национальная кухня России и Великобритании.pptx
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RUSSIAN NATIONAL CUISINE Russian national cuisine is famed for its entrees for the whole world : soup, borscht, rassolnik , botvinya , beetroot and ear any food can decorate the dining table. Most clearly characterize Russian cuisine pancakes, thistle , hash , meat dumplings. If you ask a foreigner what associations it is the word " Russian " , you can hear about the following: Vodka , bears, balalaika , eggs, cakes , soup and so on. Curiously, that vodka contrary to popular opinion does not apply to native Russian drink , it was brought to Russia from Italy at the turn of XIV-XV Article. and has long been prohibited. Caviar has been and remains the same , because of its high cost , a festive dish , so take it to the Russian kitchen fully unlikely.
For all its history rather big Russian cuisine absorbed and processed cooking traditions of different peoples , but from this processing is not obtained dishes similar to its prototype. For example, salads, imported from Europe were made with only one vegetable. However, it does not say about the monotony of Russian cuisine : dishes difference achieved using different ways of cooking , the addition of various fats (mainly vegetable oils ) and the use of various herbs and spices , penetrated into Russia from Byzantium. Later, on the Russian table began to get meat dishes from the East : dumplings, dumplings , kebabs. Here, too, was not without Russian ingenuity - meat stroganoff , despite its foreign sound , nevertheless , is exclusively Russian dish. Another tradition , which all used to be perceived as traditionally Russian - afternoon tea. However, tea appeared in Russia in the second half of the XVI century. , After joining Russia Astrakhan and Kazan Khanate. Before drinking kvass in Russia , sbiten of intoxicating - mead , beer, imported mostly from Byzantine Greek wines.
Since the XVIII century. radical dissociation occurs cuisine and noble vernacular cuisine : noble kitchen Europeanized ( an echo of the time and are the numerous French and German culinary terms found in the Russian lexicon ) is considered prestigious to have among the servants cook Frenchman. All of the XVIII century. marked by direct borrowing of foreign dishes - burgers, sausages, omelettes , stewed fruit , the same salads and soups , and more. Only after the war with Napoleon suddenly erupted wave of patriotism among the representatives of the Russian nobility reappears interest in Russian cuisine. Paradoxically, positive role in the revival of ancient Russian culinary traditions played a French chef by the name Karem - that he and his successors suggested replacing " French " system serving dishes when all the dishes were exhibited on the table at the same time the old Russian way of alternately applying and abandon pureed meals in favor of a more natural from whole vegetables , more characteristic of Russian culinary tradition. But at this time of resurgent Russian tradition held French " editorial control " : there were so many chops and Russian dishes with non-Russian names steaks, splints, scallops , etc. At the same time accounts and the widespread use of potatoes as a side dish , as well as a significant expansion of the range of snacks, now become one of the specific elements of the Russian section.
The Soviet era Russian made kitchen, on the one hand , more democratic - many of her former ingredients moved into the category of delicacies - and on the other , has enriched its traditions of other peoples of the former USSR. It was during the Soviet era kebab and pilaf became known to every Russian. However, until 1917 the Russian Empire represented a single space , so that the Little Russian borscht or dumplings, Kazakh and Siberian pelmeni dumplings can be rightfully attributed to the recipes, which found its place in the Russian menu.
NATIONAL CUISINE ENGLISH In modern British cuisine , which boasts a variety of mouthwatering dishes , joined together all the advantages of various culinary traditions around the world. Over the past few decades, British cooking has undergone significant changes. Chinese, Indian , Italian and French food is no less popular in the UK than the traditional dishes of England , Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Following the Indian , Italian , Mexican restaurants in many cities in the UK there were Russian , Indonesian , Spanish , Mexican , Moroccan and Thai places. As people come to the UK from around the world , they bring along their culinary secrets , new products , sauces and recipes. Where once it was possible to rely on traditional English food " fish and chips " ( fish and chips ) , is now served Italian linguine , Spanish tortilla and paella, Indian curries and Algerian cous.
Traditional British food is more varied than it might seem at first glance. In different parts of the UK are preparing their specialties. In England , for example - is a Yorkshire pudding and pie ( pudding batter with spices , often served with meat ). Scotland is famous for its veal scars with giblets and special seasoning , shortbread and oatcakes. In Wales, you will be served bread from red algae , fruit and bread croutons and cheese. And in Northern Ireland gourmets taste the champ (potatoes with green onions ) and kolkannon ( dish made of mashed potatoes and vegetables ). And for those who want even more variety , you just need to cross the English Channel. In the UK decided to prepare meals with virtually no sauces. But those who have tried these typical English dishes understand what sauces do not need them. These dishes include primarily beef steak with blood, and rump roast. Vegetables are cooked almost without heat treatment , preserving their natural taste. In the UK, the table serves a wide variety of cold snacks and meals from natural meat and bread almost completely replace all sorts of puddings - cereals, vegetables , sweet fruit.
The British decided to organize two breakfasts. First (breakfast) usually at 8 am. It is served without garnish grilled bacon , pies , porridge with milk, boiled eggs , scrambled eggs with ham, green peas or tomatoes , butter. Hot drinks - natural coffee with cream or strong tea. Lunch (lunch, lunch ) about an hour of the day. At this time, eat a variety of sandwiches (closed sandwiches) with ham, pate , tongue , pork , fish , drink juices and hot drinks. Five of the tuft (five-o-clock) famous tradition of drinking afternoon tea. Tea is served with milk cake , biscuits, scones with jam and cream. Lunch (dinner) - 18 -20 hours. Entrees - vegetable soup or broth with croutons and vegetables. The second dishes of meat , poultry , fish, poultry and vegetables. Favorite food - natural fillet of beef , served with - boiled rice with tomato relish. For dessert, serve compote , fresh berries and fruit , mousse , ice cream, cocktails , mulled wine , punch, at the end of the meal black coffee. Also on the table are always two or three snacks , butter and cold water.
LIST OF REFERENCES http: //countries. turistua. com/ru/velikobritaniya-kitchen. htm http: //images. yandex. ru/yandsearch? text=%D 0%BD%D 0%B 0%D 1%86%D 0%B 8 %D 0%BE%D 0%BD%D 0%B 0%D 0%BB%D 1%8 C%D 0%BD%D 0%B 0%D 1%8 F%20% D 0%BA%D 1%83%D 1%85%D 0%BD%D 1%8 F%20%D 1%80%D 0%BE%D 1%81%D 0%B 8%20%D 1%84%D 0%BE%D 1%82%D 0%BE&lr=213&nore ask=1&source=wiz&uinfo=ww-1310 -wh-526 -fw-1085 -fh-448 -pd-1 http: //countries. turistua. com/ru/rossiya-kitchen. htm http: //images. yandex. ru/yandsearch? text=%D 0%BD%D 0%B 0%D 1%86%D 0%B 8 %D 0%BE%D 0%BD%D 0%B 0%D 0%BB%D 1%8 C%D 0%BD%D 0%B 0%D 1%8 F%20% D 0%BA%D 1%83%D 1%85%D 0%BD%D 1%8 F%20%D 0%B 2%D 0%B 5%D 0%BB%D 0%B 8%D 0%BA%D 0%BE%D 0%B 1%D 1%80%D 0%B 8%D 1%82%D 0%B 0%D 0%BD %D 0%B 8%20%D 1%84%D 0%BE%D 1%82%D 0%BE&lr=213&noreask=1 &source=wiz&uinfo=ww-1310 -wh-526 -fw-1085 -fh-448 -pd-1
национальная кухня России и Великобритании.pptx