n n 1) China – about 1000 persons 2) Iran – 100 -150 persons 3) Saudi Arabia – from 80 to 100 persons 4) USA – 60 persons every year
Military execution n One of the methods of execution is often applied in the history of mankind – military execution. The sentenced to death is put to a wall. As a rule, the execution is carried out by some persons and which haven't learned who has exactly enforced a sentence, the guns of some people secretly charge single bullets. Only one gun has a real bullet.
Hanging n Hanging is a kind of a mechanical asphyxia. The death comes in 4 -5 minutes after squeezing of a neck from a paralysis of the respiratory centre.
Beheading n One of the methods of the execution existing till nowadays is beheading. In this case the biological death comes quickly.
The electric chair n The electric chair has been invented in the USA in a 19 th century, and the first modern model appeared in 1960 th years. The death comes from a stop of muscles of heart and other bodies. During the last decades the electric chair was actively forced out by other forms of execution and now it is used seldom enough.
A dead injection n The method of introduction by a needle of special poison (a dead injection) has received distribution in 1980 th years. Injections are considered as more humane way of killing. There is a special machine for inputting of poisons, but in the majority of states it is done manually, as it is more reliable.
The gas chamber n The gas chamber is another way of execution. It represents the small room covered with glass in the top part where it was a possibility to observe of an execution of the punishment. After 9 minutes a biological death comes.
Death penalty in Russia