- Количество слайдов: 16
My Native Town
Anya Belova 15 Nikolaeva Ul. , 44 , Voronezh , Russia Tuesday , November 18 th Hello , Kate! Thank you for the postcards of New York you sent me. Your native city is really very big and modern. I’ve never seen such high buildings before. Do you like to live in a skyscraper (небоскрёб)?
I live on the third floor of a six-storeyed house. The windows of my flat face(выходит) a quiet backyard(двор) with a lot of trees and bushes in it.
Would you like to know better my native town ? Voronezh is a nice old Russian town situated (расположенный)on a high bank of the Voronezh River. Its name was first mentioned(упомянутый) in Russian chronicles in the 12 th century. At that time the town was surrounded by a multitowered fortress(крепость с многочисленными башнями).
Can you imagine , Peter the Great built here his flotilia!
In the 1812 , the Voronezh popular levy(народное ополчение) participated in the battle of Borodino(битва при Бородино) against Napoleonic troops. The Voronezh people took part in the revolts against the serfdom(крепостное право) , in three Russian revolutions and in Great Patriotic War 1941 -1945.
I won’t speak about Voronezh as one of Russia’s largest industrial cities. For me Voronezh is first of all the Homeland (Родина)of the poets (Родина) Koltsov and Nikitin and the historian of Russian folklore Afanasyev.
If you come to see me in Voronezh we can visit the Opera and the Ballet Theatre , the Puppet Theatre. the Russian Folk Choir and of course the Kramskoi’s Fine Arts Museum.
I am sure you will enjoy your staying with me in my native town. Hope to hear from you soon. Good-bye, Anya Belova
Test 1. Anya Belova lives in: a) Novgorod b) Pskov c)Voronezh d) Chaika
2. Voronezh is situated on a bank of the river: a) Neva b) Kama c) Irtysh d) Voronezh
3. The name of Voronezh was first mentioned in the: a) 12 th century b) 2 nd century c) 22 d) 20 th century
4. The Voronezh popular levy participated in : a) the battle of Warterloo b) the battle of Paltava c) the battle of Trafalgar d) the battle of Borodino
5. Voronezh is the Homeland of the poets: a) Koltsov and Nikitin b) Pushkin and Lermontov c) Pasternak and Bunin d) Mayakovskij and Nekrasov
6. In Voronezh we can visit: a) the Bolshoi Theatre b) the Malij Theatre c) the Puppet Theatre d) the Folk Theatre
Задание: • В тетради записать выполнение тестовых заданий по слайд-тексту «My native town» . • В тетради записать словосочетания, которые могут помочь в описании вашего родного города.