Presentation EXPERIENCE.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 11
Name: Dmitriy. Surname: Manishin. Date of birth: on June, 11 th, 1981. The birthplace: the city of Novosibirsk. Since 2006 on the present I live and I work in Moscow. Perfumery-cosmetic business: since 2006 on the present. Formation: the higher, technical. Additional education: the Managerlogist, Human resource management.
The author of articles on logistics in magazine "LOGISTICS TODAY" (2009 2010).
The author of articles on logistics in magazine "LOGISTICS and MANAGEMENT" (2006 - 2008). The expert of magazine "LOGISTICS and MANAGEMENT" in 2007 and 2008.
The owner of a rank: "Logist of year".
EXPERIENCE IN PERFUMERY-COSMETIC BUSINESS 2006 - 2011 In 2006 I have moved to live from a city of Novosibirsk to Moscow. In 2006 I have started to work in the French company "ALIAGE". The owner of company "ALIAGE" - Nicolas Vassiliadis. Company "ALIAGE" was the official exclusive distributor of cosmetic marks in territory of Russia. I worked in a post: the Director of department of logistics. In my submission there were 25 persons.
I was engaged in the organization of work of department of logistics, planning and management. I solved following important questions: the order of production at suppliers, correspondence with suppliers, delivery of the goods from the supplier to our Moscow warehouse, work with customs, work with the state supervising bodies, dialogue with our clients (shops, drugstores), the organization of warehousing of the goods (storage in a warehouse). Delivery of the goods (cosmetics) it was carried out daily on shops of Moscow and regions of Russia. Goods delivery across Moscow our personal drivers (carried out park of cars - 5 units). Goods delivery on other cities of Russia was carried out by Transport companies.
Work with customs bodies of Russia. Registration of all necessary documents for goods import on territory of Russia. Calculation of customs cost and customs payments.
The organization and management of work of a warehouse complex of company "ALIAGE". Goods reception on a warehouse. Goods placing on places storages (racks). Goods complete set according to the order of the client (shop). Shipment of production from a warehouse. Registration of tovaro-covering notes of documents. Carrying out of inventory of the goods. Dismissal of employees of a warehouse, reception of new employees and their training.
Interaction with the state structures concerning certification of the goods and reception of the necessary documentation for goods import on territory of Russia, and also reception of resolving documents for sale of the goods in shops.
The analysis of statistics of sales (shipments), revealing of dependences and dynamics. Calculation of a necessary warehouse stock of the goods for performance of the plan of sales. Order registration on the form of the supplier. Dialogue with suppliers concerning goods shipment according to our order.
Preparation of documents and the goods for participation in exhibitions.
Presentation EXPERIENCE.pptx