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National and international resources invested into Child Poverty Studies: So what?
Are Child Poverty Studies worth such human and financial investment? NO if the reports will just be nice colourful knick-knack YES if they will be: instrumental in putting children high in the national development agenda strengthen national policies for children increase public expenditures for children
Child poverty study: from evidence to evidence-based policy making
What is Evidence-based Policy making? An approach that helps people make well informed decisions about policies, programmes and projects by putting the best available evidence at the heart of policy development and implementation.
Putting the best available evidence at the heart of policy making? Evidence based Technical Capacity Evidence influenced Opinion based Policy environment
The Challenge: How to match technical rigour and policy relevance? Technical rigour but no policy relevance Evidence that is technically rigorous and policy relevant. Policy relevance but no technical rigour
Evidence into practice: Increasing the uptake of evidence in policy making Strategic intent of Child Poverty Study: Matching technical rigour to policy relevance. A political strategy (including an understanding of political processes) to use your evidence to enhance Public reforms Data Users (Policy Makers) Data Providers (Researchers) Need to improve dialogue: How? Reliable Data Improving “understa ndability” of evidence Effective Dissemina tion Wide Access What ? Why? When? Getting appropriate Buy-in Incentives to use evidence
Enhancing policy relevance
Policies options to address wealth disparities… Source: MICS 3
… as well as sub-national disparities Source: MICS 3
Even if the majority of children attend primary education… Attendance of early childhood education programme and net attendance rates of primary, secondary and tertiary levels of education Children are entering school with low level of preparedness. Net attendance rate drops down at Source: MICS 3 secondary level … … and more dramatically at tertiary level.
Reversals of students performance Students Performance in Reading PISA 2006 and PISA 2000 Russian Federation 440 -22 Bulgaria 402 -28 Romania 396 -32 Source: The OECD Programme for International Student Assessment 2006 (PISA)
Subjective wellbeing Source: MICS 3
Subjective wellbeing Women aged 15 -49 who believe a husband is justified in beating his wife/partner Source: MICS 3
Enhancing data dissemination and use
In addition to National MICS reports …
… key Findings were communicated through Executive summaries …
… leaflets …
… posters and calendars…
… and free access to data was ensured through Dev. Info.
Effective Media release and Press Conferences …
… in synergy with multimedia supports …
… 26 episode documentary TV serial …
… were instrumental to excellent Media coverage.
MICS 3 findings are being used for Evidence Based Decision Making … In all countries, MICS 3 findings were presented at Government policy makers and major stakeholders, including to the Parliament in Kazakhstan MICS 3 findings have been presented in strategic national Conference, such as at the EU Conference on Social Inclusion in Macedonia and the National Conference on Poverty in Tajikistan In Serbia, the MICS 3 findings informed the public hearing at the National Parliament on “Child health. Challenges and solutions” Uzbekistan is planning to launch a dissemination campaign with the Children Parliament.
… and further analysis to inform Policy reforms.
National and international resources invested into Child Poverty Studies: So what?