Мy project is “Russian winter festivals guide” The

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>Мy project is “Russian winter festivals guide” Мy project is “Russian winter festivals guide”

>The title of my project is “Russian winter festivals guide”. The title of my project is “Russian winter festivals guide”.

>As you know to celebrate winter festivals is an old tradition. The New Year’s As you know to celebrate winter festivals is an old tradition. The New Year’s day was introduced by Peter the Great in 1700 year. It is associated with a New Year tree that first came from germany in the eighteenth centry.


>Next festivals is Epiphany. Next festivals is Epiphany.

>We mark it the on nineteenth of January epiphany is a Christian holiday. It We mark it the on nineteenth of January epiphany is a Christian holiday. It unites religious people. People bathe in the hole. It is so awful.

>The third holiday is Christmas. It is the most popular festival in Russia. In The third holiday is Christmas. It is the most popular festival in Russia. In the Russian Federation it is celebrated on the seventh of January. People set fireworks to finish up.

>I want to say that I like winter holidays very mush! I want to say that I like winter holidays very mush!

>Thank you for your attention! Thank you for your attention!