My self-portrait The way I see myself
My name When I hear my name, I think that it sounds softly and I can think of some calm melody playing.
My age When I think of my age, I consider that I approach the middle of something important. It’s high time I thought about my own family and, maybe, of some positive changes – as there a lot of problems (that’s why I think of clouds and rain)
My favourite music When I listen to my favourite music, I feel inspiration and while listening, I usually create something – either some tasks for your classes, or some poems.
My favourite colours are red, orange and yellow. They make me feel warm, that’s why I think of some burning candle – it’s a symbol of light and warmth.
My hobby reading drawing My hobbies are Baking cakes Playing with children
The way I look when I am happy This is how I look when I am happy. I smile a lot and feel as if I had butterflies in my stomach
My family This is my family. We are 4: my mother, my father, my grandmother and me. We are very friendly and always help each other.
My friends usually help me, when I feel blue – they make me smile and support me every time I need their advice. I love them very much.
My dream I’d like to have my own family: a husband a child – I’d like to have a daughter – and I’d like us to live in the house of our own somewhere out of town.
My favourite place is the lake and the forest, or some park – I like staying on the nature’s lap. It makes me feel calm and peaceful.