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Name: mahmoud salah • ID : 20152234 Name: mahmoud salah • ID : 20152234

Defination of commerce • The exchange of goods and services for money • Consits Defination of commerce • The exchange of goods and services for money • Consits of : 1. Buyers : these are people with money who want to buy a good or service 2. Sellers : these are the people who offer goods and service to buyers. 3. Producers : these are people who create the products and services that sellers offer to buyers.

Defination of e-commerce • E-commerce or electronics is a process of buying or selling Defination of e-commerce • E-commerce or electronics is a process of buying or selling or exchange product , services , and/or information via electronic networks and computers

Brief history of ecommerce • 1970 • E-commerce meant the facilitation of commercial transactions Brief history of ecommerce • 1970 • E-commerce meant the facilitation of commercial transactions electrnically , using technology such as electronic data interchange (EDI) and electronic funds transfer (EFT) , allowing businesses to send commercial documents like purchase orders or invoice electronically.

1980 s : • • The growth and acceptance of credits cards Automated teller 1980 s : • • The growth and acceptance of credits cards Automated teller machine (atm) Telephone banking Airline reservation system.

1990 s: • The internet commercialized and user flocked to participate in the form 1990 s: • The internet commercialized and user flocked to participate in the form of dot-com, or internet start-ups. • Innovative applications ranging from online direct sales to e-learning experiences.

In 2000 s: • Many european and american business companies offered their services through In 2000 s: • Many european and american business companies offered their services through world wide web. • Since then, people began to associate a world “e-commerce”

Process of ecommerce • Consumer use web browser to connect merchant website • Consumer Process of ecommerce • Consumer use web browser to connect merchant website • Consumer surf the complete catalog of products freaturedon the site and select item to purchase. The selected item are placed in electronic equivalent of a shopping cart. • Consumer buy via debit card and credit card and mention the shipping adress

Process of ecommerce cont. • When the consumer is ready to complete the purchase Process of ecommerce cont. • When the consumer is ready to complete the purchase of selected items, she provides a billto and ship-to address for purchase and delivery • Then the merchant receive this order , he checks the payment and sends goods to logistics

Electronic payment system • Electronic wallet : a computerized value that hold credit card Electronic payment system • Electronic wallet : a computerized value that hold credit card information, electronic cash , owner identification, and address information • Credit card • Debit card • Smart card • Online banking and cash on delivery.

1 - business to business • B 2 b stands for business to business. 1 - business to business • B 2 b stands for business to business. • It consist of largest form of ecommerce. • This defines that buyer and seller are 2 different entities. • It is similar to manfacturer issuing goods to the retailer or wholesaler. • E. G. : DELL deals computers and other associated accesssories online but it is does not make up all those product. So in govern to deal those products , first step is to purchases them from unlike businesses i. e. the producers of those products.

2 - business to consumer • It is the taking businesses and consumers interaction. 2 - business to consumer • It is the taking businesses and consumers interaction. • The basics concept of this model is to sell the product online to consumers. • B 2 Cs is the direct trade between the company and consumer, it provide direct selling through online. • For example : if you want to sell goods and services to customer so that anybody can purchase any product directly from suppliers website.

3 -customer to business • Consumer to business ecommerce is defined as commerce between 3 -customer to business • Consumer to business ecommerce is defined as commerce between customers and organization • Example : a customer posts his project within budget online and company review customers requirement and bid on the project. consumer review bid and selects a company that will complete the project.

4 -consumer to consumer • There are many sites offering free classifieds, auctions and 4 -consumer to consumer • There are many sites offering free classifieds, auctions and forums where individual and buy and sell products to online payment system like paypal where people can send and receive money online with ease. • Ebay auction services is a great example of where person-to-person transactions take place everyday since 1995.

Advantage of e-comerce • Faster buying/selling procedure, as well as easy to find products. Advantage of e-comerce • Faster buying/selling procedure, as well as easy to find products. • Buying/selling 24/7. • More reach to customers, there is no theortical geographic limitation. • Low operation cost and better quality of services • No needs for physical company set-ups. • Easy to start and manage a business. • Customers can easily select products from different providers without moving around physically.

Disadvantage of e-commerce • Unable to examine products personally • Not everyone is connected Disadvantage of e-commerce • Unable to examine products personally • Not everyone is connected to the internet • There is the possibility of credit card number theft • Mechanical failure can cause unpredicable effects on the total processes.

conclusion • The internet has leads to the brith and evolution of e -commerce. conclusion • The internet has leads to the brith and evolution of e -commerce. E-comerce has now become a key component of several organization in the daily running of their business. • As the internet and in turn , E-commerce has developed , and continues to evolve and grow, it is vital that any organisation , it vital that any organization , in any particular industry , must base its strategic planning around such rapidly growing medium.