Technology of manufacture of equipment for mechanization of cattle breeding Technology development of production of machines and equipment for farm produce processing Technology development of equipment production for meat products production Technology development of production of Resource savings complexes of cars for plant breeding Technology development of production of equipment for mechanization of cattle breeding 20
Priority area of SIORK of mechanical engineering direction Product/Service Technologies Themes of schientific research and developments Power engineering “Green revolution» production – Wind generators Technology of manufacture of wind energy Development of technologies of wind energy source (WES) production Technology of manufacture of smart Smart equipment for Development and implementation of equipment energetic nets of enterprises equipment for energetic nets of enterprises for intellectual management of energetic nets of and urban economy enterprises and urban economy Electrofilters and scrubbers of high level of cleaning Technology of manufacture of system of combustion products clearance of organic fuel Development and research of technologies of combustion products clearance of organic fuel New accumulation batteries Technology of manufacture of accumulation Development of technology of production of batteries of extended capacity for WES, of extended capacity accumulation batteries of extended capacity for radio electronics WES, radio electronics High effective plasma burners Technology of plasma burners manufacture Research in the sphere of burning processes in combustor plants (plasma burners and etc) 21
Priority area of SIORK of mechanical engineering direction Product/Service Technologies Themes of schientific research and developments General mechanical engineering Development of integrational processes of machine creation on the Technology of creation of machine industry on the base of base on design technology model and GAKS/PLM technologies PLM System Difficult machine industry Technology of manufacture of Production of complicated machine industry manufature by means of 3 D printing production of 6 th technological complicated mechanical way engineering by means of 3 D printing PLM system of product life cycle management Industrial robot system complexes of 2 nd and 3 rd generation Technology of manufacture of robot system Development and research of robot system for painting, welding and car parts production Development of technologies of electric motors, separators and New high effective electric cars Technology of production of on the base of SPM and New high effective electric cars other products on the base on superpower permanent magnit (SPM) VSTPmade of HPM on the base of SPM and VSTP and RAM. made of HPM Development of technologies and generators and electric motors of big capacity and other productions on the base on new high temperature superconductor materials (HTSM) made of rare earth metals (REM)) 22
Road map – «Mechanical engineering» direction (sub-direction «Transport mechanical engineering”) Time Products/S ervices 2014 2017 Test model of asynchronous traction motor for diesel-electric locomotive and electric locomotive Basic technologies Indicators Test model for trolley for rail cars Development of asynchronous traction motor for diesel-electric locomotive and electric locomotive production technology Series produced car trolleys Development of auto components production technological processes Technologies development of three elements stapm-welded trolley with axle load 25 tons for rail cars Production and assembly technologies of stock electric motor on the base of Russian model Lada Kalina Five international releases, patents receipt, creation of experienced items of electric motors and trolleys for rail cars Series produced electric motors of 3 types VSS for electric motors Series produced traction electric motors Researches regarding optimal gamma of electric motors constructions Research of optimal variant of VSS for electric motors Technologies research on automobiles construction with electric traction Production technologies of asynchronous traction electric motors in far abroad and near countries (Russia, USA, France, Sweden, etc) Production technologies of auto components in far abroad and near countries (Russia, Germany, Japan, China, etc. ) ………. 2030 Auto components of native production Electric automobile test model Auto components on transfer Area of sientific research 2023 Production technologies of electric motors and accumulator batteries for them on the base of electric motors of leading auto producers of the world Technologies of technical service and repair of electric motors which are series produced in far abroad countries Production technology of Kazakhstan accumulator batteries «BARS GOLD» Ten international releases, experience samples of electric motors, native auto components Preparation of specialists in universities in all directions of R&D Presence not less than 30% of native auto components in assembled auto mobiles Series produced electric motors of types VSS presence Creation of mutual productions on the territory of the country with leading world producers Financial resources Investors, private state partnership Resources Research establishments (JSC R&D establishment of transport and communication, KIRI, National center of science and technical information of RK and etc); Universities (Nazarbayev University, Kaz. NU, ENU, Kaz. ATU, In. EU and etc) Equipment acquisition for casting, hammer work, stamping, machine process of details and units of transport mobiles Strategies/ Programs Risks Monitoring Strategy 2050 SI FIID of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2014 -2020 - Technologies transfer necessity at the beginning - Absence of special equipment on production of transport techniques - Presence of serial produced examined types of third techniques produced by far abroad and near countries Control for on-time research of file of construction documentation Operation plan Risks of value appreciation of project costs Technologies transfer of leading world producers of transport technics. Preparation of specialists in all directions of examined works in leading world universities. ………. . (new programs) Human resource risks Cost demanding researches - $$$ Strategy of innovation development of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the period untill 2030 -Absence of close connection of native science and production -High competition from far abroad and near countries side -Dominancy of foreign companies in the sphere of production of transport techniques Checking of on-time preparation of created assembly production Organization and control for purchase of technological equipment for production Strategic plan Choice of universities and control for specialists training on production of transport techniques Creation an own production on examined types of transport techniques in the country Long-term vision
Road-map – “Mechanical engineering” direction» (sub-direction - «Agricultural engineering» ) 2014 Time Products/s ervices Area of scientific researche s Basic technology Indicators Test equipment for mechanisms of cattle breeding 2017 Test parties of parts for tractors and FM Test equipment for meat products Test sample of resource saving complex of cars for plant breeding Research and development of parts of executing mechanisms production of tractors and FM production Technology development of equipment production for meat products manufacture Technology development of equipment production for cattle breeding mechanization Test parties of equipment for agricultural raw processing 2023 Planning of resource saving complexes of cars manufacture for plant breeding Cars and equipment manufacturing technology for agricultural raw materials processing Equipment manufacturing technology for cattle breeding mechanization Publications in international magazines. Receipt patents for technologies Research of new modifications of products, expansion of nomenclature of parts for tractors and FM manufactured from synthetic elastomers and compositions Creation of multiple robots for parts manufacture for tractors and FM Tyres manufacturing technology and equipment for their production Producing technology of tractors and cars of agricultural destination New technologies of tractors and FM destination manufacture New technologies of parts manufacture for cars of agricultural destination Manufacturing technology of executing mechanisms parts for tractors and FM Conformity certificate of RK ………. Modified tyres and cars parts of different destination and typical size, 16 regional complexes of sale of new and waste recycling parts Planning of tyres manufacture made of SE and equipment for their production Research and development of cars and equipment for agricultural raw material processing Equipment manufacturing technology for meat foods Test parties of tyres and equipment for their production 2030 International conformity certificate 48 specialists were trained to technology Patents for variable part mix of cars and equipment Manufacturing technology transfer for cattle breeding mechanization, producing technologies of synthetic elastomers and producing technologies of different products from them, technology transfer of muscle-driven grind, technology transfer of agricultural raw materials processing, purchasing of modern laboratory equipment for development conduction Financial resources Investors, private state partnership Development and perfection of educational Bachelor’s program, Master’s program and doctoral program, increasing of state grants number Resources R&D organizations (“Kazakhstan engineering” NC, “Kaz. Agro. Innovation” JSC, Company “Kaz. NIIMESH” LLP, СФ РГП НПЦ ППП etc. ); Universities (Nazarbayev university, Kaz. NU, Kaz. NAU, KBTU, Kazakhstan Agricultural and Mechamical university named after S. Seifullin etc. ), Enterprises: “Karaganda mechanical engineering consortium” LLP etc. Leading foreign organizations in the sphere of researches Strategies/pro grams Risks USA “John Deere”, “Emeritayer” Corporations, Japan “Fanuk” Company - Coordination lack of intersectorial researches Risks of value appreciation of project costs -Human resources risks - Transfer necessity at the beginning - Lack of scientific and material and technical resources - Lack of certified laboratories Monitoring Company, “Vakona”, «Henneke» , «Krauss Maffei» , «Desma» Firms, China GZSJINCHENG LTD Russian institute of meat industry “Elastokam” LLC, “EKSI” LLC Strategy of innovation development of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the period untill 2030 SI FIID of the Republic of Kazakhstan on 2014 -2020 On-time developments results conclusion as stages of planning Germany « Lemken» ………. . (new programs) - Dominating of foreign companies in the sphere of producing technologies of cars parts - Lack of specialized centers of domestic science on new materials development -High competition from far abroad and near countries side in the sphere of cars and equipment production Creation of clusters on planning of cars and equipment manufacture for cattle breeding, plant breeding and processing industry, implementation of researches in production Operation plan Strategy 2050 Strategic plan Development of effective domestic research and technology resources of farm machine industry on the base on transfer of high technology from leading countries Long-term vision
Financial resources Investors, private state partnership Roadmap – “Mechanical engineering” direction (Sub-direction “Ore mining and smelting mechanical engineering”) Time Products/ services Area of scientific research Basic technologies Indicators T Equipment for making modern multi functional coatings Technologies of making modern multi functional coatings Modern multi-functional coatings Nanotechnology development of working surface modifying of tribocoupling on the base of carbon and azote, providing corrosion and wear resistances Design technological and Mathematic system models of automated instrumental supporting of mechanical of production processes for Planning of gas-flame parts quality of ore mining and estimation of project and cycle strength of application on wear mining and processing powered support taking into account resistant coating equipment resource saving technologies Creation of new multifunctional coatings of ore and mining mechanical Technological support of parts surface quality for coatings application engineering. Coatings application technology by thermochemical methods Deposition technology (CVD и PVD) 15 releases in international magazines 4 program products Laser hardening technologies Receipt of 3 patents for methods, equipment and technology Plastic straining hardening technology Mechanical processi technology 30 specialists trained coating application technology Prototypes of samples 5 multifunctional coatings Purchasing of modern laboratory equipment for research conduction of coatings properties Financial resources Investors, private state partnership Resources Development and perfection of educational programs of Bachelor’s program Master’s program and doctoral programs, state grants increasing leading foreign enterprises in the sphere of coatings research Strategies/ programs Risks Monitori ng Russia: universities: TPU, MSPU, MISi. S, PNIPU Lithuania: Vilnius technical university named after Gediminas SI FIID of the Republic of Kazakhstan on 2014 -2020 Strategy 2050 – technology transfer necessity at the beginning – presence of material and technical resources – presence of certified laboratories – presence of expendable materials for researches Structure and technological resources development Hong Kong: Hong Kong university …(new programs) risks of value appreciation of project cost creation of multifunctional coatings application technologies human risks USA: Michigan state university Germany: Berlin technical university Fr Strategy of innovation development of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the period till 2030 – absence of local link of domestic science with production – high competition from far abroad and near countries side – dominancy of foreign companies in the sphere of nanotechnologies implementation the application technology in coating in ore mining cluster Technology transfer of coatings application Creation of modern mult 25 coatings
Time Roadmap – «Mechanical engineering» direction (sub-direction – «Energetic mechanical engineering» ) 2014 2017 2023 2030 ………. Micro HPP Products/Servi ces Solar panels Biogas units Smart-grid elements Li-Ion in-house solution accumulators Wind generators Filters (scrubbers) of high level clearing Heat pumps Area of scientific researches Plasma burners Research and implementation of equipment for smart management of energetic lines of enterprises and urban economy New types pf accumulation batteries Researches in the sphere of combustion procedure in combustor plants (plasma burner, etc) Planning of RES usage Manufacturing technology of accumulation batteries of extended capacity for RES, radio electronics Development and planning of organic fuel combustion products clearance Basic technologies Utilization of low-grade heat of sub-soil, sub-soil waters, environment air, exhaust heat of industry productions (metallurgic sector, existing technologies of heat and electric energy receiving – CHP and HES, etc ) Biomass pyrolysis Semiconducting materials for PV and also reservation and transmission of energy Heat and mass exchange processes (solar collectors, wind generators, etc) Indicators Resource s Specialists training in universities in all directions of R&D In accordance with Strategic plan development of RK till 2020 a share of RES im general volume of electricity consumption should be 1, 5% to 2015 and more than 3% - to 2020. Risks Absorption, adsorbation, thermocatalytic, biochemical, plasma chemical and plasma catalystic methods Filtration technologies with clearing grade more than 90% Series produces wind generators, solar panels, eat pumps, micro HPP Possibility to creat domestic hybrid cars Financial resources Investors, private and state partnership, grants programs and business incubating R&D establishments, technological park, Design bureaus , Development institutions (NATR, KIRI, AO AI, BDK, ETC) Equipment purchasing, attraction of foreign specialists Strategies/pr ograms Li-Ion technologies Strategy 2050 Lack of skilled staff, weak developed infrastructure Transfer of technology, own high technological R&D development Strategic plan of RK development untill 2020 Risk of value appreciation of project cost SI FIID of the Republic of Kazakhstan on 2014 -2020 Gaps in normative legal base, absence of technical regulations Strategy of innovation development of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the period of 2030 - Absence of close link between domestic science and production -High competition from far abroad and near countries side -Dominating of foreign companies in the sphere of energy production Monitoring Control for on-time development of set design documentation Operation plan Control for development of normative legal base Strategic plan Organization and control for purchasing of technological equipment for production Choice of institutes and control for specialists training on production Long-time vision New programs
Roadmap – “Mechanical engineering” direction (sub-direction – «General mechancal engineering» ) Time Products/S ervices Area of scientific researche s Basic technologies Indicators 2014 2017 Rep. Rap 3 D printeron several materials Industry Accelerator PLM 2. 0 Planning of 3 D printing of complicated parts manufacture Planning of integrated processes of cars creation on the base on design-technology model and GALS/PLM Technology of life cycle management of CALS product 2023 Smart industry robots ………. 2030 Electric motors on the base of super power CM with RM Electro technical units of more power on the base on ВСТП Planning of generators and electric motors with large capacity and other products manufacture on the base of new high temperature superconductor material Planning of robot systems for painting, welding, assembly and cars parts manufacture Planning of electric motors, separators and other products manufacture on the base of super power constant magnet Metal-cutting machine production Production of industrial electric and technical units with large capacity Industry manipulator production Industry electric motors, generators, transformers and etc. production Metal powder receiving technology 15 releases in international magazines Patent receipt for 3 new systems New technological decisions 25 specialists were trained 4 equipment prototype Purchasing of modern equipment and soft ware for development Financial resources Investors, private state partnership Development and perfection of educational Bachelor’s, Master’s and doctoral programs, increasing of state grants number Making changes in legislative acts regarding researches in the sphere of high technologies Resources Specialists probobation in develop and design organizations in leading developing centers in the sphere of general mechanical engineering Leading foreign organizations in the sphere of general mechanical engineering Strategies/pro grams Risks Russia CSoft, Solid. Works-Russia (SWR), ASKON , “Inter Meh”, “Lotsiya Soft”, R&D CALS-technology “Applied logistics””Applied logistic” “Top systems” Strategy 2050 SI FIID of the Republic of Kazakhstan on 2014– 2020 - Transfer technology necessity at the beginning - Presence of material and technical resources - Presence of qualified specialists and laboratories -Presence of soft ware for researches Infrastructure development, methodical and technological resources of PLM -systems Monitoring Operation plan Europe & USA PTC, Dassault и Autodesk, Siemens, Dassault Systemes, NASA, General Electric, Airbus, Boeng, Microsystem Technology, MIT , Japan. Tokyo Institute of Technology, United Kingdom University of Exeter Strategy of innovation development of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the period till 2030 ………. . (new programs) Risks of weak administration Risks of value appreciation programs and projects cost Human resources risks Communication problems China Tsinhua university, Tsyaotun university in Sian, university of science and technology Huachzhun in Ukhani and Beijin company Beijing Longyuan Industrial Stock Co - Absence of close link between domestic science and production -High competition from China’s side, far abroad and near countries -Dominating of foreign companies in the sphere of general mechanical engineering Creation of high technical clusters of 3 D printing Implementation of smart robots in industry Strategic plan Transfer of manufacturing technology of electric and technical equipment Industry 2. 0 (Factories of future) Long-term vision
Risks and threats of Scenario and Road map realization Scientific technological risks ØAppearance of radical new challenges in the sphere of mechanical engineering ØNew class of ecological problems ØIncreasing technological gap ØAbuse of rights of intellectual property on technologies ØConflicts between subjects and states ØLack of taking concrete decisions in the sphere of technological development ØLack of financial means, allocated on RAAD on mechanical engineering ØAppearance of new technologies and materials ØLowering of science prestige and churn of professionals from the sphere of science and production 28
Risks and threats of Scenario and Road map realization Social-economical risks ØLow susceptibility of economy sphere to innovations Øinflation, world economical and financial crisis ØLow maintenance of business to science (priveleged orientation on adaptation of imported technologies) ØInefficiency of financing forms of fundamental and applied sciences ØRisks of normative base and infrastructure ØRisks, connected with ineffective management of scenario realization ØRisks of negative relation to scenario realzation from the side of representatives of governing bodies, civil society, mass media ØRisks of incorrect competition for participation in scenario realization 29
Risks and threats of Scenario and Road map realization Political risks ØAbsence of demand of scientific achievements in economy, patening abroad ØLow efficiency of measures of state maintenance of innovation activity ØIncremental innovation policy of developed countries ØMalconformation of correlation of state, industry and scientific centers 30
Measures, directed on lowering of negative influence of risks Scientific technological risks - Increasing of authenticity of given information in the sphere of mechanical engineering research. -Increasing of level of project management in conduction of NIR and their realization. -Increasing of level of patent protection of domestic developments in mechanical engineering. - Development of effective technologies and approaches of mechanical engineering researches and production. - Business stimulating on implementation of leading technologies of mechanical engineering. - Development of forecasting and definition of priority scientific and technical directions. -Constant monitoring for development of innovation technologies and materials in the sphere. -Constant support and renewal of product life cycle management. - Level increase of specialists training, their necessity, possibilities of realization of intellectual potential of a young specialists. Approaches implementation of non-stop training. Social and economical risks - Creation of independent scientific expertise on definition of priority direction and projects of grant and program aid financing. - Motivated increasing of scientific researches financing. -Coherence of actions between state and enterprises on negotiation of crisis situation. -Development of science and production, renewal of experimental material and technical resources of national centers. -Development of priorities and more effective forms of RAAD financing. Political risks -Application of technological forecasting, creation of favorable conditions for domestic inventors and rationalizers, modernization and monitoring of realization of legislative base on intellectual property. - Perfection of exist mechanisms of selection and financing of innovation projects. - Cooperation increase with developed countries in the sphere of new technologies usage and exchange of scientific and technical information. -Development of correlation mechanisms of state, industry (domestic and foreign subsoil users) and scientific centers across creation of scientific and technical advices on directions. 31
Development and research of coatings, increasing service characteristic of life limited parts Development of technologies of complex mechanization of sale cattle breeding farms Technologies of development of electric traction automobiles manufacture Development of technological processes of auto components manufacture Technologies development of generators and electric motors manufacture on the base of new high temperature superconductor materials Development and research of robot techniques complexes for paintng, welding and assembly and manufacture of cars parts Technologies development of electric motors, separators and other products manufacture Development of 3 D printing technology of difficult parts manufacture Regeneration process research of worked Technologies development of manufacture of equipment for meat production Technologies development for resource saving complexes of cars for plant breeding manufacture Development of developed new construction of hydraulic cars in particular gear pumps and manufacture technologies Technology development of thermo friction process of teeth of tooth wheels Development and implementation of effective methods increasing of strength properties and corrosion resistance of screw blade Development of technology of asynchronous traction electric motors (TEM) for diesel electric and electric locomotives out sand mixture Development and research of adapted technology of tyres production made from synthetic elasotmers and equipment for their manufacture Development of technologies of executing mechanisms parts manufacture of tractors and FM from synthetic compositions Development and research of technologies of cars manufacture and equipment for agricultural production processing Development of integrated processes of cars creation on the base of constructed technological model and GALS/PLM technologies Technology development for manufacture of three elements stamp welded trolley with axle load 25 tons for rail cars
THANKS FOR ATTENTION! Almaty city January 23, 2014 33