- Количество слайдов: 14
MY SUMMER 2013 Gireva Anastasiya DB-40
June My summer started with a practice in the organization. Мое лето началось с практики в организации. I am an intern at a brokerage company "Region" Я проходила практику в брокерской компании "Регион"
16 июня я испекла огромный торт, в честь трехлетия как мы вместе June 16 I baked a huge cake in honor of the three-year period as we are together
Jule В начале июля, я проводила моего друга в армию In early July, I spent my friend in the army
Ко мне на дачу приехала Галка и мы устроили шашлыки Me to the cottage came Galka and we had a barbecue
Вечером у нас на участке часто гуляют ежики In the evening we often walk in the area hedgehogs
В июле я летела в Египет. In July I was flying to Egypt. Я была в городе Хургада. I was in the city of Hurghada.
In Egypt is very hot Average temperature - 38
I was on tour on Paradise Island. It is very beautiful, clean, golden sand clear, blue water.
The hotel grounds were huge. Despite the hot climate, it was a lot of green.
August Flew to Egypt, I immediately went to the car to the Urals. In the city of Chelyabinsk live almost all my relatives.
In Chelyabinsk, Ural Mountains are very beautiful.
We drove into the woods for mushrooms and bathed in the lake, where a meteorite fell this winter.
Summer 2013 was a very eventful and fun. But it's time to learn, ahead of last year at this college.