Siberian Crater.pptx
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Mystery of the Siberian crater deepens: Scientists left baffled after two NEW holes appear in Russia's icy wilderness • The original hole received worldwide attention after being identified by helicopter pilots some 32 km from a huge gas extraction plant at Bovanenkov. • 'According to local residents, the hole formed on 27 September 2013. 'Observers give several versions. According to the first, initially at the place was smoking, and then there was a bright flash. In the second version, a celestial body fell there. ' • The funnel is a perfectly formed cone, say locals who are mystified over its formation. 'They found the crater - around up to 70 meters deep - has an icy lake at its bottom, and water is cascading down its eroding permafrost walls’. • 'As of now our estimates is about 30 meters. If we try to measure diameter together with soil emission, the so-called parapet, then the diameter is up to 60 meters. ’ The structure is so fragile that the scientists could not climb deep into the lake and had to send a camera down instead. • Scientists in Krasnoyarsk region - the second largest in Russia - plan further study of this hole. 'Undoubtedly, we need to study all such formations. It is necessary to be able to predict their occurrence. 'Each new funnel provides additional information for scientists. ' • Experts - geologists, ecologists, and historians - have not come to a consensus about the origin of the funnel, say reports in the region. 'It is not like this is the work of men, but also doesn't look like natural formation, ' said one account expressing puzzlement at its creation.
• 'Theories range from meteorites, stray missiles, a man-made prank, and aliens, to an explosive cocktail of methane or shale gas suddenly exploding, ' 'There is ground outside, as if it was thrown as a result of an explosion. • Now the new holes - smaller in diameter but similar in shape - are posing a fresh challenge for scientists. A second is in the same permafrost region of northern Russia, and a third on the Taymyr Peninsula, to the east, in Kransoyark region. Both were spotted by reindeer herders who almost fell in. • The discovery eliminates the possibility that a meteorite had struck the region. One theory is that the feature is a ‘pingo, ’ A pingo is a large chunk of ice that is located underground that can create a hole in the ground when it melts. After the hole was discovered, there was speculation online about the crater indicating 'the arrival of a UFO craft'. • Ruling out extra-terrestrial intervention, Dr Plekhanov said: 'We can say for sure that under the influence of internal processes there was an ejection in the permafrost. 'I want to stress that was not an explosion, but an ejection, so there was no heat released as it happened. ’ • The current favorite version is that melting permafrost because of the climate change caused a release of methane gas, which then forces an eruption. Though scientists are hesitating to offer a firm conclusion without more study. ’ • The latest expedition organized by the Yamal authorities included experts from Russia's Centre for the Study of the Arctic, and also the Cryosphere Institute of the Academy of Sciences. They took samples of soil, air and water from the scene and were accompanied by a specialist from Russia's Emergencies Ministry.
• Anna Kurchatova from the Sub-Arctic Scientific Research Centre, previously said the crater was formed by a mixture of water, salt and gas igniting an underground explosion, a result of global warming. Gas accumulated in ice could have mixed with sand beneath the surface, and then mixed with salt. • 'Two previous summers - years 2012 and 2013 were relatively hot for Yamal, perhaps this has somehow influenced the formation of the crater. 'But we have to do our tests and research first and then say it more definitively. ' • Yamal, a large peninsula jutting into Arctic waters, is Russia's main production area for gas supplied to Europe. Dr Plekhanov said: 'I've never seen anything like this, even though I have been to Yamal many times. '
Discussion questions • Have you heard about this event before? • What facts do you remember from this article that caught your attention? • What is a permafrost? Have you ever seen permafrost or tried to dig it? • What regions of our planet are affected by permafrost? • Would you like to be a part of the team to go on site to explore this event? • Who thinks it is a fun job to take part in such expeditions? Why? • What do you think has caused the appearance of these craters in Russia? • If it were caused by the global warming, do you think there would be other unexpected effects that we might experience as our planet warms up?
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Siberian Crater.pptx