- Количество слайдов: 19
Мы объединяем виртуальный и физический Миры Где каждый в выигрыше
Lyndon Farrington Управляющий директор Lyndon's career started as a mining engineer, he was also in the armed forces. He has been in business for 25 years. An accomplished public speaker with a very technical engineering education from two universities whilst gaining a wealth of knowledge from the corporate world mixed with years of international free enterprise experience. Lyndon has taken three separate businesses from zero to a multi-million pound turnover. He has ability to simplify complicated scenarios and put them to work with the least time and effort to bring a new business to market, faster than others thus gaining a competitive edge. He operates with a diplomatic approach but can be very direct when necessary.
IT Director Commercial Director Senior Software Engineer Head of Operations. Senior Software Architect GUI Project Manager Infrastructure Architect
Рост на карте Мира • Beep will show your growth as it travels across the face of the planet, everywhere you see a marker and money is spent you will be earning money. • Don’t underestimate the enormous power of the word ‘FREE’. • Members join for free, Shops and businesses join for free, no annual fees, no hidden costs. • The only purchase is the terminal which shops make for a few dollars, the shop may not have to purchase a terminal if their existing system can integrate with the Beep system. • People, Shops and businesses would be crazy not to use Beep it is nothing to lose and everything to gain. • Truly we can say that while you are thinking about this somebody else is already calling the person, shop or business that you know. Beep is an explosive opportunity
Распространение карт • Любому бизнесу, который интегрируется с системой Beep, карты будут постоянно поставляться бесплатно. • Beep высылает 250 карт каждому бизнесу, присоединившемуся к системе Beep, и постоянно контролирует и пополняет запас по мере необходимости. • Если любой человек захочет получить карты Beep, то компания может выслать ему 1, 000 карт по стоимости + стоимость доставки. • Если магазин или бизнес захочет иметь брендовую карту, то компания может выслать ему от 5, 000 карт по стоимости + стоимость доставки. Здесь показан пример брендовой карты
Beepxtra Tablet Один Beep Tablet для каждой торговой точки Данные поступают в систему Beep (Беспроводную или Стационарную) Каждый раз, когда клиент использует Beep card или смартфон
Beepxtra - Гибкая система Если розничный торговец желает, он может установить Beep Retail/Business System прямо на свой PC или Smart Phone, и его клиенты так же смогут получать свои денежные возвраты. Оборудование продавца Данные передаются в Beep System (Беспроводно или стационарно) Карта или Smart Phone клиента
Зарабатывайте распространяя 25 карт 2, 500 карт x $1 в месяц $2, 500 в месяц карты 10 карт 2500 карт
Зарабатывайте приглашая магазины Цветочная лавка Булочная 800 карт 1, 600 карт Фитнес клуб 3, 500 карт 5 x BEEP магазинов и на продаж ример с % = $6 На п. 75 $220 - 2 нту 1. 20 Аге 20% = $ 1. 2 карт x $ 8, 700 есяц 440 в м $10, 1, 000 карт 8, 700 клиентов Парикмахерская Ресторан 1, 800 карт
Стройте свою 1 5 = 25 25 Торговых бизнесов x 1, 000 карт = 25, 000 Клиентских карт 25, 000 x $0. 30 = $7, 500 в месяц Команду
Общие заработки 1 5 25 2, 500 карт 5 Магазинов 25 Магазинов 42, 000 Клиентов x $1. 00 8, 700 Клиентов x $1. 20 25, 000 Клиентов x $0. 30 $2, 500 $10, 440 $7, 500 Итого $20, 440 в месяц!
Крупные бизнесы Гостиничный комплекс, Оздоровительный комплекс, Футбольный клуб, Казино, Ночные клубы, Кинотеатры, Местные советы и бизнес консорциумы… в 00 члено 30, 0 рт 0, 000 ка 3 x $0. 30 в месяц $9, 000
Компенсационный план
Скидка (min 2. 5%) И 2. 75% В компанию BEEP 40% Comp 60% Plan Incentives 10% of 40%Charity Save The Children Profit Paid Out 100% 2. 5% Local Language Support Staff 40% 20% Agent Signed Shops 20% Shop or Person who originated Card 55% 2. 5% National Voted Charity 30% Diff Bonus 15% Leaders Bonus 10% World Pool
Как Вы строите свою команду? • Beep will give you 5 invitations for people and 10 shop or business invitations at each time. • Each invitation is time stamped & once sent via email it starts a 12 hour countdown clock, this protects against spamming. • Members who send unsolicited invitations to people and/or businesses will have their accounts blocked. • You just phone people and business owners and make sure they can receive an email and that they can view the invitation video within the next 12 hours. • Once your set of 5 or 10 invitations are accepted you receive another set. • Once your invited members accept to join they get the same number of invites as you did when you started, and the worldwide tsunami of growth starts. • People, shops & business owners can invite any person or business around the world there is no cap on the size of each individuals business group, the only limit is the number of people on the planet, but we urge you to get your team of people, shops and businesses in place before somebody else does. • The target business market is any business that sells items to the purchasing public, the ideal business size is up to a group of ten outlets, however Beep will discuss on a case by case basis with any business over this outlet size. • We will show you in this presentation how you will be paid for all purchases made throughout the world from the Beep Tsunami you created. The income you can make for a short focused burst of activity is incredible, this will change peoples lives around the world, we will show you some income examples later in this presentation.
Посмотрим глобально 30 Стран по 5, 000 участников 150, 000 участников с 10 магазинами 1. 5 Миллиона магазинов (500 карт каждый) 750 Миллионов карт!!! Вопрос только в том, сколько из них будут Ваши?
Новый глобальный вопрос… А вы принимаете здесь Beep карты? Beep Extra Ltd Akara Building, 24 De Castro Street, Wickhams Cay 1, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands