- Количество слайдов: 12
Name__________ Date __________ Find the missing number. Tell how you arrived at the answer. 1. 4 x 6= x 3 Co nt Ass ent B a e for ssme sed n an 5. OA. t d. O 1 A. 2
When asked to tell what she did to get the answer of 10, Susie said, “Su b 45, tract & th 15 fro en div m by 3”. ide #3 Write an expression that is equivalent to Susie’s statement. Add parenthesis to make the statement true. 8 X 10 + 5 = 120 ________________ Prove that your expression is true: _________________________ Why is the parenthesis important? ______________ #4 Last fall, the zoo had 30 alligators in their Cyprus Swamp exhibit. Because it was getting too crowded in the habitat, they decided to give 1/3 of the alligators to the Georgia Zoo. The following spring, the remaining alligators had 3 more babies. Write an expression for this situation. #5
#6 Evaluate: 2 x [5 + (3 x 2)] or 2 [5 + (3 x 2)] #7 Match an expression to the context given by putting the problem number in the answer blank beside the correct expression. (There are more expressions than contexts, so you will not use one of the expressions. You will not repeat any expressions. ) Context Answer blank Expression 1. Three times the difference between eighteen and thirteen Shade your response on the grid. 16 – 7 X 2 2. Five less than the product of eight and three 16 ÷ 8 - 3 3. The difference between sixteen, and the product of seven and two 2 (8 + 3) 4. Ten more than the quotient of sixteen divided by eight 3 X (18 – 13) 5. Twice as much as the sum of eight and three 8 x 3 -5 16 ÷ 8 + 10
#8 In PE class, 3 kids each stacked 58 blue cups and 62 red cups in a cup stacking contest. This expression represents what happened: ( 3 X 58 ) + (3 X 62 ) Part A: Using only addition symbols, write an expression that is equivalent to the one above. Part B: How do you know the equation you wrote in part A is equivalent to the expression above? Explain your thinking.
Multiple choice. Choose the best answer and circle it. In the expression : 3 x (6 + 7) How does having the 3 X in front of the parenthesis affect the overall value of the expression? #9 a. The value is the same. b. The value is three times greater. c. The value is three times less. d. The value is 7 more. Rate your feelings about the test. In the expression : 2(105 X 4) How does having the X 4 after the 105 affect the overall value of the expression? #10 a. The value is the same. Choose one. b. The value is four times greater. c. The value is four times less. d. The value is 4 more.
Scoring Key Question 22 #6 Answer 1 4 x 6= 8 x 3 Student should be able to explain the relationship between the factors in the problem. They should see 4 as ½ of 8 and 3 as ½ of 6. They may also see 4 doubled is 8 and think of halving 6 to get 3. 2 12 x 15 = 6 x 30 Student should be able to explain the relationship between the factors in the problem. They should see 15 as ½ of 30 and 6 as ½ of 12. They may also see 15 doubled is 30 and think of halving 12 to get 6. 3 (45 – 15) ÷ 3 4 8 X (10 + 5) = 120 Student explanation should be able to relate his understanding that 10 added to 5 is 15 and 15 times 8 is 120. Student should also note that a parenthesis is important because it tells us which operation to do first. #7 5 (30 x 1/3) + 3 Answer blank Expression 6 See side note #3 16 – 7 X 2 7 See side note 16 ÷ 8 - 3 8 Multiple answers are excepted. Some examples are: 58 + 62 + 62 120 + 120 58 + 58+ 184 150 + 180 + 24 + 6 110 + 30 For Part B, children should be able to explain that the answer to their expression is equivalent to the given expression by solving both problems and arriving at 360. No match #5 2 (8 + 3) #1 3 X (18 – 13) #2 8 x 3 -5 #4 16 ÷ 8 + 10 9 B. 10 A.
Performance Task: • Creating a Budget
Budget Task: • At the end of the month, you will get to visit the classroom store to spend the money you are earning by completing your classroom jobs. • In order to get ready for shopping day, you need to create a budget for yourself. • This task will give you practice budgeting your money.
Each Friday, you get paid $10. 00 for successfully completing your classroom job. You can earn up to 3 $0. 50 bonuses a week for participation. You can also earn $0. 25 for organization each morning that you have all homework labeled and turned in on time. 1 6 7 8 9 3 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 24 5 2 31 Write an expression that represents your potential earnings for the month of March (starting the week of 3/4/13).
Pretend that the bank statement to the left is yours. Write an expression that represents the financial activity in your account for the month. Evaluate the expression to determine the balance in your account.
At the beginning of the month, your goal was to buy a soccer ball. It costs $45. 00. Do you have enough money? Tell how you know.
Scoring Rubric Quality Levels Meets Standard Developing Below Standard Criteria/Student Behaviors Math Concepts Student demonstrates complete understanding of expressions, order of operations, & grouping symbols. Student demonstrates substantial understanding of expressions, order of operations, & grouping symbols; May use unsophisticated expressions. Student demonstrates some understanding of expressions, order of operations, & the use of grouping symbols. Work may have some errors that hinders/impedes evaluation. Student demonstrates very limited understanding ; makes attempt to create expression & evaluate it, but makes many errors. Part A: Writing an Expression Student writes expression using grouping symbols that represents potential earnings for the month. Possible answers include: (4 x 10. 00)+4(3 x. 50)+(. 25 x 20) OR (4 x 10. 00)+(12 x. 50)+ (. 25 x 20) Student writes expression using grouping symbols that correctly represents potential earnings for the month. The expression is not in simplest form. Possible answers may include: (4 x 10. 00)+(1. 50+1. 50+ 1. 50)+ (. 25 x 20) Student writes expression using grouping symbols that may or may not represents potential earnings for the month. It is clear that they understand the context, but there are errors in placement of grouping symbols or minor mistakes. Student makes an attempt to write expression. There are many errors & understanding of context is not demonstrated. Part B: Writing & Evaluating an Expression Student is able to accurately represent activity using an expression. In addition, they are able to correctly evaluate the expression to find that the balance of the account is $44. 00. Student is able to represent activity in bank account using a mathematical expression, but may not use efficient notation. In addition, they are able to correctly evaluate the expression to determine that the balance of the account is $44. 00. Student attempt to represent activity using an expression may be incomplete. They may provide correct evaluation, but have difficulty explaining the process. OR- They may provide wrong answer, but the mistake is due to calculation error instead of a set up error. Student attempts to create an expression, but multiple mistakes impede progress toward learning the balance. Part C: Purchase Decision Student explains that purchasing the soccer ball is possible based on the income & the cost of the ball; Includes details about remaining money. Student explains that purchasing the soccer ball is possible based on the income of the month & the cost of the ball. Student explains that purchasing the soccer ball is possible but justification is unclear or contains mistakes. Student indicates that it is possible to purchase the ball, but offers no explanation.