Найти и спасти: Mолекулярныe свидетели в онкологии Кушнарев Владимир, Студент 5 курса лечебного факультета Амурской Государственной Mедицинской Aкадемии, Благовещенск, Россия Research Fellow in Group Exosomes and Tumor Biology Institute for Environmental Health Science and Hospital Infection, Freiburg, Germany 3. Februar 2018
Content -----------------------------------------Introduction 1. Who is who? Cancer and its role in death rate. 2. Why is cancer difficult to cure? Problems of treatment and diagnostic 3. Old methods and novel approaches in diagnostic of cancer 4. Translation from bench to bedside – whole way. Example from Germany's healthcare system 2 · 3. Februar 2018
Introduction Гравюра по дереву «Танец смерти» . Mich. Wohlgemuth, 1493. 3 · 3. Februar 2018
Cancer. How it can be possible? --------------------------------------------------------Cancer is a term used for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and are able to invade other tissues 4 · 3. Februar 2018 cancerresearchuk. org
Cancer. How it can be possible? -------------------------------------------------------- 5 · 3. Februar 2018 genome. gov; nature. com
DNA breaks are reason? 6 · 3. Februar 2018
Cancer. How it can be possible? --------------------------------------------------------Each one of us is made up of roughly a hundred million (100, 000, 000) cells, and there are more than 200 different types of cells in the body. 7 · 3. Februar 2018
How a cancer cell grows? -------------------------------------------------------- 8 · 3. Februar 2018 cancerresearchuk. org
Age-adjusted Cancer Death Rates, Males by Site, US, 1930 -2010 -------------------------------------------------------- 9 · 3. Februar 2018 © 2014, American Cancer Society, Inc. , Surveillance Research
Age-adjusted Cancer Death Rates, Females by Site, US, 1930 -2010 ----------------------------------------------------- 10 · 3. Februar 2018 © 2014, American Cancer Society, Inc. , Surveillance Research
Leading New Cancer Cases and Death - 2014 -------------------------------------------------------- 11 · 3. Februar 2018 © 2014, American Cancer Society, Inc. , Surveillance Research
Cure and diagnostic -------------------------------------------------------- 12 · 3. Februar 2018
Cure and diagnostic problem -------------------------------------------------------- 13 · 3. Februar 2018
TNM classification -------------------------------------------------------- 14 · 3. Februar 2018 American Cancer Society, 2012
Breast cancer: TNM classification American Joint Committee on Cancer Tumor–Node–Metastasis Stage After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy and Breast Cancer Outcome 15 · 3. Februar 2018
Breast cancer: TNM classification American Joint Committee on Cancer Tumor–Node–Metastasis Stage After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy and Breast Cancer Outcome 16 · 3. Februar 2018
17 · 3. Februar 2018