My work since 1976 - NHS and University
Bullying the accepted international definition
What is Bullying?
Consequences of bullying and victimisation
Risk factors for victims
Finland, 2009 Pupils NOT feeling safe at school, % 10 – 15 year olds
Ki. Va in Finland
Research background of Ki. Va – Christina Salmivalli had already done 20 years of research on bullying
In order to reduce bullying. . .
In order to reduce bullying. . .
Ki. Va programme
Ki. Va™ universal and indicated actions
Learning by doing…
Online games
Parents’ involvement
Indicated actions- the role of the Ki. Va team 24
Evidence of effectiveness
Ki. Va Indicated actions are effective
NOT feeling safe at school, %
Countries now implementing and in several cases researching Ki. Va
The current situation in Wales
Ki. Va in Wales: first steps
Ki. Va in Wales 2012 –
Welsh Pilot study
Pilot Teacher Feedback
The current situation in Wales/UK
All Wales Data – baseline Feb 15
All Wales pre-post data after one year
Ki. Va data for eight RCT trial schools with two years of outcome data
BIG Lottery funded Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT)
An example Ysgol Penmorfa – an RCT intervention school
Ysgol Penmorfa School results
Current Situation in Powys
Ki. Va Wales - present situation
ITV News Presentation on Ki. Va Priory School Brecon
Priory School Brecon baseline and first year outcomes
UK training strategy in 2016
New grant application
Important current research area - how to support broad roll out:
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