Скачать презентацию Nanotechnology the Key to Keeping Houston the Скачать презентацию Nanotechnology the Key to Keeping Houston the


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Nanotechnology – the Key to Keeping Houston the Energy Capital of the World Houston Nanotechnology – the Key to Keeping Houston the Energy Capital of the World Houston Technology Center University of Houston June 15, 2004 Wade Adams and Rick Smalley Rice University

World Energy Millions of Barrels per Day (Oil Equivalent) 300 200 100 0 1860 World Energy Millions of Barrels per Day (Oil Equivalent) 300 200 100 0 1860 2060 1900 2100 1940 1980 2020 Source: John F. Bookout (President of Shell USA) , “Two Centuries of Fossil Fuel Energy” International Geological Congress, Washington DC; July 10, 1985. Episodes, vol 12, 257 -262 (1989).

A Much Better Use for Oil than Gasoline! Professor Mark Foster and Family (Univ. A Much Better Use for Oil than Gasoline! Professor Mark Foster and Family (Univ. of Akron Polymer Science Department) with all their oil-based polymer belongings! -- Nat. Geog. June 2004

The ENERGY REVOLUTION (The Terawatt Challenge) 14 Terawatts 210 M BOE/day The Basis of The ENERGY REVOLUTION (The Terawatt Challenge) 14 Terawatts 210 M BOE/day The Basis of Prosperity 20 st Century = OIL 21 st Century = ? ? 30 -- 60 Terawatts 450 – 900 MBOE/day

PRIMARY ENERGY SOURCES Alternatives to Oil TOO LITTLE • Conservation / Efficiency • Hydroelectric PRIMARY ENERGY SOURCES Alternatives to Oil TOO LITTLE • Conservation / Efficiency • Hydroelectric • Biomass • Wind • Wave & Tide ------ CHEMICAL • Natural Gas • Clean Coal -- sequestration? , cost? NUCLEAR • Nuclear Fission • Nuclear Fusion • Geothermal HDR • Solar terrestrial • Solar power satellites • Lunar Solar Power ------- not enough not enough radioactive waste? , terrorism? , cost? too difficult? , cost? cost ? , enough? cost ?

The biggest single challenge for the next few decades: ENERGY for 1010 people • The biggest single challenge for the next few decades: ENERGY for 1010 people • . At MINIMUM we need 10 Terawatts (150 M BOE/day) from some new clean energy source by 2050 • For worldwide energy prosperity and peace we need it to be cheap. • We simply can not do this with current technology. • We need Boys and Girls to enter Physical Science and Engineering as they did after Sputnik. • Inspire in them a sense of MISSION ( BE A SCIENTIST SAVE THE WORLD ) • We need a bold new APOLLO PROGRAM to find the NEW ENERGY TECHNOLOGY

165, 000 TW of sunlight hit the earth every day 165, 000 TW of sunlight hit the earth every day

Solar Cell Land Area Requirements 6 Boxes at 3. 3 TW Each = 20 Solar Cell Land Area Requirements 6 Boxes at 3. 3 TW Each = 20 TWe

Energy Nanotech Grand Challenges from Meeting at Rice University May 2003 1. Photovoltaics -- Energy Nanotech Grand Challenges from Meeting at Rice University May 2003 1. Photovoltaics -- drop cost by 100 fold. 2. Photocatalytic reduction of CO 2 to methanol. 3. Direct photoconversion of light + water to produce H 2. 4. Fuel cells -- drop the cost by 10 -100 x + low temp start. 5. Batteries and supercapacitors -- improve by 10 -100 x for automotive and distributed generation applications. 6. H 2 storage -- light weight materials for pressure tanks and LH 2 vessels, and/or a new light weight, easily reversible hydrogen chemisorption system 7. Power cables (superconductors, or quantum conductors) with which to rewire the electrical transmission grid, and enable continental, and even worldwide electrical energy transport; and also to replace aluminum and copper wires essentially everywhere -- particularly in the windings of electric motors and generators (especially good if we can eliminate eddy current losses).

Energy Nanotech Grand Challenges 8. Nanoelectronics to revolutionize computers, sensors and devices. 9. Nanoelectronics Energy Nanotech Grand Challenges 8. Nanoelectronics to revolutionize computers, sensors and devices. 9. Nanoelectronics based Robotics with AI to enable construction maintenance of solar structures in space and on the moon; and to enable nuclear reactor maintenance and fuel reprocessing. 10. Super-strong, light weight materials to drop cost to LEO, GEO, and later the moon by > 100 x, to enable huge but low cost light harvesting structures in space; and to improve efficiency of cars, planes, etc. 11. Thermochemical processes with catalysts to generate H 2 from water that work efficiently at temperatures lower than 900 C. 12. Nanotech lighting to replace incandescent and fluorescent lights 13. Nano. Materials/ coatings that will enable vastly lower the cost of deep drilling, to enable HDR (hot dry rock) geothermal heat mining. 14. CO 2 mineralization schemes that can work on a vast scale, hopefully starting from basalt and having no waste streams.

One World Energy Scheme for 30 -60 TW in 2050: The Distributed Store-Gen Grid One World Energy Scheme for 30 -60 TW in 2050: The Distributed Store-Gen Grid • Energy transported as electrical energy over wire, rather than by transport of mass (coal, oil, gas) • Vast electrical power grid on continental scale interconnecting ~ 100 million asynchronous “local” storage and generation sites, entire system continually innovated by free enterprise • “Local” = house, block, community, business, town, … • Local storage = batteries, flywheels, hydrogen, etc. • Local generation = reverse of local storage + local solar and geo • Local “buy low, sell high” to electrical power grid • Local optimization of days of storage capacity, quality of local power • Electrical grid does not need to be very reliable, but it will be robust • Mass Primary Power input to grid via HV DC transmission lines from existing plants plus remote (up to 2000 mile) sources on TW scale, including vast solar farms in deserts, wind, NIMBY nuclear, clean coal, stranded gas, wave, hydro, space-based solar…”EVERYBODY PLAYS” • Hydrogen is transportation fuel

Carbon Nanotechnology Laboratory “Making Buckytubes “Be All They Can Be” Founded Mid-2003 as a Carbon Nanotechnology Laboratory “Making Buckytubes “Be All They Can Be” Founded Mid-2003 as a division of CNST Focuses SWNT Research of 10 Faculty in 6 Departments Prof. Richard E. Smalley - Director Dr. Howard K. Schmidt - Executive Director Dr. Robert H. Hauge - Technology Director

Why Buckytubes? MOLECULAR PERFECTION & EXTREME PERFORMANCE • • The Strongest Fiber Possible. Electrical Why Buckytubes? MOLECULAR PERFECTION & EXTREME PERFORMANCE • • The Strongest Fiber Possible. Electrical Conductivity of Copper. Carrier Mobility Surpasses In. Sb & Ga. As. Thermal Conductivity of Diamond. The Unique Chemistry of Carbon. The Scale and Perfection of DNA – The Fullerene Ideal The Ultimately Versatile Engineering Material


New Energy Research Program (The Nickel & Dime Solution) • For FY 04 -FY New Energy Research Program (The Nickel & Dime Solution) • For FY 04 -FY 09 collect 5 cents from every gallon of oil product Invest the resultant > $10 Billion per year as additional funding in frontier energy research distributed among DOE, NSF, NIST, NASA, and Do. D. • For the next 10 years collect 10 cents from every gallon; invest the >$20 Billion per year in frontier energy research. • Devote a third of this money to New Energy Research Centers located adjacent to major US Research Universities, especially Zip Code 77005. • At worst this endeavor will create a cornucopia of new technologies and new industries. • At best, we will solve the energy problem before 2020, and thereby lay the basis for energy prosperity & peace worldwide.

Texas/Houston Frontier Research Fund • Financed off a 5 cent per gallon gas tax Texas/Houston Frontier Research Fund • Financed off a 5 cent per gallon gas tax ~ $1 billion per year across Texas, $200 million in Houston!! • To fund Texas research at the frontiers of science • Over 20 years makes Texas/Houston the premier generator of new high tech industries in Energy, Health, and Information Smalley – Texas Academy of Science proposal

By 2010, if current trends continue, over 90% of all physical scientists and engineers By 2010, if current trends continue, over 90% of all physical scientists and engineers in the world will be Asians working in Asia.

Summary and What Can We Do? • World energy landscape will change dramatically over Summary and What Can We Do? • World energy landscape will change dramatically over next 10 -50 years • Houston is the leader now (but will it last 10 years? ) • Technology will surely enable the changes • Leadership of the future energy economy is now up for grabs • US Energy Policy is focused on Oil, Gas & Hydrogen • Oil & Gas Energy Industry invests the lowest % of any industry in R&D • Asia seems to be investing heavily for the long term in research and people • Houston is poised to either lose or win the energy leadership race • Nanotechnology is the key technology for future energy

What Can Houston Do? – Demonstrate political leadership – Direct investment toward future technologies What Can Houston Do? – Demonstrate political leadership – Direct investment toward future technologies – Expand the research & development infrastructure of the area – Link business to technology (HTC, HARC, Rice, UH. . ) – Fund public/private partnerships – Provide innovative business climate (tax, incentives…) – Support initiatives such as the Texas Energy Center, Texas Nanotechnology Initiative, TARANES – Support and Host Energy Technology Meetings – e. g. at Rice October 15 -17, 2004

Nano in Energy II - Solar • Scope -- Policy, the State of the Nano in Energy II - Solar • Scope -- Policy, the State of the Solar Industry, & Nanotech in Solar Energy • October 15 -17, 2004 at the Baker Institute • 50 technology experts will lay out the possibilities and a path forward • Sponsored by the Rice University Baker Institute for Public Policy, Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology, the Shell Center for Sustainability, and the Environmental and Energy Systems Institute • Co-Sponsored by the Houston Technology Center and the Innovation Alliance (PCAST)

Texas Advanced Research Alliance for Nanostructured Energy Systems Prof. Richard Smalley Prof. Alex Ignatiev Texas Advanced Research Alliance for Nanostructured Energy Systems Prof. Richard Smalley Prof. Alex Ignatiev “The energy technologies prevalent twenty to fifty years from now will be based on novel materials and systems enabled by advanced nanotechnology research today. Developing this ‘New Oil’ will require teamwork and effort not seen since the days of Apollo. ” - Rick Smalley Prof. Alan Mac. Diarmid TARANES : : Big Energy Starting Small