Everest climbing.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 26
My Near-Death Experience at the Top of Mount Everest It's 9 p. m. on May 20 and we've been in the death zone, the world above 8, 000 m, for just over five hours. Life is not meant to exist here. In the death zone, we are all transient (временные) beings. I lay in my sleeping bag with a new oxygen mask strapped (на ремнях) to my head, devouring (поглощать) each artificial breath of life as though it were my last. Something is wrong. You see, last night my oxygen mask failed at Camp 3. And while all others slept with the gift (дар) of artificial O's, I froze and drifted (балансировать) in and out of consciousness (сознание). This is not the way to begin an attempt on the highest mountain on Earth! Certainly not when you are the only cameraman and are 100 per cent responsible for a one million-dollar reality television series. For the first time in my life, I am terrified to fall asleep. Why? Because I'm afraid I'm not going to wake up. My body is exhausted (истощено) from running ahead of the group trying to capture moments on video without interrupting the flow of the expedition. You see, it's relatively easy to run ahead of a group trekking (совершающих поход) at sea level with a camera, but try wearing a space suit, moon boots, thick gloves and an oxygen mask then running ahead of a group while ascending the highest mountain on Earth.
The sound of violent wind tearing away at the fine (тонкий) yellow walls of my tent forces me awake. I'm alive! My choice not to alarm anyone with my condition seems to have paid off (вознаграждено). The guides have enough to worry about with our three-man team of Arab climbers. These boys are here living their dream and I'm here to document the realization (воплощение) of that dream. At 10 p. m. , I'm standing in the death zone under the moonlit (освещённое луной) Himalayan sky. We're just seconds away from departure (отправка). The frigid (ледяной) camera body instantly robs (ворует) all the heat of my right hand. I attempt to compensate with four hand warmers, but the subzero temperatures of the world above 8, 000 m prevail (побеждают). • The first five hours of the ascent are spent climbing the triangular face (склон горы) to the balcony. It's -20 to -30 C, the terrain is incredibly steep (крутой) with mixed rock and ice and the air is incredibly thin (разреженный). • The exhale moisture (влага на выдохе) of my oxygen mask continuously leaks (капает) onto my camera and freezes instantly creating an icy shell around the body. I continuously think to myself: this is only going to last so long before the camera malfunctions (перестанет работать). And that's why I have four cameras with me.
• By 4: 20 a. m. , we reach the balcony of Mt. Everest, a small area barely able to accommodate (дать убежище) our small climbing team. I devour energy gels, switch to my down mitts (нижние перчатки) and crack four new chemical hand-warmers open before racing ahead of the team in anticipation of the rising sun in China. • I gain a significant (значительный) amount of distance during this time and slowly witness in awe (восхищение) as the sun rises through the clouds in China. The colors are surreal, like a beautifully painted portrait of the world's most beautiful sunrise. "This is absolutely incredible!" I think to myself. • Within 30 -minutes of experiencing the most beautiful sunrise of my adult life I notice a strange shape lying in the snow at the next anchor. I realize a moment later, after careful analysis, that I was about to face one of my greatest nightmares. A dead climber. • Never before had I laid eyes on a fallen climber and I quickly realize, that not only am I going to see this person up close, but I am going to have to climb over the body! "I'm not going to look, " I kept telling myself. • We finally reach the summit of the mountain. I pull out my i. Phone, and tweet "Top of the world!" I then send my girlfriend Amanda a message letting her know I am safe and have succeeded in reaching the highest point on Earth.
Questions to the text 1. Why do you think the team moved in the evening and night and stopped for the break in the morning after the sunrise? 2. Would you like to make such an ascent yourself? Why? 3. Do you think you would like the work of a cameraman on the Everest trips? Making them regularly? 4. What are the dangers that could harm the climber during such ascents? 5. What are the most joyful moments for the person who succeeds such an ascent? Why do people spend thousands if not millions to get there? 6. Are there easy ways to raise funds to make such an expedition and not to pay it from your pocket? 7. How do you need to get prepared for such a climb? What details have you heard or know perhaps from your own experience? 8. Have you ever heard that climbers and divers are very superstitious people? What superstitions you might have heard from their life?
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