Mysterious Chinese tea ceremony { Completed student GRS-2 -3 Tereshchenko Evgenia
According to the Chinese, tea and good thirst quencher increases immunity. The first mention of tea date back to the period 4800 years ago. And tea is credited with identifying a significant figure of Chinese mythology, the divine ancestor of the Chinese nation Shen Nuno.
Generally, in those days, only rich people could afford to drink tea. Unfortunately, it is not known when the medicinal tea has become a daily drink. Estimated data is reduced to the 1 st century BC.
Features tea ceremony in China It should be noted that the formation of tea in China ritual took place in several stages. By tea tree tea and the Chinese had a special attitude. Only after gaining peace of mind, a man was ready for the tea ritual.
The Chinese way of tea According to the Chinese sage, tea ceremony should take place as a creative process with all the necessary regulations. The main point in the preparation of tea is considered necessary to reveal its taste and aroma. It is necessary to choose the right tea, which should suit your mood. Water is necessary to use only fresh, it is desirable from the source, the spring, the river.
Dishes for preparation and consumption of tea. According to Chinese tradition, the dishes for the tea can not be stored in the kitchen. The process of brewing tea also goes abroad to foreign odors could not affect the flavor of the tea. Previously it used for tea utensils of silver and gold. But later it was replaced by ceramic and porcelain. Spoon poured tea, also made of porcelain, or bamboo.
The process of brewing tea Ever since the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries in China tea brewed in special cups such as cups with a lid, the volume of which does not exceed 200 -250 ml. Call these bowls gaiwan.
According to the rules, in a bowl filled 4 -5 grams of tea, which is filled with boiling water to ¾ volume. The tea should brew for 2 -3 minutes. Then the tea is poured into another container so as not to open the lid.
Tea should be drunk hot, in small sips, without the addition of sugar and other seasonings. Once drunk ¾ of all content, the remaining pellet was re-filled with boiling water. Thus, the process of tea.
Depending on the process of drying and degree of fermentation are several types of tea. This is a red (familiar to us black), white, green, yellow and others. Each of these types are divided further into many varieties, which are more than 1500. Different varieties of tea you need to drink at different times of the year. So, spring is better to drink tea flower in the summer - green teas, in the fall - only the young green, and in winter - black tea varieties. From April to October the harvest of tea crop.