- Количество слайдов: 37
My holidays! (13 a) Презентация составлена учителем английского языка МАОУ СОШ № 36 г. Златоуста Куликовой Татьяной Владимировной myenglishsite. ru
Read: [r] – green, red, ballerina, bedroom, living room, bathroom [P] – toy box, jack-in-the-box, doll, got, dog [ou] – no, hello, soldier, yellow, nose [L] – horse, small, ball [G] – jump, jug, juice [x] – cat, jack-in-the-box, ballerina, can, sandwich, apple, candle [S] – she, ship, sheep, shop, fish, magician
Remember: Thiscoata coat. acoat is
Remember: Thisjacket a a is
Remember: These are shorts
Remember: This hata hat a is
Remember: Put put your hat. on on
Remember: Take offoff take your hat.
This is aahat? Is this jacket? coat.
Thesethesejacket? Is thisare shorts. Are a shorts?
Is this hat? This is aacoat? jacket? hat.
This this coat? Are is a jacket? Is this a shorts? jacket.
hat is shorts coat Where aa jacket? ? 1 3 2 4
What’s this? This is a coat.
What’s this? This is a jacket.
What’s this? This is a hat.
What are these? These are shorts.
Let’s play! Put on your hat.
Let’s play! Put on your jacket.
Let’s play! Put on your shorts.
Let’s play! Take off your jacket.
Let’s play! Take off your hat.
Let’s play! Put on your coat.
Let’s play! Take off your shorts.
Let’s play! Take off your coat.
Learn the words: coat [kout] – пальто jacket ['Gxk. It] – куртка shorts [SLts] – шорты hat [hxt] – шляпа put on ['p. Vt'Pn] – надевать take off ['te. Ik'Pf] – снимать
What is the weather like? What’s It’s sunny!
What is the weather like? What’s It’s hot!
What’s What is the weather like? It’s raining!
Is it sunny! sunny? It’s raining?
Is ititraining? It’s raining! Is it sunny? Is hot?
hot? Is. Isit itraining? It’s hot!
What’s the weather like? It’s sunny!
What’s the weather like? It’s hot!
What’s the weather like? It’s raining!
Learn the phrases: What’s the weather like? ['w. Pts Dq'we. Dq'l. QIk] – Какая погода? It’s sunny! [Its's. An. I] – Солнечно! It’s raining! [Its're. In. IN] – Идёт дождь! It’s hot! [Its'h. Pt] – Жарко!
Источники изображений: http: //www. ingilizcearsiv. com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/tonguetwisters. jpg http: //mara-study. ro/uploads/zz_newsletter_content_15/image. JPG http: //modniquesale. ru/pic/1811/21100320 -large. jpg http: //static. baza. farpost. ru/v/1348749528549_bulletin http: //forum. na-svyazi. ru/uploads/201308/post-21584 -1377249692. jpeg http: //haveit. ru/image/cache/data/Goorin_Hat/100 -2291%20 Tan-600 x 600. jpg http: //tr. vector. me/files/images/1/4/144502/man_fashion_clothing_hat_put_dress. jpg http: //www. peristerinews. gr/images/usr. Image/17970/_big_0012408001382773762. jpg http: //larryandglorine. com/30/weather-symbols-sunny-214. png http: //haberciniz. biz/dunya-hakkinda-hic-duyulmamis-gercekler-30984 -39 g. jpg