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Nacionalna agencija RS za kakovost v visokem šolstvu- NAKVIS Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for HE – SQAA Towards a Sustainable Model for Quality Assurance Processes Skopje, 5 -6 december 2017. PROF. DR. IVAN LEBAN
My activities in QA in HE Vice Rector University of Ljubljana (2001 -2005) Member of pool of experts EUA IEP (2006 Vice President ECA (2015 Vice President CEENQA (2015 Institutional Evaluation of universites: Turkey Romania Montenegro Croatia Lithuania Latvia Portugal Bulgaria Kazakhstan Macedonia FRY Russia Slovenia Izmir(2), Aydin, Bolu, Ankara Suceava, Iasi(2), Galaty Podgorica Zagreb, Split (Chemistry) Kaunas Riga(2) Porto Sofija Almaty Skopje Samara Univerza na Primorskem
NAKVIS – originally founded in 2010 Agency: 19 employees + Director 11 Councillors, 5 in Appeal Committee 180 Trained experts-evaluators
Council of the Agency (11 members) Highest Decision Making Body - 3 members nominated by Rectors Conference, - 1 member nominated by private institutions, 1 ember niminated by higher vocational - m colleges, - 2 members nominated by Students Union and students councils, 1 ember nominated by Trade Unions of - m Education, - 1 member nominated by potential employers,
ORGANISATION SCHEME from March 2010 180 Trained Experts (including students and from abroad)
TERTIARY EDUCATION in SLOVENIA 2 mio inhabitants Study year 2015/16 enrolled Universities and HEIs 69. 881 students Higher Vocational Schools 11. 162 students 7 univs ( 3 state + 3 private + 1 network) + 42 HEIs 917 accredited study programmes ! But only !!! 3400 FTE teachers !!! 50 HVC - 31 public and 19 private 36 study programmes
Distribution of HEIs web page http: //www. nakvis. si
Study Programmes ISCED državni = state zasebni = private
SQAAA young agency – founded 2010 Independent, non-profit, non-governmental, state institution SQAA is not a “PUBLIC AGENCY” – is not covered by the Public Agencies Act We are in the same position as: Court of Auditors Constitutional Court Anti Corruption Commission Slovenian Academy of Arts and Sci. . With one exception: we are not autonomous We are under Higher Education Act (51. a-51. ž) and Bye-Laws – Criteria for Evaluation and Accred. . .
Member ENQA (2015), in EQAR (2013) www. eqar. eu and www. enqa. eu ENQA ESG standards - Part 2 – external evaluation procedure - Part 3 - evaluation of agency itself Decisions: http: //www. eqar. eu/fileadmin/agencyreports/2013_05_SQAA_Approval. Deci sion. pdf http: //www. enqa. eu/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Letter-ENQA-to. SQAA_180315. pdf Final reports: http: //www. eqar. eu/fileadmin/agencyreports/SQAA_External_Review_Repo rt. pdf http: //www. enqa. eu/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Review-report-of-the. SQAA. pdf
COMPLIANCE TO STANDARDS: judged as fully, substantially, partially, non-compliant EQAR 16 standards (2013) 7 fully 8 substantially 1 partially ENQA 17 standards (2015) 10 fully 6 substaintally 1 partially
ENQA (6) EQAR (2) ENQA+EQAR (45) SUM 53 Grolimund, AAQ, 2017
Grolimund AAQ 2017
Grolimund AAQ 2017
Future plans - Information system e. NAKVIS - Evaluations/accreditations + Counseling (Q&A) - Trying to put forward separate Act on Agency to get more independency - Sustainable financing
There are constant ill-oriented critiques about HE system and quality in general of Slovenia ! Just some randomly selected data to think about !
AUDIT REPORT OF THE RS COURT OF AUDITORS PROCEDURES FOR EVALUATION, ACCREDITATION AND AWARDING CONCESSIONS IN HIGHER EDUCATION Number: 320 -5/2014/80; Ljubljana, April 13, 2016 The Court of Auditors expressed the opinion that AGENCY when regulating and implementing the evaluation and accreditation procedures and the GOVERNMENT and the MINISTRY in the organization of evaluation and accreditation procedures and in the regulation and implementation of the awarding of concessions in the period from 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2013, were not effective.
The inefficiency of the evaluation and accreditation procedures with which the AGENCY performs external quality assurance of HEIs is attributed in particular to unclear, inaccurate and incomprehensible legal bases. It established that the MINISTRY, as a draftsperson and the GOVERNMENT, did not properly plan the school system in the part relating to ensuring the quality and diversity of study programs as a proposer of legislation in the field of higher education, and that the adopted legal bases did not specify precisely what the external quality assurance procedures should check. The new Criteria for Accreditation and External Evaluation of HEIs and Study Programs Ur. l. 42/17 followed these recomendations. !!! www. nakvis. si
Some rankings Shanghai ranking http: //www. shanghairanking. com/Search. jsp University of Ljubljana 401 -500 place
https: //www. timeshighereducation. com/world-university-rankings 2017 2018
U. S. News Education https: //www. usnews. com/education/best-global-universities/search? country=slovenia&name=
World State of Quality project https: //mail. nakvis. si/owa/redir. aspx? C=W 0 a. Lh. An 8 FI 9 QI 2 Ep 3 wjfw. Oip. VMfgq. EZuku. NZ 06 k. Kg. Ip. QQb. VHhn. VCA. . &URL=http%3 a%2 f%2 fnewslett er. apq. pt%2 fgo%2 f 60 c 8 f-10 eb 4 fd 7 b 41 -01 c 11167 b 34 d 77 b 98 f 67 b 9 e 6 d 3243 b 2 -de. Ie 882 efbmie. Bwed. TIv
50 States National HE systems Universitas 21 Melbourne http: //www. universitas 21. com/article/projects/details/153/executive-summary-and-full-2015 -report
The Global Competitiveness Report 2017 -2018 http: //www 3. weforum. org/docs/GCR 20172018/05 Full. Report/The. Global. Competitiveness. Report 2017%E 2%80%932018. pdf
V letu 2016 le 2, 00 %
These are the ten best countries for skill and education http: //wef. ch/2 x 8 Fp. Py #hcr 17 pic. twitter. com/cq 4 s. QOYNEo 10: 00 PM - 19 Oct 2017
https: //www. slideshare. net/Eur. University. Association/university-mergers-in-europe
PISA 22 Nov 2017 @OECDEducation
WORK-BASED LEARNING (WBL) 2017 is an educational strategy that provides students with real-life work experiences where they can apply academic and technical skills and develop their employability. "[1] It is a series of educational courses which integrate the school or university curriculum with the workplace to create a different learning paradigm. "Work-based learning deliberately merges theory with practice and acknowledges the intersection of explicit and tacit forms of knowing. "[2] Vir: Wikipedia In Slovenia (Yugoslavia) we had “Carreer Oriented Study Law” already in 1981, but it did not work very well – please, do check !!!
Action Plan (in Nov 2016 HE Act) Move towards Institutional evaluation/accreditation More autonomy to univs (handling Study Programmes) Importance of IQA at HEIs Reducing bureaucracy Validity of Accreditation 5 yrs Sample evaluation of study progs. (just recommends. ) Initial Accreditation of brand new stud. progs. Keeping an update of stud. progs. Extraordinary evaluation progs/instits. Joint Study Progs (European Appr. ), CBHE, notification Various databases e. NAKVIS/e. VŠ - digitalization, big-data etc. . .
INVITATION ECA-NVAO Seminar Institutional and Programme Reviews: Towards New Combinations 1 February 2018 | Brussels A trend towards implementing institutional reviews can be clearly discerned across Europe. However, the quality of education rests in the first place with the teachers and students in the programmes of study. This seminar focuses on experiences of institutions and QA agencies in dealing with programme quality within institutional reviews.
SQAA-NAKVIS Some of our work in 2016 No. of visits No. of days UL UM UP UNG 34 13 3 3 55 20 5 3 HEIs HVC 19 6 22 8 Sum 78 visits 113 days
35000 30000 Število diplomantov terciarnega izobraževanja 2007 -2016 Slovenija 25000 20000 Number 15000 10000 5000 0 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017
• Number of Ph. D. s 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
But…. Digitalization, Industry 4. 0 in spite of various debates about studentcentred learning, learning outcomes, lifelong learning, work based learning, joint programmes and even on the use of ICT (distance learning) in education, the education sector, and higher education in particular, is still adopting antiquated methods of facilitating learning. Curricula and programmes can barely catch up with the needs of contemporary social life and business/industry.
Some Quotations: THE PURPOSE OF EVALUATION IS TO IMPROVE, NOT TO PROVE. QUALITY PAYS. Gregory H. Watson at 61 st EOQ, Bled , 2017 WHAT IS QUALITY ? Relentless pursuit of goodness and persistent avoidness of badness !
Hvala lepa vsem! Thanks to all !