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My student life Истропова Даша.ppt

  • Количество слайдов: 16

My name is Darya Istropova. I’m a second year student of Ryazan State University My name is Darya Istropova. I’m a second year student of Ryazan State University named for S. Yesenin.

The history of RSU begins in 1915. In 1993 the institute was awarded the The history of RSU begins in 1915. In 1993 the institute was awarded the status of a pedagogical university. In 2015 the university is celebrating 100 anniversary. I study at Natural Sciences Faculty at the departmen Biotechnology and Bioengineering.

At the university I study a lot of things, but most of all I At the university I study a lot of things, but most of all I like physiology of plants and microbiology.

Student life is difficult and interesting. Every day we have not only theoretical lessons, Student life is difficult and interesting. Every day we have not only theoretical lessons, but also practical.

In first year of study I got acguainted with the University and with my In first year of study I got acguainted with the University and with my grooupmates I took part Quest Game “Asterix and Obelix, Mission Cleopatra”.

Then we had a dedication to the students. Our group adequately represented its direction. Then we had a dedication to the students. Our group adequately represented its direction.

At the end of the first year I interned in the Camp of “ At the end of the first year I interned in the Camp of “ Glade”. Where we were not only having rest as tourists, but also engaged in scientific activities.

During my practice I have gathered a collection of insects. During my practice I have gathered a collection of insects.

As a freshman, I took part in the conference in English, and receved a As a freshman, I took part in the conference in English, and receved a book where my work was published.

I’m not only learning, but also working in the Biological Station of the RSU I’m not only learning, but also working in the Biological Station of the RSU named for S. Yesenin.

There I work as a lab assistant, plant and take care of varions ornamental There I work as a lab assistant, plant and take care of varions ornamental flowers.

At the university I have my best friends. They always help me in difficult At the university I have my best friends. They always help me in difficult time

I love my university and I like studying there! I love my university and I like studying there!

I want to graduate from the institute and to work as a biotechnologist. I want to graduate from the institute and to work as a biotechnologist.

In conclusion, I want to wish health to our educators, as well as success In conclusion, I want to wish health to our educators, as well as success in their difficult work.

Thank you for attention! Thank you for attention!