Скачать презентацию National Cancer Institute HPC and Life Sciences Jack Скачать презентацию National Cancer Institute HPC and Life Sciences Jack


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National Cancer Institute HPC and Life Sciences Jack Collins Advanced Biomedical Computing Center Advanced National Cancer Institute HPC and Life Sciences Jack Collins Advanced Biomedical Computing Center Advanced Technology Program SAIC-Frederick, Inc. National Cancer Institute at Frederick April 15, 2008

Science Driven Computation Next-Gen Sequencing Metabolomics Structural Biology Epigenomics Regulatory Networks Nanotechnology Micro-array Protein Science Driven Computation Next-Gen Sequencing Metabolomics Structural Biology Epigenomics Regulatory Networks Nanotechnology Micro-array Protein Pathways Drug Design (traditional) Comparative Genomics GWAS Proteomics Systems Biology Data Analytics Pattern Recognition Image Analysis / Clinical Visualization Outcome

Computational (HPC) Issues (All of them) • Storage (More, Faster, Ubiquitous) • Interconnect (Faster, Computational (HPC) Issues (All of them) • Storage (More, Faster, Ubiquitous) • Interconnect (Faster, low latency) • Compute Elements (CPU, GPU, FPGA) • Memory (Large datasets) • Visualization (Computer -> Human Bandwidth) • Backup/Data Archive (Keep it Forever) • Software Development • $$$$ (Cost)

Computing (High Performance) Requirements • Compute Elements (High Performance) – CPU (Multi- core, sockets, Computing (High Performance) Requirements • Compute Elements (High Performance) – CPU (Multi- core, sockets, blades) – Special (GPU, FPGA, ? ) • Programming Model (High Performance) – Efficient, Open, Scalable, Accessible

Power to the People! • People solve problems – Scientists, Engineers, Doctors, etc. • Power to the People! • People solve problems – Scientists, Engineers, Doctors, etc. • People write Software – Ready access to personal computers drove Linux Development and Open Source Software (Paradigm Shift) • Ready Access to HPC will drive HPC Development • People will use HPC when they are exposed to HPC and have access early in their career/life

GPGPU (Why am I optimistic? ) • Everyone has one • Becoming more powerful GPGPU (Why am I optimistic? ) • Everyone has one • Becoming more powerful – Not all problems map well but some do! • Programming Models – CUDA (downloadable)

CUDA (at the price of a download) • The CUDAェ Toolkit is a C CUDA (at the price of a download) • The CUDAェ Toolkit is a C language development environment for CUDA-enabled GPUs • The CUDA development environment includes: – nvcc C compiler – CUDA FFT and BLAS libraries for the GPU – Profiler – gdb debugger for the GPU (alpha available in March, 2008) – CUDA runtime driver (now also available in the standard NVIDIA GPU driver) – CUDA programming manual

CUDA Examples • Smith-Waterman S. Manavski, G. Valle, CRIBI Genomics March 2008 A Neural CUDA Examples • Smith-Waterman S. Manavski, G. Valle, CRIBI Genomics March 2008 A Neural Network on GPU Billconan, Kavinguy March 2008 MDGPU: Molecular Dynamics simulation J. A. van Meel, A. Arnold October 2007 Interactive Visualization of Volumetric White Matter Connectivity in DT-MRI Won-Ki Jeong, P. Thomas Fletcher, Ran Tao, and Ross T. Whitaker October 2007 Astrophysical simulations based on smoothed particle hydrodynamics: Fourier Volume Rendering Andrew Corrigan and John Wallin, Computational and Data Sciences, George Mason University July 2007 Computational Astrophysics Lab, RIKEN: Astrophysical N-body simulation: The Chamomile Scheme Tsuyoshi Hamada and Toshiaki Iitaka July 2007 Computational biology string matching: CMATCH Michael C. Schatz and Cole Trapnell, Center for Bioinformatics & Computational Biology, University of Maryland May 2007 Simulation Open Framework Architecture (SOFA) for real-time simulation with an emphasis on medical simulation. INRIA and CIMIT February 2007 Visual Molecular Dynamics: VMD Beckman Institute, NIH, NSF, University of Illinois at Urbana. Champaign 2007 Scalable Molecular Dynamics: NAMD Beckman Institute, NIH, NSF, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2007 NVIDIA Texture Tools 2 Alpha. Source Code NVIDIA 2007 Py. Stream: Python interface to CUDA, CUBLAS and CUFFT Tech-X Corporation 2007 Highly Optimized Objectoriented Molecular Dynamics: HOOMD Joshua A. Anderson, Chris D. Lorenz, and Alex Travesset: Iowa State University 2007 The Schroedinger project: portable libraries for the high quality Dirac video codec created by BBC R&D. Wladimir J. van der Laan, BBC R&D, Fluendo 2007

Autodock (Drug Design) • Molecular Docking for Small Molecules – Open Source from Scripps Autodock (Drug Design) • Molecular Docking for Small Molecules – Open Source from Scripps Institute (Art Olsen, Garrett Morris) – Typical of many codes in biology – Not Designed for HPC • Single Threaded • Genetic Algorithm in iterative steps • Partnered with Silicon Informatics to enable Autodock on GPU and modern multi-core – Smart guys with experience

The “HPC” System (could buy for home) The “HPC” System (could buy for home)

Autodock Results (not NAMD 100 X+ but …) (Only using 1 GPU - Tesla) Autodock Results (not NAMD 100 X+ but …) (Only using 1 GPU - Tesla)

Motivation / Business Case • Little or no significant cost in the desktop workstation Motivation / Business Case • Little or no significant cost in the desktop workstation • Everyone has desktop with GPU • Can dramatically change workflow and thinking – A 10 X speedup can change an overnight (12 hour, 1 job/day) run (1 molecule) into ~4+ runs/workday thus increasing science productivity, greater interactivity – A small group of 10 staff (with Desktops) could now generate 100+ runs during off hours with no additional hardware cost – Success inspires bigger aspirations - so the HPC guys at the computing center could help us do 1, 000 or 10, 000 molecules a day with their big machines (so went the Walter Reed request).

Acknowledgements • Bob Keller, Silicon Informatics • Hemant Trivedi, Silicon Informatics • Sarangan “Ravi” Acknowledgements • Bob Keller, Silicon Informatics • Hemant Trivedi, Silicon Informatics • Sarangan “Ravi” Ravichandran, ABCC