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My Goals for Education Deciding what you want for your life, and using education to get there. "You become who you will be by the decisions you make every day" Objective: Each young e-learner will identify, implement, revise and follow-up on his/her Educational Goals Learners targeted: • Jr. High & High School Students who visit www. Getting. Sorted. com/Educational. Goals. html Presented by Gayle Fisher Instructional Design EDTC-654 -700 -2008 a Dr. Lauren Cifuentes, TAMU
Table of Contents Rubric Initial Project Design Learner Characteristics Goal Analysis Procedures Goal Analysis Flowchart Instructional Analysis Presentation Tools Learner Information Developing Objectives Test Blueprint Learner Assessments Terminal Objectives, Pre-Test Instructional Strategies, Initial Module Gagne’s 9 Events of Instructional Strategies, Sequel Module Formative Evaluation Request SME Evaluation Comments Developing Instructional Materials Formative Evaluation Revising Instructional Materials Post-tests, Reports Field Trial Summary Post-Test Data Tables Other Types of Data Summative Evaluation Expert Judgment Field Trial Open Issues Models – Performance Technology Slide/Page 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -16 17 -20 21 -22 23 -26 27 -28 29 -34 35 -36 38 -40 41 43 -60 61 -63 65 -66 67 -76 77 78 79 -83 84 85 -88 89 90 91 92 -93 Teacher Handbook, Instructional Instruments (link: www. Getting. Sorted. com/Teacher. Links. html ) See webpage
Rubric • • Instructional Goal – Rationale for program – Statement of instructional goal Analysis – – – • Performance Objectives – – • Compatible with learning tasks and audience Rational for media selection Appropriateness for media selection Instructional sequence Application of conditions of learning Attention to cognitive processing principles Design considerations Structure and organization Instructional sequence Pre-instructional activities Information presentation Practice activities Strategy for teaching terminal objective Formative Evaluation – – – • Test blueprint Relation of test items to objectives Appropriateness of test design Instructional Strategy & Materials Production – – – – • Stated in performance terms No gaps Criterion-referenced Tests – – – • Context Learner Learning Task Description of one-on-one procedures Results and revisions based on one-to-one Description of small group evaluation procedures Results and revisions based on small group Field test Suggested Revision – – – Materials Tests Delivery
What are My Goals for Education? Once I know my goals, no one can take them away from me. I am in control of them. They are mine. "You become who you will be by the decisions you make every day" Please go to www. Getting. Sorted. com/Educational. Goals. html for the instruction. Thank you.
The Rest of This Presentation • The balance of this presentation shows design steps in textbook order. Hope you can stay awake. • Did you see the lesson, which begins at www. Getting. Sorted. com/Educationa l. Goals. html ? • I do not duplicate the lesson in this presentation, as that would be redundant. Everything is on the web site. • There is also a link to the Teacher Link page – which offers all the current lesson strategies, scripts, and activity pages. – I have not duplicated these current files elsewhere in this presentation, as that would have also been redundant.
Initial Project Design a/o 2/15/08 • I will re-design my instruction module with the revised target audience of the kids who come to my web page (www. Getting. Sorted. com) for instruction and mentoring. • For evaluators, I have contacts in elementary education, and I will ask for their evaluation. • My plan is to post a podcast (or two), and also • provide feed-back assessment tools for the young elearners to use. • I will reach my target audience through internet links, my education blog, word-of-mouth, search engines, and links to my profiles in Face. Book and My. Space. • I will offer follow-up and assessment on-line. • As a learner myself, for this project in Instructional Design, I will learn: – – – The information from your course From my fellow students/moderators Power. Point skills Web media skills On-line assessment tools & follow-up tools
Unit 2 - Analyzing Learner Characteristics • Entry behaviors – Ages vary, so entry behaviors are unpredictable & random. • Prior knowledge – The older students have possible background in the vocabulary. – Most have informal life-experiences in setting and meeting goals due to school assignments, family life, and social interaction. • Attitudes toward content – Most learners seem curious and compliant. – A few eagerly embrace the training. • Attitudes toward delivery system – I am presented as someone who cares and wants to help, so they seem accepting. – Some learners are extroverted; others are quiet initially. • Motivation for instruction – Once we get rolling, they don’t seem bored. They really get into what their dreams are. • Educational & ability levels – As diverse as a random cut of any population. • General learning preferences – The learners respond best to verbal. – The younger ones have difficulty in expressing their thoughts on paper. – The teens are sometimes reluctant to be seen writing. – They all talk, and are pretty good about waiting their turn and respecting each other’s words. • Attitudes toward learning organization – Their attitudes are respectful. • General group characteristics – Ages between 3 rd grade and high school. – Diversity in race, culture and gender.
Unit 3 - Goal Analysis Procedures (Subordinate Skills Analysis for an Attitudinal Instructional Goal) Revised 2/13/08 Setting Your Goals for Education 1. Choose to Set Goals for Education. Make this important to you. 1. 2. Identify Your Goals for school. Write them down on the forms from www. Getting. Sorted. com. 1. 2. 3. 2. 3. Ask “For each educational goal, what decisions must I make? ” Write down these decisions. Make these decisions to further your education. Revise Educational Goals, if necessary. 1. 2. 3. 6. If "yes", go on to your next goal. If "no", change goal to something you do have power to make happen. Make Your Goals Happen. 1. 5. Choose goals important to you. Write down what you want to happen. Decide if you have the power to make each educational goal happen. (Are you willing to work for this? ) 1. 2. 4. Download and print Educational Goals forms from www. Getting. Sorted. com Ask “Do I want to change my goal? ” If “yes”, change goal. If “no”, make no changes. Follow-up on Educational Goals 1. 2. 3. After 6 months, ask, “Am I achieving the goal? ” If “yes”, celebrate! If “no”, go back to Revise Educational Goals.
Unit 3 – Goal Analysis Procedures (Subordinate Skills Analysis for Attitudinal Instructional Goal; Inspiration software) Revised 2/13/08
Unit 3 - Instructional Analysis Part 1, Goal Analysis • “What would the learners be doing if they were demonstrating they already could perform the goal? ” – They would be: • • setting goals implementing goals revising goals following up on these goals • Domain(s) of Learning – Attitudes (primary) – Intellectual Skills (secondary) • Solving problems
Presentation Tools (Unit 3 - Learner Assessment) • 2 worksheets have been used in classes with the children. (Subsequently replaced. Please see later pages. ) – My Goals (designed to be macro-focused) – My Goals for Education (designed to refine the ID, based on the revised objective) • Re-designed to attract podcast e-learners. – Pre-teenagers – Teenagers • Available on webpage: – Power. Point slides – Podcast – Downloadable Word forms
Unit 3 - Analysis of Learner & Context Assessment • What is their body language? – Most learners are showing positive body language – A few show closed body position but they still participate – Unknown for e-learners • Are they starting to open up? – Within the hour meeting, most learners show excitement and verbalize their goals. You can tell they are thinking about it. • Are they showing enthusiasm? – Yes. Their shyness lessens. • Do they enjoy making their presentations? – Surprisingly so. • Are they showing prior knowledge? – For most learners, yes.
Unit 4 - Relevant Learner Traits & Characteristics Traits (Personality & Culture) • • • Both Introversion & Extroversion Conscientiousness (more so the older they are) Perseverance (yes, especially for children) Impulsiveness (they are kids!) Self-Sufficiency (they are learning self-reliance) Achievement Motivation (this is hard to measure) Anxiety Level (some, certainly) Locus of Control – external, as you would expect for young ones. Values (family values, personal values) Religious Beliefs (this is not measurable) Characteristics • • Visual Acuity Memory Capacity (not sure how to quantify this) General Ability (IQ) (unknown) Reasoning (as fits young people) Verbal Comprehension (strong) Number Facility (hard to tell) Spatial Orientation (irrelevant) Associative Memory (not sure about prior knowledge)
Unit 4 - Entry Behaviors • Verbalize/write down what they want • Make responsible choices • Make decisions based on understanding consequences of bad decisions • Love themselves • Want to improve their futures • Attend school regularly • Complete their homework on time
Unit 4 - How to Differentially Activate Processing for Each Type of Learning (Gagne’s Five Domains of Learning) • Motor Skills – Knowledge of procedures – They know how to write & how to make decisions – Modeling – We did some modeling & presentations in our session • Verbal Information – Prior Knowledge of related information – They understand keeping promises & being responsible for school work – Meaningful context – They understand consequences of decisions. They understand education will help them make a better life for themselves and their families – Over learning – Sometimes they have to erase bad experiences and replace with good choices • Intellectual Skills – Prerequisite skills learned to mastery – We assume a basic level of intellectual skills. • Attitudes – Representation of a standard of conduct – These kids do know between right & wrong, and they want some control over the progression of their lives. – Reinforcement – We discuss their personal reinforcement. (I won’t be there to help them later in their lives. ) • Cognitive Strategies – Necessary intellectual skills – They are quite clever, especially when it comes to what they want for their lives. – Practice – They do need all the encouragement they can get to keep making the best decisions for their lives
Unit 4 - Project Summary of Learner Analysis (D&C, page 103) Description of Learners 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Entry behaviors & prior knowledge – Able to understand importance of education in their lives. They understand school and what it means to succeed. Attitudes toward the content & potential delivery system – Quite open to me and our meetings. Academic motivation – Strong in some, weaker in others. Not well reinforced due to their situation. Prior achievement and ability levels – Hard to tell, due to brevity of time together and privacy constraints. Learning preferences – Verbal skills are stronger than logical or analytical. The kids are more comfortable talking than writing. General attitudes toward me doing the training – Excitement, shyness, initial wariness & reluctance to speak. Group characteristics – Diverse, many ages, varied family backgrounds.
Unit 5 – Developing Objectives (for each Subordinate Skill identified in Unit 3 – Goal Analysis Procedures) Setting Your Goals for Education 1. Choose to set Goals for Education. Make this important to you. 1. 1 Aware that they are doing something new to them and how important this is to their futures, learners consider their futures and how education will make their futures happen, so that they can effectively write down their educational goals. 1. 1 Download & print Educational Goals form from Getting. Sorted. com 1. 1. 1 Having access to a computer & printer, and also knowing where the website is ( www. Getting. Sorted. com), learners download and print goal setting forms so that they have a working copy to write on, to keep and to refer to. 2. Identify Your Goals for school. Write these goals down on the form you downloaded. 2. 1 Aware that they are doing something new & awkward to them and doing it anyway, learners decide what they want for their educational goals, so that they can effectively craft their educational futures. 2. 1 Choose goals important to you 2. 1. 1 Aware (or not) that this new and awkward thing they are doing will be hugely important to their futures, learners will ask themselves what their future educational goals will be for each of several time periods written on the form given them, so that they will next write them down. 2. 2 Write down what you want to happen 2. 2. 1 Aware that they are not being monitored but also 2. 2. 1 aware that they will be on their own after this class, learners write on the form they have downloaded each goal they have decided upon for each time period designated, so that they have a working format. 3. Decide if you have the power to make each educational goal happen. (Are you willing to work for this? ) 3. 1 Aware that this feels futile but doing it anyway, learners commit to working for each specific goal, so that their future will be the best it can be and they complete their education.
Unit 5 – Developing Objectives (cont’d) (for each Subordinate Skill identified in Unit 3 – Goal Analysis Procedures) Page 2 3. 1 If “yes”, go on to your next goal 3. 2 If “no”, change goal to something you do have power to make happen. 4. Make Your Goals Happen! 4. 1 Ask “For each educational goal, what decisions must I make? ” 3. 1. 1 Aware that this is important to their lives, learners decide that YES, they are willing to work for this goal, so that their future plans will happen, and they will attain the education they seek. 3. 2. 1 Aware that this isn’t easy but yet remaining determined about their futures, learners decide that they are unwilling or unable to work for this goal, that they need to change the goal, so that their goals are do-able, believable and clear. 4. 1 Aware that they be alone and yet undeterred by this, learners determine if they are willing to work for this goal, to believe in themselves, and to remain faithful to their goals, so that their goals would be met, their educational levels reached and their futures bettered. 4. 1. 1 Aware that this isn’t easy and that no one may be watching, learners ask what decisions they must make and keep making, so that their future will be the best it can be.
Unit 5 – Developing Objectives (cont’d) (for each Subordinate Skill identified in Unit 3 – Goal Analysis Procedures) Page 3 4. 2 Write down these decisions 4. 2. 1 Aware that they may find support from parents, teachers, this website, and their friends, and yet also aware that they may be on their own after this training module, learners write down the decisions they must make and keep making so that they can complete each goal, so that they can document & recall exactly their educational goals, and reliably work with their goals in the future. 4. 3 Make these decisions to further your education 4. 3. 1 Aware that this isn’t easy or everyone would already be doing it, learners make and keep making the decisions they identify are necessary for their educational goals, so that their future will be the best they can make it. 5. Revise Educational Goals, if necessary 5. 1 Ask “Do I want to change my goal? ” or “Do I need to change my goal? ” 5. 1 Aware that sometimes you have re-do things worthy of the effort, learners revise or change their Educational Goals, if necessary, due to changing factors in their lives, so that they can evaluate their educational goals with clarity and objectivity. 5. 1. 1 On the one hand, aware that it would be easier to just forget about this goal setting stuff, but on the other hand, also aware that it makes them feel powerful and directed, learners question their goals, if circumstances change, so that their goals remain relevant to them, so that their futures will be empowered.
Unit 5 – Developing Objectives (cont’d) (for each Subordinate Skill identified in Unit 3 – Goal Analysis Procedures) - Page 4 5. 1 If “yes”, change goal 5. 2 If “no”, make no changes 5. 1. 1 Aware that making changes doesn’t mean failure, learners determine what they need or want to change about each goal, so that their educational goals can work for their future education, serving them well. 5. 2. 1 Aware that making changes till doesn’t mean failure, learners decide that they will make no changes to this goal, they can keep making good decisions, so that their future will be the best it can be. 6. Follow-up on Educational Goals 6. 1 Aware that each learner must be his own best friend and support system, learners decide if they are willing to revisit each goal, to evaluate the progress on the goal, so that their follow-up can be consistent and effective. 6. 1 After 6 months, ask, “Am I achieving this goal? ” 6. 1. 1 Aware that 6 months have passed and it is time to see if they have been making progress, learners ask themselves if they are achieving each goal, so that they can best practice goal awareness and persistence. 6. 2 If “yes”, celebrate! 6. 2. 1 Aware of and heartened by their individual success, learners celebrate their tenacity and persistence, so that they know how good it feels to achieve what they want. 6. 3 If “no”, go back to Revise Educational Goals 6. 3. 1 Aware of the importance of interim evaluation and knowing changes aren’t a sign of failure, learners decide that they will make changes to a specific goal, so that their Educational Goal maintenance can be as consistent and reliable as possible.
Unit 6 - Testing for Mastery Assessment Blueprint Instrument Revised 3/14/08 • Objectives: – – – My project is an on-line voluntary Educational Goals module for young e-learners. Due to the limitations this creates, I have taken my Performance Objectives and each corresponding Subordinate Skill into consideration, and applied all the text concepts to the best of my abilities: (All that I describe here, I am doing at www. Getting. Sorted. com/Educational. Goals. Assessment. html) Do the Goal Analysis. Create Performance Objectives. For each objective, design a Subordinate Skill. Revision: Add terminal objectives and pre-test. • • o Terminal objectives: Are voluntary young fickle e-learners able/willing to tell me they have completed the first session of setting goals? “The purpose of terminal objectives is to define a standard for all students to meet”. My initial decision to omit terminal objectives was due to the learning context constraints, not an arbitrary ID decision. My audience is a voluntary one; only time will tell if any of my target audience responds. Revised Terminal Objective: The minimum that I want for my e-learners once they have completed the lesson is that they understand the importance of education, the importance of their own empowered decisions and the consequences of those empowered decisions on their lives. Pre-test: If I request learner self-assessments from the children of my educator evaluators, I could use this as a (skewed) pre-test random sampling of my larger target audience (all possible young elearners). From this initial (skewed) sampling, I would make changes, preparing for the “opening night” release (You. Tube & Our. Media clips posted). Before taking this multi-part lesson, students had certain attitudes and/or skills. After instruction, their attitudes and skills had changed, becoming more empowered. Forms of Items – – – – – Mesh this realistically with my Learner Analysis/Assessment and my Context Analysis/Assessment. Decide which of the available tools will work realistically. (My constraints: on-line. voluntary. nothing yet exists that does this---some organizations offer Educational Goal setting, but each program offered is face-to-face or intra-organizational. By the way, did I say "voluntary"? ) Design (using available tools) the best-case scenario for inspiring interaction, for getting voluntary self-assessment, for getting ID feedback, and for getting permission & opportunity to post-test at a later time). Consider & review all the available tools & item specifications described in our texts. Use anything that fits my project's limitations. Minimize use of distracters----don't need to increase distraction!! Use criterion-based mastery questions---the learners will compete with themselves, not other learners. At mastery test, request feedback from each user. Design each mastery question for dichotomy (easy to respond) answer (yes/no). Design mastery questions to follow the flow/procession of objectives. Use feedback reports to reassess my ID module. Make any changes that will improve my product. Request user email addresses for (6 months out) post-test & follow-up. Make the whole experience as interesting and motivational as possible. Eventually, post a clip on You. Tube & Our. Media, and my blog & pages on My. Space & Face. Book to increase traffic to my module.
Unit 6 – Assessment Instrument Blueprint (cont’d) • Number of Items: Too many mastery questions, and my young elearners will run away in boredom. So I limit them; I use some humor; I stick to the priorities, skipping some minor objectives mastery questions. • Proportionality of Items: Since not all my objectives are of equal importance, I choose my silver bullets carefully. Again, trying really hard to be entertaining while being educational. My e-learners know how to click away from me. • Directions: I use visual & auditory diversity. I use colored boxes, video clips, colors in general, audio clips (mini podcast), proximity (overlaying related items), words (text boxes), and even silliness to make the directions hold their attention. I actually designed directions to resemble a treasure hunt, hoping to appeal to my young gamers. • Scoring Methods: Dichotomy (easy to answer) mastery questions. I will "order" them (when the draft turns into final copy) so that users could actually "tab" and "hit enter" so that they will answer every question. Using criterion-based questions, and not linking any answer to "right" or "wrong", I am trying to appeal to their sense of "what is right", "what is best for me". For my project, there is no scoring per say. There is the prior knowledge floor, there is succeeding in setting & keeping Educational Goals, but there isn't any "You get a "B" on this assessment". • Weighting of Items: Irrelevant to my project. There is a flow, a long-term feel to my project. A "do this for the rest of your life", if that could be counted as weighting. • Passing or Cut-Off Score: In addition to what I said in "Scoring Methods" above, I would add: For my young e-learners, a life-time of Educational Goals is a process, not something with a quick grade. More a video than a photo. So, my project uses no Passing or Cut-Off Score. I encourage all my young e-learners to give me permission to revisit them (in a suggested time of 6 months). So maybe that would be my Passing Score. If I am unable to follow-up with them, if they lose interest in keeping our conversation going, then maybe I would conclude they have become distracted or disillusioned with my module. I will always hope, that being the case, they come back some day. To my module or to the importance of Education in general.
Unit 6 – Assessment Instrument Blueprint (cont’d) & Learner Assessments • Specifics: – Objective - Educational Goals: Deciding what you want for your life, and using education to get there. Form Items – Role playing, 2 video clips, 1 podcast, 1 downloaded activity sheet, 1 learner self-assessment/feedback form, a follow-up lesson, and a blooper video or two for fun. Total Number of items in instrument – 13 yes/no dichotomy questions. Simple, fun, easy to do. Proportionality of Items – a combination of commitment questions, “did you” questions, and “will you” questions. Directions of Adminstration – single e-learner or groups watch & read web page map as first video loads. Follow the clues to the end of the lesson, after 3 modules, and then click on the learner self-assessment/feedback link. Scoring Method – Will they send me their feedback? Will they return for the follow-up? I ask for feedback in the podcast and in the words on the 2 web pages. The only relevant scoring will be the rubric of their lives, as they make decisions about the role and importance of education in their lives. – – – Learner Instructions and Directions www. Getting. Sorted. com/Educational. Goals. html Testing for Mastery www. Getting. Sorted. com/Educational. Goals. Assessment. html Tools used Podcast (. wav file) Video clips (. mov files) On-line e-learner voluntary • • • Self-assessment ID feedback Request for post-test in 6 months
Unit 6 – Learner Assessments Overview of Recommended Tasks • What will I include in the e-learning module: role playing, practice form, simulation video clips, podcasts (audio wav file) • What e-learner on-line self-assessment tools to use? – I have found some Educational Goal projects featured by other organizations, but nothing is taught or assessed on-line. – What will I measure or assess that will make the young e-learner volunteer willing to perform the learner self-assessment and send it back to me? – What makes it interesting enough to them? How do I make this powerful, not BORING!! – Must use a lot of humor and humanity. Maybe even some silliness. • Determined what computer skills are established prior knowledge for my target e-learners. • Determined measurements will be criterion-based. My target audience will be competing with themselves, not other learners.
Unit 6 – Learner Assessments Project Tasks Completed • Designed draft web pages for learner tools. • Completed first draft of Learner Performance Assessment for my project. Here are the two links: http: //www. gettingsorted. com/Educational Goals. Assessment. html http: //www. gettingsorted. com/Educational Goals. html • Started rehearsals for video/audio clips. Created draft copies. • Decided that basic internet cruising is established prior knowledge for my target audience. • Requested of my target audience (in my draft pages---links above) • • voluntary e-learner self-assessment voluntary e-learner feedback to ID (me) mastery test “please come back in 6 months” post-test.
Unit 6 – Learner Assessments Open Issues • What will be the evolving role of www. Getting. Sorted. com as a presentation tool? How can I increase the educational utility of my website to further benefit young e-learners? • How will the podcasts & e-learner assessment tools work out? Finalize scripts for the video clips (introduction & simulation) and the podcast. Create & publish them. • How can I continue to build traffic to my website? • How can I make this module (Educational Goals) more exciting and more inviting to young elearners? (use humor!!) • Once clips are completed, post best one to You. Tube to increase traffic to my web site and blog: http: //gettingsorted. blogspot. com/. • Ask for evaluation from educators once project is completed. These pages are “published” to the internet world but unadvertised as of yet. • How to increase the educational/entertainment efficacy of my educational blog and draw a greater/interactive audience?
Unit 7 – Developing Strategies I Adding Terminal Objectives Adding Pre-Test • Need to add terminal objectives and pre-test. – Terminal objectives: Are voluntary young fickle e-learners able/willing to tell me they have completed the first session of setting goals? “The purpose of terminal objectives is to define a standard for all students to meet”. My initial decision to omit terminal objectives was due to the learning context constraints, not an arbitrary ID decision. My audience is a voluntary one; only time will tell if any of my target audience responds. – Pre-test: If I request learner self-assessments from the children of my educator evaluators, I could use this as a (skewed) pre-test random sampling of my larger target audience (all possible young e-learners). From this initial (skewed) sampling, I would make changes, preparing for the “opening night” release (You. Tube & Our. Media clips posted). o For my young e-learner, web-based "Educational Goals" module, the instructions will be mostly generative from start to finish. • In the Introduction, I need to motivate my voluntary learners, establish purpose, and capture their imaginations. I also need to establish relevancy! • In the Body, I will need to use prior knowledge, give examples, focus attention and re-establish purpose ("educational goals are important for the rest of your life". I am thrilled for all the tools in these 2 cited chapters--I had drafted a script for my podcast, and (gladly) I will be revising it to add the meat from these 2 chapters. • In the Conclusion/Assessment, because I am truncating this module so that my young e-learners won't flee in boredom, I will ask for a combo feedback/assessment. I will quickly summarize, but in everything I say, it all has to be RELEVANT to their young lives as they see it, and it all has to motivate them to come back in 6 months, to follow-up on their own goals, and to choose to become self-reliant.
Unit 9 – Revised Terminal Objective a/o 3/14/08 • "Students, after taking this multi-part lesson, would be aware of their educational choices, the consequences of those choices, and the power of education to make their objectives become reality. “ Revised Pre-Test • “Due to the context limitations of my project, before instruction, the students had certain attitudes and/or skills. After this instruction, those attitudes and skills had improved, giving the students increased empowerment and greater awareness. ” Test Blueprint Instrument Specifics of Scoring Methods • • • Objective - Educational Goals: Deciding what you want for your life, and using education to get there. Form Items – Role playing, 2 video clips, 1 podcast, 1 downloaded activity sheet, 1 learner self-assessment/feedback form, a follow-up lesson, and a blooper video or two for fun. Total Number of items in instrument – 13 yes/no dichotomy questions. Simple, fun, easy to do. Proportionality of Items – a combination of commitment questions, “did you” questions, and “will you” questions. Directions of Adminstration – single e-learner or groups watch & read web page map as first video loads. Follow the clues to the end of the lesson, after 3 modules, and then click on the learner self-assessment/feedback link. Scoring Method – Will they send me their feedback? Will they return for the follow-up? I ask for feedback in the podcast and in the words on the 2 web pages. The only relevant scoring will be the rubric of their lives, as they make decisions about the role and importance of education in their lives.
Unit 7 - Hybrid of Instructional Strategy (D&C ch. 8, R&S ch. 7) with Concept Learning (R&S ch. 9) • • • Delivery System (web page for young e-learners who voluntarily show up, who may have gamers short attention spans) Content (Educational Goals) Sequence – Of actual Lesson (get & keep attention, give examples & nonexamples, repetition of lesson) – Of Educational Goals performance objectives (Identify, Write, Revise, Follow-up) • Clustering – Streamline and vary principles of concept learning---to keep attention. Predicted time span of learner concentration is less than 30 minutes, if I use a lot of re-focus tools. Worse, if I don’t. – Keep the loop of deciding/writing/keeping goal as 1 cycle in learner’s perception – Streamline chunking of time in goal setting practice – Link attitudinal decisions/expected results/intrinsic personal power & satisfaction • • Learning Components of Instructional Strategies Preinstructional activities (see video clip) – Entry behavior test (assume basic web user prior knowledge) – Motivate learners (in podcast & video clip). Make it totally relevant to them. – Arouse learner interest (“it’s all about you and your life”) – Get learner attention (visuals, auditory appeal, re-focus) – Learner satisfaction (Hugely important!) – Inform learners of objectives & prerequisite skills (see video clip & podcast) (this makes it expository teaching, right? ) I do ask a lot of questions, so some of the lesson plan is inquiry.
Unit 7 - Hybrid of Instructional Strategy (D&C ch. 8, R&S ch. 7) with Concept Learning (R&S ch. 9) – cont’d • Content Presentation & Examples – – – – – • Learner Participation (Voluntary! Must use humor and make it fun) – – • – Mastery test/Assessment/Feedback Voluntary request of learners----how to motivate them to self-assess and provide feedback Be realistic with my expectations of learners’ time and how they will spend it Follow-Through Activities – – – • • Practice (no terminal objectives----we go straight to real-time, real-life) Feedback (combined with mastery test) Assessment (combined with mastery test; see Assessment page) – – • Prepare script using D&C, ch. 8 and R&S, ch. 7 & 9. Re-establish instructional purpose Re-focus attention over & over throughout the lesson Use analogies and practice Ask imbedded attitudinal questions & rhetorical questions Review prior knowledge with examples & nonexamples of goals Lesson will be mostly concept learning (R&S ch. 9), generative learning (D&C ch. 8), and expository approach (R&S ch. 9); (with some crossovers into “Instructional Strategy” (D&C ch. 8) and inquiry approach (R&S ch. 9) Links for podcast, video clips (motivation, focus, re-focus, examples, nonexamples) Download document available (practice) Memory skills for retention (plan to design follow-up module for 6 months out) Transfer of Learning (will use motivation, examples, simulation) Encourage re-focus and re-motivation. Offer 6 month follow-up Offer sequel lesson & possible chat room Ask for feedback/knowledge of results from learners Learning Components for Various Learning Outcomes Intellectual Skills (apply to much in their lives) Attitudes (Peer pressure, efforts by others to diminish importance) Student Groupings (Random young surfer population distribution)
Unit 8 – Developing Strategies II While all my objectives, contexts & test blueprint remain the same: • • • I will be using R&S ch. 11 (Principle Learning) and ch. 14 (Attitude Learning" for my project's second phase. In the first module of Educational Goals, I used D&C ch 8 (Instructional Strategy) and R&S ch. 9 (Concept Learning). I am finding so many choices, and roughly half of them work for my project. I have the 2 video clips posted, the podcast script written & posted (all at www. Getting. Sorted. com/Educational. Goals. html). With all my performance objectives, contexts and test blueprint unchanged, I will design a sequel lesson, more complex, applying predominately strategies from R&S ch. 11& 14. To apply the principle application – I will create the right words to (hopefully) motivate the voluntary young e-learners I target to re-visit my web pages, – to work more deeply into forging their educational goals, – to problem-solve high-probability obstacles, and – to recognize life situations where they will need to apply many layers of learning templates to stay focused on their educational goals. – I will use more precise examples than I did in the 1 st module, and discuss how the examples are related.
Unit 8 – Developing Strategies II • • • Revise scripts, . mov files, . wav file, format of web pages. Re-record podcast to increase volume & reduce length (talk faster!) Edit reporting tools for receiving learner selfassessments/feedback reports (on my web pages). Test to confirm it is working properly. Draft email & beta link to my evaluators for preview feedback. Determine hybrid strategy for a sequel lesson: one based on Principle Learning / Attitude Learning (R&S ch. 11 & 14). Set up chat room. Continue to look for reciprocal links. (Found www. Goals. Guy. com, but everything it offers has a price tag; won’t use it as a reciprocal link. ) Post test blueprints in discussion area. While all my objectives, contexts & test blueprint remain the same, add terminal objectives and a pre-test. – Terminal objectives: Are voluntary young fickle e-learners able/willing to tell me they have completed the first session of setting goals? “The purpose of terminal objectives is to define a standard for all students to meet”. My initial decision to omit terminal objectives was due to the learning context constraints, not an arbitrary ID decision. My audience is a voluntary one; only time will tell if any of my target audience responds. – Pre-test: If I request learner self-assessments from the children of my educator evaluators, I could use this as a (skewed) pre-test random sampling of my larger target audience (all possible young e-learners). From this initial (skewed) sampling, I would make changes, preparing for the “opening night” release (You. Tube & Our. Media clips posted).
Unit 8 – Developing Strategies II (cont’d) • • While all my objectives, contexts & test blueprint remain the same, I started designing a hybrid instructional strategies for sequel lesson. Will submit this with Unit 9. Within the video clips & podcast(s), I am both designer and teacher. I preview the lesson, give examples & nonexamples, motivate, review, re-motivate, re-focus and repeat. I fully realize my target audience may never have considered their educational goals before. I determine a sequel (more difficult, more advanced) module will be useful to their cognitive strategies (both for learning and for thinking). With so many strategy choices, it seems like Principle & Attitude Learning Strategies are the best for the sequel lesson design. Using these strategies, I am preparing the script for a follow-up podcast. Continue to fine-tune web pages: – http: //www. gettingsorted. com/Educational. Goals. Assessmen t. html – http: //www. gettingsorted. com/Educational. Goals. html • • Continue to make it fun for the learner to complete the assessment form. Like a treasure hunt. Set up chat room, bought more disk space for web pages, found more podcast space via Our. Media. org. Posted first video clip on my educational blog: http: //gettingsorted. blogspot. com/ Designed & tested learner self-assessment/feedback report on my web pages, that will report back to my email all the learner’s data submitted.
Unit 8 – Developing Strategies II (cont’d) • • • What will be the evolving role of www. Getting. Sorted. com as a presentation tool? How can I increase the educational utility of my blog (http: //gettingsorted. blogspot. com/) to further benefit young elearners? How can I make this module more exciting and more inviting to young e-learners? Once clips & scripts are finalized, post best one to You. Tube & Our. Media to increase traffic to my web site and blog @ http: //gettingsorted. blogspot. com/ Send evaluation request to my educator friends; ask their children to evaluate my work. What are the comments from the preview evaluations? The random (skewed) sampling from the children of these educators as my learner pre-test Ask for final evaluation from educators once project is completed. Do I make a rubric for my young voluntary e-learners? (D&C, pg. 201) While all my objectives, contexts & test blueprint remain the same, I will be using R&S ch. 11 (Principle Learning) and ch. 14 (Attitude Learning) for my project's second phase. I will design a sequel lesson, more complex, applying predominately strategies from R&S ch. 11 & 14. To apply the principle & attitude strategies: – I will (hopefully) motivate the voluntary young e-learners I target to re-visit my web pages, – to work more deeply into forging their educational goals, – to problem-solve high-probability obstacles, and – to recognize life situations where they will need to apply many layers of learning templates to stay focused on their educational goals. – I will use more precise examples than I did in the 1 st module, and discuss how the examples are related.
Gagne's 9 Events of Instruction (as they relate to my project) • • • 1. Gaining Attention - Designed a treasure map format. Recorded (over and over) the video clips to show first frame of a smiling face, eyes open, library background for initial visual hook. To re-gain attention & re-gain focus, I used humor, props, eye contact, funny but relevant nonexamples, and by showing the learners respect and explaining why this objective would be important to them their entire life. 2. Informing learner of objective - Did this verbally & visually in both the video clips. Did this in the audio podcast. 3. Stimulating recall of prerequisite learning - Since there is no pre-test available, I used the two video clips and the podcast to teach basic prior knowledge, to present new material, and then to repeat & re-teach the new concepts using different words, different examples. Each piece builds on the previous one. For example, the second video clip repeats concepts presented in the first clip. The podcast repeats concepts from the 2 video clips. 4. Presenting stimulus materials - I show in the first video clip and on the first web page (while the video clip is loading) the path, the downloadable Educational Goals form, the complete quiver of tools. 5. Provide learning guidance - While the page is loading, the learner (if they choose to) reads the words, absorbs the colors, the pathway. The video clip shows each of the tools. The page & the podcast asks for the feedback and shows the link to click on. 6. Eliciting performance - The voluntary e-learner is encouraged to participate in the video clips, on the 2 web pages, and in the podcast. As I complete the sequel lesson, the learner will again be asked to perform and for feedback.
Gagne's 9 Events of Instruction (as they relate to my project) • • • 7. Providing feedback - I ask the learner for feedback. I can't demand feedback; I must entice it. Initially, I had asked for their email addresses, so that I could initiate a follow-up. After much thought, I determined this too intrusive. If I were the parent, would I want my children giving a stranger their emails? So I removed those 2 questions. I offer the learner a place to comment, and hope to gain much feedback from this. If you can think of other ways to increase my requests for feedback from the learners, I would appreciate them. 8. Assessing performance - R&S, page 266 & 267 describes the assessment of attitudes as difficult and lists 3 affective assessment tools: direct self-report, indirect self-report & observation. I make the best use of the first and third that is possible, given the context. Direct self-report - in my Quick. Click. Feedback learner self-assessment list of 13 yes/no dichotomy questions. I composed these 13 questions carefully, interweaving fun, hard decisions & commitment. At the same time, not so many or such boring, intrusive questions that the learner clicks away. The other tool, observation, intertwines with the self-report: do they take the trouble & time to respond? (short term) Will they come back for a follow-up? (longer term) Will they perform consistently for their life times (longer term, and perhaps never known to me) 9. Enhancing retention & transfer - Wish I had a respected role model----do you think Hannah Montana would do a video for me? Lacking that, I hope to inspire each voluntary elearner to be their own role model, to become the person they want to be, to have the character to make good decisions when no one is looking. I do role-playing on the video clips. R&S, pg. 269 decries the benefits of role-playing. I use words to help the learners see themselves in the activities, in the examples, in the processes I outline. I use words to help the learners see themselves in the activities, in the examples, in the processes I outline. I use specifically-chosen words to encourage and hopefully inspire the learners to make the commitment and the decisions to make this happen in their lives.
Unit 9 - Attitudinal Objectives • The affective or attitudinal objectives/lessons are harder to specify, harder to get on paper, harder to test for. • I have experience in teaching some of the counselortype classes: "don't do drugs", "don't bully others", "use the golden-rule". I teach classes at church: full of affective directives & objectives. My alternative certification classes (4 th-8 th grades) were about directing teen and pre-teen attitudes effectively toward learning. I am a mom, so there is some OJT there also. • My take on this question, and ultimately this class, is that attitude learning is the hardest to inspire, to instruct, to motivate. It is the hardest to pin down as far as actual achievement and "success" is concerned. How do we know when students walks out of class, out of our eyesight, what they will say to their friends, what they really learned? Did the teacher teach anything of substance or just get by? Was the instruction designed effectively so that the earnest learner benefited? Did anyone absorb anything or merely play the game to get out of the class? • What can an ID do to guarantee learning under attitudinal conditions? They are more difficult to design for, more difficult to measure results and more difficult to test.
Unit 9 - Instructional Structure Outline (R&S ch. 11 & 14) Hybrid of Principle Learning, Attitude Learning Fundamentals • • • To apply the principle & attitude strategies: the lesson needs to motivate the voluntary young e-learners to – re-visit the instruction whenever they wish, – to work more deeply into forging their educational goals, – to problem-solve high-probability obstacles, – to recognize life situations where they will need to apply many layers of learning templates to stay focused on their educational goals. I will use “best examples” (R&S pg. 207). Lacking an available “respected” role model, I will use the learner as the role model through visualization exercises. (“See yourself in 20 years. What will you want for your life? ”) I will also ask the learner who they respect most, and use that visualization also as a role model. (“Who do you admire? Did they use education to achieve their successes? What do they do that you are willing to do? ”) Will visually display the principle on the web pages: “You become who you are by the decisions you make each day”. (R&S pg. 208) I also plan to use Reigeluth’s zoom-in, zoom-out concepts. R&S, pg. 207: “On some occasions, the optimal sequence of instruction is more expository: The principle is presented and demonstrated, and learners have opportunity to practice the principle’s application. ” Due to the learning contexts, my project is more expository than discovery. R&S, pg. 224 “ If learners’ prior knowledge is limited and not organized well, cognitive strategies are limited, aptitude is not high, motivation is low, time is short, and a high level of skill is required by all learners, then a more supplantive, high scaffolding strategy would be appropriate. ” Metacognition (R&S pg. 245) is too advanced for this module. I am already asking a lot of these learners: I surely wish they had more content knowledge of goal setting, self-assertion, long-term thinking. Kids don’t usually think long-term. “. . more goals of higher education and training environments involve attitudes than might be anticipated. ” (R&S pg. 260) “The roles that learners’ intentions and achievement goals play in conceptual change make affect inseparable related to cognitive learning” (R&S pg. 260) Social Judgment Theory – R&S pg. 262. “Belief change is related to that of attitude change”. “. . Belief change. . often blur the line between outcomes we call cognitive and affective. ” (R&S pg. 262). Krathwohl’s Taxonomy (R&S pg. 264) – Attending – Responding – Valuing – Organization – Characterization
Unit 9 - Instructional Structure Outline (R&S ch. 11 & 14) Hybrid of Principle Learning, Attitude Learning (see R&S, ch 11, pg. 212 -213) • Deploy Attention – – • Establish Instructional Purpose – Arouse Interest & Motivation – • Short summary of lesson Recall Relevant Prior Knowledge – – • Explain how important “attitude objectives (goals) are very similar to much of corporate America’s training needs and goals” (R&S pg. 260) (these skills will benefit the learners their entire lives) Preview Lesson – • “You become who you are by the decisions you make each day”. use Reigeluth’s zoom-in, zoom-out concept – zero in on what the steps of your life looks like, who you want to be, how you get there. Review vocabulary and examples in Module 1. (R&S pg. 209: “How would you say it? Put the concept into your own words. ”) “Divergent Thinking Strategies: . . the biggest problem is lack of prior knowledge. ” (R&S pg. 245) Process Information & Examples – Focus Attention – – Use the learner as the role model through visualization exercises. (“See yourself in 20 years. What will you want for your life? ”) Students will provide their own examples of the application of the principle (R&S pg. 210) Ask the learner who they respect most, and use that visualization also as a role model. (“Who do you admire? Did they use education to achieve their successes? What do they do that you are willing to do? ”) 3 components of Attitude Learning (knowing how to and choosing to do it) (R&S pg. 262 & 263) • Knowing how. Cognition. Information. • Knowing why. Affective. Feeling. • Behavior. How you act. Opportunity to practice. Ask the learner questions; real questions, pausing for their answers. (R&S pg. 207). “Active participation produces more attitude change than passive reception of information (R&S pg. 263). • What if you temporarily fail? (many sources of distractions) • What if you leave home and now solely support yourself? • What if you are embarrassed by this process? • Do you think you deserve a great life? How is your self-esteem? • What do you expect out of life? • How would you describe your character? • What are your intentions? What do you want to achieve in your life? • How do you handle the variables of life? (internal focus vs. external focus) • Do you take responsibility for your decisions? • R&S pg. 246 “increase the quality of their thinking. ”
Unit 9 - Instructional Structure Outline (R&S ch. 11 & 14) Hybrid of Principle Learning, Attitude Learning (see R&S, ch 11, pg. 212 -213) • Employ Learning Strategies. Practice (applying them via visualization. ) – – – • • • “The basic idea of attitudes is captured in the idea of choosing to do something. ” (R&S pg. 262) What do you choose to do? Discuss helicopter views “zoom in, zoom out” “If you can apply it, you have learned it” Guided participation of role-playing (R&S pg. 247). “Look in the mirror: You are your own best friend. Believe in yourself and that you DO deserve to earn what you want in life. ” Applying “if, then” to variable learning opportunities 3 Conditions of Attitude Learning (R&S pg. 265) • Demonstration of desired behavior by a respected role model • Practice of desired behavior through role-playing • Reinforcement of desired behavior – “The most power reinforcers will be those that apply directly to the learner as a product of the learner’s own behavior. ” (R&S pg. 266) – “Learner takes the majority responsibility in self-regulated learning” (R&S pg. 244) Summarize / Review – Retrieval clues; apply principles under many different circumstances – Make it your own; change it if you need to – Sometimes you might need to think a while about how to solve a problem: “ A problem is present when one has a goal but does not know immediately how this goal can be reached. Learners search their long-term memory for relevant principles, knowledge, and strategies that might apply to the problem”. (R&S pg. 219) Remotivate / Reinforcement / Close – “Natural consequences” (R&S pg. 266) “The thanks from someone you have helped, the safe passage through a dangerous situation, and the observation of the benefit gained from help you supplied are all much more direct and powerful reinforcers than praise or reward from a teacher”. Internal focus. Evaluate / Feedback / Assessment – – – Design another form, ask for comments/feedback. 3 types of instruments to assess affective objectives: • Direct self-report (will be used) • Indirect self-report • Observation (will be used) “Assessment of attitudes is so difficult that we often try to use more than one measurement to obtain a clearer picture of the learner’s actual attitude”. (R&S pg. 267 -268)
Email to educators requesting Formative Evaluation of partially-completed project • • • “Here is a link to my partially-completed project this semester in Instructional Design (designed for young, voluntary, I-wantto-be-entertained, e-learners): www. Getting. Sorted. com/Educational. Goals. html As educators and SMEs (subject matter experts), could you please click on the link, review my project, and give me your suggestions? (either via the lesson "comments" section or via email)? Also, if you are able, could you please ask a child or two to take the lesson? (Encourage them to send comments also. ) I will then incorporate your feedback into the project revision & completion. I have a follow-up module to design, using more prior knowledge, more strategies, more examples, more practice, etc. I am specifically struggling with how to add more meat-on-the-bone for young voluntary e-learners regarding educational goals---how to make it more concrete & exciting to them. I am applying learning strategies from our 2 textbooks (Dick & Carey - "Systematic Design of Instruction"; Smith & Ragan - "Instructional Design"). I got to choose the lesson to design, the delivery methods, and the strategies. I do need & truly appreciate your expert professional comments/ evaluations/feedback for this class (my first semester in Texas A&M's masters in Educational Technology). I am grateful for your time. “ Revised Learner Self-Assessment/Feedback Format • Edited learner self-assessment/feedback form by removing my request for their email addresses. Due to the uncertain ages of the young e-learners, the request for their email, however well-intentioned it is for follow-up and post-tests, I judge it to be inappropriate. (I wouldn’t want my child to give a stranger her email address, no matter how good the reason. )
• Units #10 - 11 Internet Tools Used Rapid Prototyping – Take all those critical paths described in D&C, pages 248 & 249, and reduce it down to a 1 -person shop, and that's me. – I wish I had paid more attention to the "go light on the early analysis steps", which I surely did not do. As the SME evaluations come in, I am making rapid corrections to my project because my tools allow me the flexibility. – These teachers have great constructive changes, and I see their wisdom. I completely re-did the pages within 1 hour the other day, republished them pronto, so that the next time one of my SMEs click on my link, the newest and best is there for them to carry on with. – Why would I want to waste their time and attention on stuff I already know isn't good enough? Anyway, I love that my project is one place, and the SMEs come to what my latest reiteration is, and that I don't have to go chasing down old/bad copies of paper floating out there in the world. – I believe in rapid prototyping, and I see the benefit of it, due mostly because we have the technology tools. It seems the pace of the world today demands it. • Media Delivery Changes – Beta-testing delivery web site. – Correcting errors, improving speed & making file changes. Very efficient in time & money spent. – Continually revamping web pages based on SME evaluations. Can’t keep old copies of web pages, just the current one. – One of the advantages of my media delivery and tools is that I can easily and quickly make changes. I have used all the tools, created all the files, and am getting quite agile on making turn-on-a-dime changes. – As of 4/8/08, I am on my second total revamp of the web page delivery instruments, based on feedback from the formative evaluations. • SME Evaluations & Comments – Sent more emails to SMEs for evaluations. Receiving email comments back. Able to assimilate improvements pronto.
Unit #11 & 12 Formative Evaluations (SME emails) DIANE (my feedback/questions to her in red) Here is some feedback: IE wants to install an Active. X control that does not appear to be useful. Is it necessary? I have no idea. I have had nothing but trouble anytime my computer asks me about Active. X. Is it possible that it's a question personal to each recipient's default media player? Video Clip #1 (VC#1) - Started playing in < 2 minutes. Video Clip #2 - Connecting - never connected (I tried on 2 computers) I may have to re-record this. Would hate that. It's a big file (40 K), but I really wanted almost all those words in the clip. Wouldn't mind using another face, but haven't found a volunteer yet. Lauren won't! I have re-jiggered the pages. My last hope to keep the original VC-1 is that the changes have helped. Do you still have the loading troubles? If "yes", then I will have to reduce the file size. My hosting company says I can't stream the video, and there is no way to speed things up other than reducing file size. If I compress the file with Win. Zip, doesn't that help me in storing the file, opening my copy of the file, but potentially confusing every recipient who doesn't have Win. Zip? So, Win. Zip has been a dead-end to me so far. No other leads are helpful----just "reduce file size". File sizes: VC#1 = 16 K; VC#2 = 40 K; Podcast#1 = 47 K; Podcast#2 (to be created today) = close to 47 K also. Volume is softer on Podcast than VC#1 and Blooper (Quick. Click. Feedback). I even re-recorded the podcast at max volume, scooting up to the microphone, but I haven't yet found a way to solve the volume discrepancy. Different software seems to = different volume levels. Quick. Click. Feedback - opened quickly Blooper! video - ran but was cut off after 9 seconds. It looks like you aborted recording. Guest book - Sign In button - Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage Chucked it. Not necessary to the goal, was just froth anyway. Guest book - View Entries button - page loaded OK Sign In button works OK from View Entries page Sent in Feedback doc OK - check it out, I commented about liking to start but not finish projects Links: Boys & Girls Club of America (BGCA) - Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage Chucked it. Goals for Graduation - Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage Ditto. Goals for Growth - link to Dallas site worked OK Goals for Growth (Canadian classroom curriculum) - worked OK Every time I hit the back button from one of the above 4 links, VC#1 started playing - somewhat annoying. Is it better to all come up in just 1 browser window? I get to choose that for each page I publish. I tried it several ways. Don't want to confuse or annoy the learner. Also changed the playing automatically to manually. If the file plays automatically, it opens faster but it does open each time the page re-opens. It does get annoying. So, it's either SLOW or annoying. Good luck with your class and let me know if I can be of further assistance. Thanks. Huge help you doing this for me. Diane Subsequently, many small emails back & forth on content page testing, file compression, delivery speed. Follow-up email with her answers: I just rerun your website. Here are my comments: Site wants to run add-on Windows Media Player (again? ) I allowed it to run on Sunday. I had to run the Active. X control to more than a red X for the Pod Cast. VC#1 does not play automatically (per your change) VC#2 is Connecting for over a minute before playing. Cache memory makes it load in 1/2 second the second time. Delete IE temporary files and VC 2 will take a long time to load. Maybe you can balance the volume by reducing the volume of the VC's if you cannot increase volume on Pod Cast. Did you know you can play both pod casts at once. Not very useful but kids would probably find it entertaining. Both Quick. Click. Feedback links started quickly. Both Word document links started quickly. Let me know if you want something else.
Unit #11 & 12 Formative Evaluations (SME emails) Nicole Well, I was able to hear the first video (but it did stop a couple of times in the middle but picked right up within 20 seconds or so). When I went to click on the link to print out your copy, the pointer (arrow) didn't turn into a hand to recognize that it was a link. I wasn't able to get to your copy : ) I also hit play on the second video and it didn't play. It said it was ready but it wouldn't play. Oh, and the first video is still saying it buffering. It could be my computer? Let me know and I'll would love to keep trying. It looks really cool and you talk so clear : ) I think kids would love this. I also want to let some of my kids to try once we get all the kinks worked out or I get a better computer : ) Cheers, Nicole PS-- I feel as though I'm complaining but I know this is to help you ; )
Unit #11 & 12 Formative Evaluations (SME emails) Lisa Hi Gayle, I tried to submit a comment via the button on the page, but it gave me an error message. Should be fixed now. Overall, I think it is good for kids who are self-motivated. It should get them thinking about steps they can take now to make their goals happen in the future. Perhaps you could give some concrete examples of things they can do now which may make it easier to attain their goals later. For example, if they want to be a politician later in life, they could run for student council office “this school year”. If their career interests lie in computers or robotics, perhaps they could attend a specialized summer program for LEGO robotics, or something else that may be offered that would relate to their interests. If they want to be a veterinarian, they could volunteer at the local animal shelter, etc. Perhaps this way they could see that their choices today can influence their educational future. It might also give them an opportunity to “revise” their plan in case it turns out they don’t really enjoy doing what they thought they would like. Great idea of the professional examples. Now that the podcast files are getting compressed, speed and time won't be the problems they have been, and revising the pods are fun & easy. Ironically, I have planned to make pods about different career opportunities for kids (a pod a profession, so to speak), so you are so spot on! I do have a question about #7 on the first set (and on both the 1 st and 2 nd question sets, the period after the 7 is missing by the way J ). Did you mean to ask the question in the present tense? For example, that would mean a child like Alex might have to answer “no” since no family members are currently in college. (We do have family friends with college students, but this might not always be the case. ) Did you mean to include (or purposefully exclude) family members that went to or graduated from college? One problem I have is the diverse age spread of the kids who might come to the website. Do I siphon off by age, sending different ages to different pages? Or would that "put off" the learners? Any suggestions? Lisa, this is exactly the kind of stuff I really need. I have spent too much time with all the words, and I can't see the forest for the trees. Did the long file load time put you off? I am still wrestling with video compression. I did get the audio files compressed. Eventually, when I am satisfied with the whole shebang, I will post a video to You. Tube; I want to be ready!! You are a dear; I appreciate all the constructive comments very much. I will have Alex listen to the lesson and give his thought as well. Hope this is helpful for you! Take care, Lisa
Unit #11 & 12 Formative Evaluations (SME emails) Elsa 1. What is the target age of your audience to which this is addressed? i go back and forth between late elem school (5 th grade) and middle school. Elsa, I wish I could pinpoint it. The learner age would be as diverse and random as any kids surfing You. Tube. Do you think the learner would be "put off" if I had them select "What is your age? ", and siphon off different ages to different pages? 2. Is the target age capable of such long term goal setting (college/life) without a lot of guidance from you? Initially, I asked for the learner's email, so that I could coach them one-on-one. The more I thought about that, the creepier it sounded. As a parent, I wouldn't let my child do that. So, I am hoping that by asking for comments, the learner might initial a conversation that at least would be 1 -way. Maybe 2 -way, if they voluntarily give me their email. 3. I just took a one-day seminar with a professional group where they were showing how to construct "procedures" for doing something, in this case mechanical. . . they used examples like "make a PBJ" "change the oil in your car" (mostly guys, you know we women have only two steps. . . drive car to Jiffy Lube, pay them). . . they used different color "post it notes" and put the various steps on the wall of the conference room. . . perhaps something like that would be good for goal setting. . moving things from daily to weekly, etc. . Great idea. I will be improving the podcasts with better examples & explanations. Will use your ideas. 4. You have a great presence both in video and podcast. . . a warm, inviting voice that would create a comfortable place to do goal setting exercises. Aw, shucks, Mom. 5. I think that a lot of one on one time would be necessary for this; is this part of your plan? Would love to think of some way this would work, and not be internet-creepy. Got any ideas? I was thinking about putting in a text saying, "If your parent or guardian approves, we can meet in the chatroom at . . " I could arrange an hour a day on chatroom standby.
Unit #11 & 12 Formative Evaluations (SME emails) • • Valari Hello Gayle! I spent time this evening checking your baby out. I really love the idea of helping students set goals - and guiding them to do it. It is easy to say, but difficult for them to do. Your two video clips at the beginning are very good. You come across as easy going, but helpful and sincere. I think kids would view you as being interested in them. Make a bigger deal about introducing yourself and perhaps explain your goal to them, or your reason for them organize their time. I probably should do a short intro of myself, huh? I will do this. ? Thanks for the idea. It might just have been my computer, but Podcasts one and two didn't work. (Our firewall prevents some things from coming through. ) I could tell much of the content, however, from the feedback questions. They are a great way to engage students. A silly suggestion would be to consider some "cool" music, graphics, or your voice praising them when a step is taken or feedback is given. I will see if I can put in some sound files for clicks taken, and I will check on the background music. I am finding sound files can be huge and therefore really slow stuff down. I think the mini-reward would help maintain interest and encourage them to continue. I absolutely love the "I believe in Myself Dance!" I am glad you liked it. Small rewards for the kiddos, huh? Would it be appropriate to have a section with possible careers and what type of education/skills are needed? Some students really don't know what different careers include, and what is expected. That would be very educational for them. Another teacher recommended the same thing! I will do this. Thanks for the great idea. Overall, I enjoyed the site. It is very appropriate and helpful for students. I even liked your blooper! It is so good for kids to see that we don't always get everything right the first time. What kind of links will you have for teachers? I am interested! I will keep you posted. You know me, though, I would get rid of the brown boxes and stick with bright color! I guess orange on some computers look like brown on others. You are right, the brighter colors really pop out. It was fun adding colorful borders and changing the orange/brown to hot coral! It was fun doing this! Also, the clips took a while, but I know you are working on that. Please give your sweet daughter a big hug for me! I shall. Many thanks for all your experience and professional insight. Gayle Take care, Valari
Unit #11 & 12 Formative Evaluations (SME emails) Debbie Gayle, Sorry it took me so long. Today is Field Day and I had extra time. I'm setting new goals too. This year has been a year from Hmmmm. . for me. I have an autistic child in both my classes and you know the rest. I really thought your project was awesome. I enjoyed watching you. . . you are so you. That's a good thing. I'm very impressed with the set up, your are a gifted technology person. I'll try to help again. Again, thanks for thinking of me. Debbie
Unit #11 & 12 Formative Evaluations (SME emails) Laura Hi, Gayle, I'm Laura Kirk, Lisa Mueller's mom, Alex's grandmother. Lisa sent your request on to me, perhaps thinking that as a former G/T teacher and current educational consultant I could be of help to you. For what it's worth. . . First off, I know how much time and effort is required to do original materials development. That makes me hesitant to make the comments that follow, but they do represent my considered opinion, based on over 30 years of educational experience. To the contrary, I relish your experience and comments. Kids in the target age group tend to have very limited distant future orientation; they live in the now and short term future. Just think - when Alex is twice as old as he is now, he will still be in college. This is also not a good age group for understanding long-range consequences of current decisions. Research shows that their brains are not yet wired for this. There a few exceptions, mainly kids with extremely strong talents in a certain area (gifted musicians, athletes, artists) and kids who accept or at least parrot their parents' expectations without having really made independent choices for their own futures. So how would I change the curriculum? Just have kids think about 5 -10 years out? Have a sorting page (like a sorting hat), and let kids select their age group, click to a uniquely-designed page? Every student who uses drugs, drinks and drives, gets pregnant, drops out of school, flunks out of college. . . has heard the lectures and examples (from parents, teachers, media) of why that is not a good choice to make - and then did what gave him/her the greatest short term pleasure, social acceptance, or avoidance of discomfort. I do not believe that giving up short-term gratification for long term gain can be taught in this way. It's an incremental process, made of subtle personal experiences and small choices, not one suitable for an exercise like this. Is there any way to catch their imagination, and prepare them, inform them for these incremental processes? I don't want to either depress you or have all this work go for nothing, also don't know the requirements for this project. Many college instructors have no realistic concept of classroom life for students or for teachers. This may be just what your professor wants. I fully understand if you just hit delete, That would be nuts. and I wish you success with your project. I do know that teaching makes one a better teacher. Laura Kirk
Unit #11 & 12 Formative Evaluations (SME emails) Sue • Her initial comments were verbal, about delivery media issues. • Came early in formative evaluation for my web page instruction delivery instruments. • Was the trigger for the first total revamp of delivery media (web page instruments). – – Font legibility Color (backgrounds, text) Flow of instruction Speed – (her other comments in a following page)
Unit #11 & 12 Formative Evaluations (SME emails) Kim I would rather talk to you in person about my thoughts, but here goes. Kim, really appreciate your time on this. The email version will help me in my presentation, as analysis I can submit. Thank you for taking the time. I did the evaluation at the end of your project, however, chose to make my “comments” via email… so…. Just my thoughts OK… Good information, friendly voice, but most of all you make it easy to do what you are asking because of how you have presented it. I like your tone. I actually spent a lot of time & planning to make it seem that way. Do you think kids will feel the same way? I smiled at your “Sesame Street” approach in how to find the next link. You would point to something that wasn’t really there in the room with you but to the bottom or the side of where you were. I liked that a lot. Sesame Street characters are always talking to someone inside the camera or pointing to someone/thing that doesn’t exist but makes the viewer think it does. Slick. I really am trying to entertain, at the same time, hopefully, teach something. I will shamelessly use any trick that works. I’m not a “write my goals down” kind of kid, never have been. Seems I must have done a bunch of this in my head. From the first moment of clicking in, you started it off with something as simple as making sure I had something to write on and with. Simple. Done. This got me to thinking that I really needed to write something down, thus my comments. This made me want to write something down because your approach was simple, going from something today (small picture) to something farther away in time (big picture). Made me go hmmmm…. as the adult I am. I think you had a nice balance of humor and sincerity, although I know you have a lot more humor to offer. Throw it in if you can find the right places. Thanks for the idea. Right now, the more important thing to do is to comply with my course work (get the A), and then, afterward, before I launch an intro video on You. Tube, make the rest of the changes to make it the most effective with young learners. The webpage might be an easier read, although may be a bit boring, if the links were straight down, instead of side to side. There was quite a long wait for the videos to load. I almost thought I was doing something wrong. That may not be something you can not change. Still working on the video file compression. Getting to be too much of an expert in this topic. . Lastly, I liked the hairdo (you must have showered for the video portion), however, I would change your shirt. Nothing personal, but I’ve seen you in someone great shirts with collars or prints that are very feminine (not too stuffy). I think you might add a degree of professional-ism to this by taking away the “skin”. Now if you showed the breasts, then the project would take on a whole new meaning right? ! You are the first person who mentioned skin, and I have wondered about that also. You are right, something too stuffy but definitely more professional. Wow, a good hair day, a shower AND professional attire. . . ! I’m honored you included me in something that is soooo important to you! Hope I have been of some help! Good luck! KIM
Continuation of SME Evaluations Christine Ginkens I went to the website. I could view the first video but I could not get the 2 nd video to play. It locked up on me. Yeah, the video compression is causing me to learn way more than I had intended. Still trying to solve this. My feed back and I will be honest because I want you to get a good grade. 1. I need to know who this is targeting. At the beginning of the 1 st video you mention what kind of car you will drive - so I assumed this was for a high schooler. I think a program like this would need to be targeted to a narrow age group - within a couple year span. You are so right. Another ace teacher told me the same thing. Yeah for you both. I have gutted (once again!) the pages of this project, and am almost done with the new stuff. There will be separate paths for Jr. High and High School students. Forget the elementary kids. 2. The screen was confusing. I saw the box Treasure Map and I tried to click on it and nothing happened. I didn't know if that was the title of the page/lesson or if I was missing information. I could follow from the video to the Ed. Goals sheet which did come up. It didn't flow. Gutted all that stuff. I really simplified the screens. Thank you. My eyes are too old on this project. 3. The goals sheet. The first 6 items were perfect, though I'm assuming for a high schooler. The next section, What I want from my Education - seems to vague. Is it my high school education, my lifelong education? I'm thinking you explained in the 2 nd video. Changed up all that also. Made different activity sheets for Jr. & Sr. high. Did all the stuff you say in #4 and #5 below. And a little more! I will be re-doing the video clips and half the pods. Damn! Wish I had asked earlier! This is what our text calls "rapid prototyping". They didn't tell me I was supposed to barely do the design, and then let other people do the real thinking! Thank you for making this much better. Not perfect----just better. Will send you both a link when the pages look better. 4. The next 2 - college and job - I would make those each a separate sheet so that someone could write multiple ideas and brainstorm. Maybe do 4 different paths on each one. I think if you limit a kids thinking too soon and make them choose just one thing it feels too overwhelming. 5. Perhaps in the middle you could include: I love to ____________ With my friends I like to _______ I hate to ____________ It feels good when someone tells me __________ I would like to know more about __________ My goal with the above statements is trying to get kids to expound on what they like without trying to put it in a box under college, career, job. Instead of what do you want to be when you grow up, ask what do you love? Good luck! Chris
Continuation of SME Evaluations Laura Gayle, Just did a fast run through, so these are very preliminary comments. Loading time on my computer was very long for the videos. This may be my problem, not yours. Laura, loading times should be better; finally figured out the video compression. I also re-made the video clips & podcasts to be shorter. It is now as fast as it can get. Goal Sheets: I would ask for responses to open ended questions first, then have student go the time-specific lists (today. . . this week. . . etc. ). Give them a chance to think about themselves, their personal preferences and strengths before going to listing goals. Others have something similar. I have made additions (changed sequence, added pages, split for Jr. High and Sr. High, and added a mini-module on prior knowledge goals on the intro page. The security (or other? ) settings on my computer would not allow me to open the podcasts, so I can't give you any feedback on them. Sorry. If you want to easily and one-time-just-forthese-pages make the clearances to load the files, let me know. You might want to consider re-grouping the questions on the feedback form so they have more connection to previous and next items - or did you want them in a scattered format? General to specific? Before/After? Made changes as you & others have suggested. Your daughter Lisa also told me to expand the examples to include professions and typical educational goals for each example. That is the next phase of this module. You're doing so much work on this; I hope it pays off both in your grade and opportunities to use it. Thanks! Me too. Laura
Units #11 -12 Formative Evaluations Field Trial Requests & Evaluations Here are the 2 basic email requests I sent out to SMEs and to learners: ___________________ Gayle Fisher
Units 11 -12 - Formative Evaluations Field Trial Evaluations Kim Hi Gayle! I like the changes you have made. It is shorter and sweeter. I did have Sophia go through it and she understood what you were asking and laughed out-loud when you talked like Darth Vader. Unfortunately, her reply to actually writing anything down was: “I don’t have any goals. I don’t really want any. ” It was very comical. She may be a little young as a test subject, although Lauren probably didn’t have enough room. I really don’t have any other changes for you. It works. Thanks so much, Kim. Really appreciate Sophia's help. Please tell her so for me. Gayle KIM _____________ Stephanie We talked face-to-face today about her suggestions. I added a mini-module on the intro page regarding more prior knowledge of goals. See the second video clip and the “I Already Have Goals, Dude !” downloadable document link. She recommended some ways to get kids thinking about their past and the goals they have accomplished, even though they weren’t thinking they were setting & keeping goals at the time. She said she’d ask some of her 6 th grade learners to road-test the pages. Her ideas on prior knowledge (which I have already implemented on www. Getting. Sorted. com/Educational. Goals. html ) actually could impact my pre-test, but I don’t want to alter the designated pre-test objectives. As Yolanda had suggested, my pre-test is “Before taking this multi -part lesson, students had certain attitudes and/or skills. After instruction, their attitudes and skills had changed, becoming more empowered. ” This is a neatlycompartmentalized pre-test, and I don’t want to mess with it.
Units 11 -12 - Formative Evaluations Field Trial Evaluations Sue, A huge thanks for all your hard and time-consuming work. As we spoke, I am using so many of your comments/improvements. Thank you for your diligence and professionalism. Gayle, Here a few of my comments at first glance. . . On your layout. . . "Back to. . . " I would move to the bottom unless this needs to be the first stand out item. (doesn't seem be. . ? ? ? ) The boxes: more about gayle, I am in Jr. H. & I am HS. . . . You may want to lay these all in line under your first video clip. . it just looks on my screen that they are out there without order. . . *unless you are adding more of these type of boxes) The video clip wouldn't run on the font page. . First Link- About Me : I would recommend changing the background color or font color on "Blog". . can't really read it on my screen. Nice write up on yourself! The first statement is a little strong, but if that is your intentions then I would leave it. The video. . the first picture is an ackward picture of your beautiful face. You might want some lead time with a smile and then start talking because it looks rather odd before it loads. Just a thought about it after watching it. . folks are already on a computer as they see this, so you might want to assume that they have a computer and will not need to 'write' something down with pens, pencils, crayons (which is funny to me since I know you have JT!!) but maybe something like a a down document (excel, PDF, or word) and then fill it in and send it. Some might feel like you are degrading them while others don't. . just a suggestion. email" gayle@gettingsorted. com doesn't work yet ~~~~~~ For Kids: "Educational Goals" in the middle is hard to read with the purple font or the blue background. (actually, I found this in other screens as well. . ) Ed. Goals - JR: The blue link on Pink is very hard to read. . Not sure that folks will get your phrase: ". . . the bat you-know-what" * The darker blue box with white type really stands out nicely. (Podcast. . is it really a podcast if it's not sent directly to an ipod or the likes? I'm not sure and Jeff think's it might me incorrect. . ) * I take it there actually two different sites happening here. . getting sorted and Educational Goals. . If this is the case and they should both fall under a common "home page" you may want to look a different first page. Unless I am confused, but otherwise I find two home pages and on a site there usually is just one. ? ? ? e-mail me icons. . you may want to pick one you like and stay with it throughout your site and also, if this links to your email that you have next to it, you may want to just delete one or the other Last one for tonight. . (sorry if it's too much!). . . Getting. Sorted. com/For. Kids. . . but this has business and home links on the left side. . is this for kids or for adults? might be confusing for your visitors. . (maybe gettingsorted. com/future ? ? or something keying into the topics better) okay - first run done. . I can tell you have done a TON of work on this!!!! Please take what you want and discard the rest! Everyone has their own views, but this was just from me on a first run through. Sue
Units 11 -12 - Formative Evaluations Field Trial Evaluations Nicole I didn't have any troubles this time. I loved it and I'm going to have one of my kids complete it next week and I'll let you know how it goes. I did notice that it's not a movie anymore, it's just your voice. I hope that's what you wanted. I do miss seeing you but the voice does the job too : ) If I run into any problems while the kid is completing it I'll let you know. Nicole, thanks for all your help! Gayle Nicole PS-- It was such an honor to see that you put my name on the special thanks list. That just made my day : ) __________ Valari Hello Gayle! I just revisited your site, and I think it looks great. You helped make that happen! The videos are informative and entertaining. (My eyes were glued to the abstract movement!) It seems easier to go through. I will check back later to see the teacher resource section. It looked like you had many fresh eyes and ears evaluate it! Many thanks for your help, Valari. It wouldn't have happened with out the collaboration! Take care, Valari
Units 11 -12 - Formative Evaluations Field Trial Evaluations Diane I checked it out last night. You have made a lot of improvements, it is looking sharp. The Video clips load faster now, there is stil a few seconds wait. The treasure hunt is a good idea. I also made a couple of comments in an e-mail I sent from one of your forms. Diane (thread, so the first comments come “last”) I just ran the welcome VC on my work PC and saw your face. Last weekend at home it was always the swirly pattern Media Player displays when playing a song. I don't know why my PC would start screening out your video and replacing with Media Player's. Winamp is my default player but it plays video clips OK. I just played one last weekend and Winamp played it OK. Are you ready to start screaming yet? Never going to be my friend again? Thanks for all these comments. The Enough about Me, back to you still goes to http: //www. gettingsorted. com/For. Kids. html even when I started at http: //www. gettingsorted. com/Educational. Goals. html. Will make a second button. Thanks! So when you go to www. Getting. Sorted. com/Educational. Goals. html, you don't see my face in the videos, you see some lava lamp? This isn't good. I guess I need to find someone else's computer and check it out. I see my face. No way your Active. X could be screening it out? The part about the screening numbers is built into my tools; I can claim no intellectual property there! The "wacky" videos are the Windows Media Player videos instead of the videos of you in your tank top talking. I think I like you talking better, it seems more personal. The "number below" was where I sent you an e-mail with comments. Websites use a typically hard to read set of letters and numbers that the user has to type into a box so people do not automate responses and overload the system.
Units 11 -12 - Formative Evaluations Field Trial Evaluations Diane (cont’d) Thanks! Fixed the "Back to Educational Goals" problem (I think). Is it clear enough? What is wacky about the videos? I can't see it. What do you mean by "Now you are going high tech with the number below. "? Really appreciate all your beta testing. Gayle ----- Original Message ----From: "diane tinker"
Units 11 -12 - Formative Evaluations Field Trial Requests & Evaluations Here are the 2 basic email requests I sent out to SMEs and to learners: ___________________ Gayle Fisher
Unit 11 – Developing Instructional Materials Unit Objectives in the #11 Lesson Outline Input – • I wake up thinking about the inputs into this project. • I have re-evaluated constantly my – – performance statements performance measures instructional strategies and the learner needs and wants Process – • My selected medium has affected my project’s design. • I have searched the internet for anything similar, and have found nothing that doesn’t require spending money and showing up at a class. Nothing free, nothing universally available. • I truly believe e-learning will grow, has great utility to lifestyles of students, and will increasingly be designed to be learner-friendly. • I found no available materials to adapt to my strategies. So, I created my tools. • I have spent considerable mental energy and physical time in designing the scripts, storyboard, flowcharts (on my web pages, in the word-flow of the combined instructional design) and in finding & creating the best illustrations/digital files that will entertain & instruct the learners. • My rough list of materials have been all the preceeding beta pages of my website, published for my evaluators but not advertised to e-learners in general. I have no paper copies. My hosting company is Homestead, and they do not preserve old, replaced copies of web pages. • I have designed a teachers handbook from all that I have created for this class, and will post a link on my web pages for the handbook (student activity pages, lesson strategies & scripts). I also will post a link to my entire ID, assuming a teacher has an interest in it or need of it. Product – 1. My web pages have been a working prototype. I have often referenced this link (www. Getting. Sorted. com/Educational. Goals. html) on my project status reports. 2. The work-in-process pages have morphed from very rough draft to “ready for evaluations”. 3. The final step will be posting the link to the world at large (assuming any learners will click to my project).
Unit 11 – Developing Instructional Materials Unit Objectives in the #11 Lesson Outline Reminder – • I have built Gagne’s events of instruction into the product. Please see Progress Status Report #9. • Apply constructivist values into my design: I believe I have done this by starting with basic learner behaviors of being able to operate a computer and/or surf the internet, and building upon that foundation the vocabulary, the examples, the importance, the real-life application, trying to inspire the learner attitudes to build their choices (and their goals in life) upon the foundations that meaningfully belong in their psyche, souls and brains. • Yes, I guide them (to the best of my current ability), but this project is all about their choices, their building, their behaviors. • I do use mostly inquiry, not discovery, instruction, but that is due to the brevity of time and attention. • I try to blend the generative strategies (which I personally prefer) with the higher-scaffolding supplantive “the-clock-is-ticking-before-they-click-away” realities of my targeted learners. (S&R, ch. 7). This blending may, of course, be nuts, but I have high expectations of young learners: I believe they want to be respected for thinking for themselves, and yet they need the scaffolding to climb fast. • I am following my instructional strategy blueprint. I have it printed out, and keep it with my daily study books. • Can I prove that my students are doing what I ask them to do? – – – If they provide me the requested voluntary feedback, then I can verify they are answering the questions. If they come back to my web pages, as I have requested, then perhaps I can verify they are following up on their goals. Realistically, I won’t ever really know, unless the learners make themselves known to me. I do not ask for their emails; after long consideration, I decided that request would be counterproductive and possibly taint the spirit of the module in their eyes and their parents’ eyes. Print-based & Computer-based – • All my production has combined print-based & computer-based. • All my page flows, learner thought flows, learner surfing instincts have been files, not paper. • I have created screen designs, page designs, tests, and even learnerrewards to be entertaining, educational and self-motivating. • I have tested and re-tested. Revised and re-revised. It is very easy for me to make quick and effective changes. I can keep the project up-to-date on revisions on an hourly basis. Pretty neat, huh?
Unit 11 – Developing Instructional Materials Unit Objectives in the #11 Lesson Outline Video-based – (video clips & podcasts) • The video clips were difficult at first to create. After designing them, I had to memorize the words, practice eye contact & facial gestures, design visual composition, and make it slightly entertaining. Due to the difficulty of being camera crew, lighting designer & presenter, the video production took more time than I had originally planned. I used my personal digital camera, computer software (Dell’s proprietary photo editor, Minolta’s version & Homestead tools). The more I revise them, the easier it becomes. Re-posting them is a snap. • The podcasts required scripts, proper sound conditions (correct volume, no ambient noises), computer software, and microphone. And rehearsal. No paper rustling, no stuttering. I used Audacity software, file compression by Blazer and testing with at least 2 media players (Windows Media Player, Homestead). I continue to revise and re-post these files often. • I then had implementation into the web pages, file loading speed, later visual & audio file compression (Blazer) and more re-testing to perform. None of these things are quick fixes, not in my experience. • Teacher-based, Stand-alone instruction – • I have prepared a link to the teacher handbook (lesson strategies, scripts, student activity pages). I will also post a link to the entire ID, assuming a teacher wants or needs the info. • The teacher will have access to all the web pages. If they want to collaborate in any way, they can email me, share the chat room I set up, and in any test feedback they wish to initiate with me. Instructional manual – • Learner expectations, lesson overview (more than once), motivational concepts, directions on how to use materials have all been included in my module and imbedded within the tools. The web page treasure map itself offers a manual-type of leading the learners toward the goal. Instructional Materials – • I give examples and non-examples. • I peat & repeat the terminal objectives and the final objectives. • I give examples of practice, we practice real-time, we role-play, and create our own best role model. • I ask for follow-up and feedback. • I offer a sequel lesson (podcast#2) and again ask for follow-up and feedback. • I designed the whole stage of the web pages to be part of the learning: for learner focus, motivation for “what’s next? ”, learner reward, refocus via humor, and learner fun.
Unit #12 Overview of Recommended Tasks • • Add background sound to pages? Add “well done’s” within the clicks (small sound files? ) (Valari’s suggestion. Make podcast(s) describing various professions/careers and what goals/qualifications would be needed for those professions. (Lisa’s & Valari’s suggestions) Make a video clip introducing myself and my goals (Valari’s suggestion) Kim’s suggestions: more humor, professional attire. Laura Kirk’s suggestions of shortening time scope. Incremental process that is experienced, not taught. True constructivism! Christine’s suggestion: more narrowly target learners. I am too broad-brushed. Continue with modifications from SME evaluations & feedback. – My SME evaluations are all one-on-one. If they are verbal, I am documenting them; if they are emails, I am providing copies of the texts, with my comments in red. Both categories are provided in the following pages. – To lesson components (required part of this project) • Audio/visual digital files (re-recording of video clips & podcasts) • Text (words & symbols on the webpages) – To media delivery system (web page function, file size, page loading & reloading, speed, etc. ) (not required of this project. I am not charged with implementing the instruction. ) Not sure when to post to You. Tube for “final” learner population. Can’t do it until media delivery is fully ready (page loading speed, which comes from file size, is holding me back).
Unit #12 - 3 Phases of Formative Evaluation By Designer (Yes! Over and over. Trying not to be obsessed by it. ) Some of my designer revisions are triggered by new thinking due to SME evaluations. Other changes are obvious: typos, inconsistent person (I vs. you), unclear wording. I read aloud all the words before I publish or record them. I also think of improvements, new stuff that I had not thought of before; i. e. more learner-centered video clips posted on different pages, to re-focus learner attention, to reiterate the text on the pages, to add humor and human interest) By Students from target population (Soon! By SMEs (Yes! Copies of emails on the following pages. Their words in black, my words in red. ) Some changes/revisions are quick and easy (changes in color, fonts) Other changes take more time (chopping up the pages to simplify or speed up the files) Other changes take a whopping amount of time (technical difficulties from large files, re-doing video clips (re-scripting, re-shooting, re-compressing, re-posting), ditto all that for podcasts. I am also giving feedback to the SMEs (copies of emails on following pages), hoping they will continue the dialogue. Some have, and have offered a follow-up followup. Yeah! Not all my SME requests have responded. I had planned on that, and have asked an abundance. SMEs have a wide range of experiences and expertise. They are casting a wide net on new ideas and improvements. Small Group Testing – In process. Some are adults, some really know teenagers. Some are actual targeted learners. Field Trial – Will launch that soon as formative evaluation changes implemented. Access to be better than formulative evaluations, as speed and files will work faster, better. Web address remains the same. Unable to keep old/replaced copies of web pages. For my project, the SME evaluations blended into the 1 -on-1 and the small group evaluations. With the real-time course deadline of before May 5, I am running out of that precious time. The materials revisions & the delivery instrument changes have been far more timeconsuming than I thought. I also hadn't planned on 2 total revamps. All that behind me now, I await the learner responses to the field trial. I also sent all my responding SMEs a link to the "new" materials, and have asked them to reevaluate the project. That isn't exactly in our text, but I am looking for all the feedback I can get. D&C, page 284, that table has been very useful to me. Clarity of instruction, sequence, segment size, time, pace, variation and transition are the issues that I have been repairing the most during my formative evaluation steps. I love D&C, page 297, where the text offers IDs "your materials are not as effective as you thought they would be after. . . extensive. . . design. . . " I laughed out loud at that.
Unit #12 - 3 Phases of Formative Evaluation Methods for Summarizing one-on-one Data – I am copying & including all evaluation emails for documentation. On the learner self-assessments, my web pages will gather emails & text copies of the feedback in a compiled report, which I can collect at will. I intend to compile this info into useable form for on-going future changes to the project. I don’t know if I consider the learner self-assessment/feedback to be a true posttest. Yolanda had offered me the idea of a pre-test as the learner knew certain things/skills before the instruction, and (hopefully) the learner knew more things/skills after the instruction. Using this model, I would assume that the learner would pass the post-test even if he/she fails to send me a learner self-assessment/feedback report. Since I have expanded the instruction into several video clips and several podcasts, I am treating the entire project as one chunk of instruction, even though there are 2 different learner self-assessment/feedback report opportunities. I ask learners for feedback on anything. I hope they will respond. I have tried to make it quite easy for them to send me data. Product – Video Clips - Changing video clips scripts to better and more narrowly target learners. Re-recorded them. Adding intro video clip. Adding video clips on learner self-assessment/test pages. Sound files (podcasts) - Changing podcasts scripts to better and more narrowly target learners. Re-recorded them. Compression - Found, installed and operated compression software for video & audio files. Improved speeds! Test Blueprint - Revisited test blueprint to confirm focus still on track. Yolanda had offered me the idea of a pre-test as the learner knew certain things/skills before the instruction, and (hopefully) the learner knew more things/skills after the instruction. Using this model, I would assume that the learner would pass the post-test even if he/she fails to send me a learner self-assessment/feedback report. Since I have expanded the instruction into several video clips and several podcasts, I am treating the entire project as one chunk of instruction, even though there are 2 different learner self-assessment/feedback report opportunities Test Reports – On the learner self-assessments, my web pages will gather emails & text copies of the feedback in a compiled report, which I can collect at will. SMEs not executing the learner self-assessment/feedback tests (as I thought they would). I have revised test questions, based on SME evaluations. Some data came in via small group testing. Will get additional test data from field test.
Unit 13 – Revising Instructional Materials Replaced/Discarded Many Web Page Files (removed 4/8/08 in formative evaluation) www. Getting. Sorted. com/Educational. Goals. html Just 3 of the previously posted video clips & podcasts: Video Clip #2 Video Clip #1 Podcasts #1 (Jr. HS & HS) Podcast #2
Unit 13 – Revising Instructional Materials Unit #7 - Script/Instructional Structure Outline (D&C ch. 8, R&S ch. 7 & 9) Instructional Strategy, Concept Learning Script Outline & Structure for Educational Goals Video Clips & Podcast by Gayle Fisher; Revised 2/29/08 Learning Process: Motivation Prerequisite and Subordinate Skills Practice and Feedback Hybrid of Instructional Strategy (D&C ch. 8, R&S ch. 7) with Concept Learning (R&S ch. 9) Delivery System (web page for young e-learners who voluntarily show up, who may have gamers short attention spans) Content (Educational Goals) Sequence Of actual Lesson (get & keep attention, give examples & nonexamples, repetition of lesson) Of Educational Goals performance objectives (Identify, Write, Revise, Follow-up) Clustering Streamline and vary principles of concept learning---to keep attention Keep the loop of deciding/writing/keeping goal as 1 cycle in learner’s perception Streamline chunking of time in goal setting practice Link attitudinal decisions/expected results/intrinsic personal power & satisfaction Learning Components of Instructional Strategies Preinstructional activities (see video clip) Entry behavior test (assume basic web user prior knowledge) Motivate learners (in podcast & video clip). Make it totally relevant to them. Arouse learner interest (“it’s all about you and your life”) Get learner attention (visuals, auditory appeal, re-focus) Learner satisfaction (Hugely important!) Inform learners of objectives & prerequisite skills (see video clip & podcast) (this makes it expository teaching, right? ) I do ask a lot of questions, so some of the lesson plan is inquiry. Content Presentation & Examples Prepare script using D&C, ch. 8 and R&S, ch. 7 & 9. Re-establish instructional purpose Re-focus attention over & over throughout the lesson Use analogies and practice Ask imbedded attitudinal questions & rhetorical questions Review prior knowledge with examples & nonexamples of goals
Unit 13 – Revising Instructional Materials • • – Lesson will be mostly concept learning (R&S ch. 9), generative learning (D&C ch. 8), and expository approach (R&S ch. 9); (with some crossovers into “Instructional Strategy” (D&C ch. 8) and inquiry approach (R&S ch. 9) – Links for podcast, video clips (motivation, focus, re-focus, examples, non-examples) – Download document available (practice) Learner Participation (Voluntary! Must use humor and make it fun) – Practice (no terminal objectives----we go straight to realtime, real-life) – Feedback (combined with mastery test) Assessment (combined with mastery test; see Assessment page) – Mastery test/Assessment/Feedback – Voluntary request of learners----how to motivate them to self-assess and provide feedback – Be realistic with my expectations of learners’ time and how they will spend it Follow-Through Activities – Memory skills for retention (plan to design follow-up module for 6 months out) – Transfer of Learning (will use motivation, examples, simulation) – Encourage re-focus and re-motivation. – Offer 6 month follow-up – Offer sequel lesson & possible chat room – Ask for feedback/knowledge of results from learners Learning Components for Various Learning Outcomes Intellectual Skills (apply to much in their lives) Attitudes (Peer pressure, efforts by others to diminish importance) Student Groupings (Random young surfer population distribution)
Unit 13 – Revising Instructional Materials Unit #7 - Script/Instructional Structure Outline (D&C ch. 8, R&S ch. 7 & 9) Instructional Strategy, Concept Learning For my young e-learner, web-based "Educational Goals" module, the instructions will be mostly generative from start to finish. In the Introduction, I need to motivate my voluntary learners, establish purpose, and capture their imaginations. I also need to establish relevancy! In the Body, I will need to use prior knowledge, give examples, focus attention and re-establish purpose ("educational goals are important for the rest of your life". I am thrilled for all the tools in these 2 cited chapters-I had drafted a script for my podcast, and (gladly) I will be revising it to add the meat from these 2 chapters. In the Conclusion/Assessment, because I am truncating this module so that my young e-learners won't flee in boredom, I will ask for a combo feedback/assessment. I will quickly summarize, but in everything I say, it all has to be RELEVANT to their young lives as they see it, and it all has to motivate them to come back in 6 months, to follow-up on their own goals, and to choose to become self-reliant. As I prepare my draft scripts for the video clips and the podcast, I know I must lead the learners to practice, to focus and re-focus, and to be motivated by relevant stuff to their lives. I offer principles, and give examples for their problems solving (attitudinal recognition). I do it vice-versa also: offer examples for practice (specific eduational goals) and then reiterate the principles of how important educational goal setting is for their lives evermore. In my project, student grouping is irrelevant, as the target population are random, voluntary young e-learners, a grouping I have little control over. I might be able to steer them via my blog, via search engine links, and via reciprocal links. I am hoping at the end, one of my video clips will be good enough to stir up some eyeballs from You. Tube. I have the website already (www. Getting. Sorted. com) and have been adding content for years. All my costs are sunk and fixed (accounting terms, sorry!). I will use my digital camera to create video clips (. mov files). I will create. wav files with existing software and hardware. This semester, we are generative active learners, regardless of whatever expectations we had. Once I realized that, and since my project is for web -based young e-learners, my project came alive for me. Ironically, most of my frustrations with this semester I am using to troubleshoot my beta site, to set learner expectations appropriately, and to best motivate my potential e-learners.
Unit 13 – Revising Instructional Materials Discarded Script for 1 st Video Clip (Intro & Printing) (by Gayle Fisher) Hi! Glad you are here! Today, we are going to spend less than 30 minutes talking about Your future. Your education will make your future come true. Like, what kind of job do you want? What kind of car will you drive? What about your clothes, your food, your friends, your entertainment? Eventually, what about your family, when you are old enough to raise kids? What kind of a life do you want? This is all about you. I have designed some tools to help and entertain you. Two video clips, 2 links, & a form that you can write on. Do you see the Download & Print link? Click there, and print a copy of the Educational Goals worksheet. If you don’t have a printer, just get a sheet of paper, and make your own form. You can copy mine or create your own design. Then find yourself something to write with. I’ve got a pen, a pencil, a marker, and a crayon. Think I will use the pencil, so I can make changes if I need to. OK, are you ready to think about important choices for your education? This is all about you and your future. Please watch the other video clip (point!!), where we talk more about your goals. We will go over some examples of goals, and talk about different time chunks of your life and what you want to accomplish in them. Then, please listen to the 15 -minute podcast (point down there). After that, please go to the Quick. Click. Feedback link (point!!) and tell me what you think. If you want me to, I promise to followup with you in 6 months----be sure to send me your email. Thanks for showing up today. Always believe in yourself---this will make you confident and happy. Isn’t that what everyone wants? OK. Got something to write on? Got something to write with? Let’s get started! Click on the next video clip, please.
Unit 13 – Revising Instructional Materials Replaced Many Web Page Files (removed 4/8/08 in formative evaluation) Script for 2 nd Video Clip (Writing & Time Chunks) (by Gayle Fisher) OK, now let’s do something kinda hard---plan ahead. Let’s talk about one way to look at your time, the precious time you have in your life. The first chunk we will talk about: Today. What will you do today? Like: do my math homework for the next Friday? So, under “Today I will” write down what you will do today. Be specific. Don’t say, for example, “read”. Instead, be specific about what you have control over. “Today I will read chapter 8 & 9 in my science book”. Think about what you are writing down, be realistic. Reading the entire dictionary in 1 day is not realistic. Next chunk: “This week I will”. . what? This week I will complete my Social Studies project on The Iron Age. This week I will complete each class’s homework and reading by Saturday night so that Sunday I can hang out with my friends. How about the next chunk of time: This month I will. . . get to play on the team because I got my math grade up to a B. These are some examples I thought of. What are you thinking? (pause). . . OK, go on to the next chunk, This school year I will . . . make the B Honor Roll. This school year I will qualify for AP classes next year. (pause) What is important to you? Now comes a chunk about the summer, then a chunk for “in 5 years”. You got the hang of this now. Take some time to write your stuff down. Make this all about you. Completely relevant to your life. Totally about your satisfaction for your life. Then, listen to the podcast over there (point). After that, please go to the Quick. Click. Feedback and tell me what you think. Do you see that link down there? Yeah? Great! Thanks!
Unit 13 – Revising Instructional Materials Replaced Many Web Page Files (removed 4/8/08 in formative evaluation) Script for Instructional Presentation/Podcast (by Gayle Fisher) Hi there! Hopefully, great value will come of our short 15 minutes together today in this podcast, as we talk about how to make YOUR educational goals happen. Did you watch the video clips? They showed you how to print out the Educational Goals form or use a sheet of paper, and talked about different time chunks in your life and what you will make happen in your life. I am trying to make this fun & entertaining for you, and at the same time, to motivate you regarding your education. So, let’s practice a little more together here. Your education will make your future come true. Do you believe that? What kind of job do you want? What kind of car do you dream about? What about your clothes, what you eat, your friends, your entertainment? Eventually, what about your family? YOUR kids? I know you think you will never “get old”, but the years do go by for everyone. What kind of a life do you want? OK, we have talked about some specifics of goals. Now let’s generalize, think bigger picture. My dictionary defines goals as “what a person aims to reach or accomplish”. Something goals aren’t: goals aren’t wishes. We all know what wishes are, right? “Happily ever after”, “when you wish upon a star”, happy thoughts. Goals are different from wishes: You make your goals happen. There is no wishing in goals. Every time you make a choice, every time you make a decision, you are in control. You will either “use the Force, Luke” or you won’t. The best part of this is that YOU do it. Not your buddies, not your parents, not your teachers, not the random strangers you meet in cyberworld. YOU. I seem to repeat this over & over, don’t I? that YOU will make this happen---not anyone else. You make your own choices, and this means you have the power. Here’s a trick question: Should I write down “I want world peace” as one of my goals? Do I have control over whether the world is at peace or not? No. I only have control over my choices and my actions. World peace would be a wish, not a goal. You have heard the word “consequences”, haven’t you? Please always remember that choices and decisions have consequences. If you don’t do your homework but rather watch a TV show that you have seen 5 times, then there will be consequences because your homework didn’t get done. If you think you “got away” with a wrong decision, because you think no one saw you, there will still be consequences, right? You may think you fooled everybody, but there still will be damage to your integrity. Maybe you will do it again because you think you got away with it. This is the path to the “dark side”. OK, back to YOUR educational goals. Did you get some goals written down? You won’t think of everything right now. Take some time to think and to plan ahead. Write down what you want from your education----there is a place for that down at the bottom. The magic in all of this goal stuff for you comes from you deciding what to do and then doing it.
Unit 13 – Revising Instructional Materials Replaced Many Web Page Files (removed 4/8/08 in formative evaluation) Now, about the sheet of paper: Whatever you write your goals on, keep it---don’t lose it! You will probably need to make some changes as time goes by. In 6 months, I want you to follow-up on what your have decided to do. How did you do? Did you do what you said you would do? When I say “follow-up”, that is different from “make changes or revise”. Follow-up means you come back later on (like 6 months) and check up on it. Make changes or revise is like you are still writing your answers, and haven’t yet handed in your paper. So, you go through each time chunk (on the My Educational Goals form), you will see “Today I will”, “This week I will”, “This month I will”, “This school year I will”, “In the summer I will”, & “In 5 years, I will”. What will you accomplish for each of these time chunks? What will you choose to do for school, for reading, for your homework, for bringing new intellectual stimulation into your world? You know---it make your brain work and grow. Write these things down---what you will do, what you want to happen, what you will make happen. If you need to make some changes, do it. Be realistic. Choose what you have the power to do, things that are within your control. For example, I might make to make world peace happen, but do I really have the power to make this come true? No. Can I choose to read a new library book each week? Yes---I can do that. So I will write that down. There is a place for you to write what you want from your education. Like, I will make the A Honor Roll each year of high school. Like I want a GPA (grade point average) of 3 point something or better. Like I will speak with proper grammar, no matter what my friends might do or say. Like I want my grades to be good enough so that I can play semi-pro ball for 10 years. OK, to review, you have the form printed (or you have made one from a sheet of paper). And you are writing down your goals. Then go back and make any changes you need to. Now, keep your promises to yourself. Keep your written copy of your goals in a safe place, where you can see them every day. Write down the date when you will follow-up with me, with yourself. I say 6 months, but you can pick any date you want. When you follow-up with your goals, mark the goals you have met, the promises to yourself that you have kept. If you need to make changes again, do it. What matters is that you have a plan, a plan you can keep and a plan that empowers YOU to be in charge. Be proud of your accomplishments----what you do, what you achieve. This is your life, and your decisions are powerful. You know you may get distracted. We all do. Sometimes this goals journey may feel more like a zig-zag than a straight line. That’s life, and we all face our individual challenges. This Educational Goals stuff is important. I wish I could make it easy for you, but I can’t. Some days this will be hard. And it will be worth all the effort. We are talking about your life here---your self-esteem, how you feel about yourself when you look in the mirror. You can come back to this podcast anytime for support. My next goal is to have a sequel---a part 2, and a chat room ready for you soon. So, come back. Always be true to yourself and what you want for your life. Make it happen. Now, please go to the Quick. Click. Feedback link and tell me what you think. Thanks.
Unit #13 – Revising Instructional Materials Post-Tests, Reports & Web Site Statistics Available (from my web page hosting company Homestead. com) (I now quote) “Learn more about your visitors Homestead's Site Statistics feature allows you to track who is visiting your Web site and what they are doing while they are there. Check your Site Stats often to see how many people see the pages your create. Check your Site Stats (leads you to some great graphs) Homestead pages automatically include our site statistics feature. You can use this information to not only get feedback on site popularity, but more importantly to refine your site design and target your site promotion efforts where they can be most effective. Read below for more details on Site Statistics and how you can put them to work for you. Site Statistics Explained Sort Statistics by Details: Pages & Folders - Shows a list of all pages with total of daily hits and average daily hits. Determining which pages are viewed most often. Totals- Shows total number of hits sorted by hour, day, week, month and year. Gaining an overall impression of your site traffic. Last 100 - Shows the date, time and ISP of the last 100 visitors to your site. Determining if recent promotions were successful. Behavior - Shows which pages your visitors viewed and for how long. Determining site flow & page stickiness — how did users enter your site, how long did they stay, when did they leave. Origin - Displays where visitors to your site came from on the Internet (search engines, other sites). Understanding where to focus site promotion efforts — referrals (link exchanges), site search engines, or other. Geographical - Displays the top 25 countries where your site visitors live. Focusing your site promotion on a few countries or regions. Provider - Displays the ISP (Internet Service Provider) information of visitors. Determining if your visitors come from certain ISPs that you can then target for promotion. __________________ I have tried to screen-print some of the Real. Tracker reports and include the formats. The reports are considered proprietary; so, I can’t show you what I get to see. Pity. It’s pretty impressive. I don’t think this link is hot: http: //web 4. realtracker. com/netpoll/s. S 301_css. asp? fid=0&subid=0&ubp=1 Another link attempt: http: //web 4. realtracker. com/netpoll/s. S 301_css. asp I can see which countries have visited when and how often, what traffic is on different days of the week, which browsers are visiting, and which of my 15 Educational Goals web pages are getting hit when. Unbelievable. Wish I could figure a way to show you. When I screen print the page, the data bars don’t print out--the pages print as empty frameworks. I will be able to track so much, when all the learners start pouring in!! The learner self-assessment/feedback post-tests (2 Jr. High and 2 High School) come to me in 2 forms: Each learner submission as a separate email Compiled Text files from my hosting company. I would be able to sort all the post-test data into. csv files (comma separated values).
Unit #13 – Revising Instructional Materials Field Trial Summarization Rapid Prototyping – the pace is slowing as the SME evaluations are completed. One of the wonderful things of web pages is that revisions can be swift, often, and immediately available for the next evaluation. Field Trial remains underway. Some SMEs are sending learners to the instruction. One such learner is definitely too young (5 th grade). See SME Kim’s comments. Perhaps I can deduce that Jr. High may be the young end of my targeted learners. I have targeted Jr. High and Sr. High students. According to D&C ch. 10, as evaluator, I should select learners from each end of the sophisticate spectrum, and from the center also. This I did with my field test, and I am awaiting the feedback. Both one-on-one evaluations & small group evaluations are completed. These two groups tended to blur together in rapid prototyping. This blurring was also due to time constraints, technology available and available learners/evaluators. (I got a lot of non-responses in the beginning, so I kept asking additional SMEs. ) Review Pre-test, Post-test data, Objective by Objective Item-by-Objective Analysis table (D&C, page 318. ) – Please see 4 Tables “ 11. Jr. HS 1, 11. Jr. HS 2, 11. HS 1, and 11. HS 2” below. – These are my versions of D&C’s table 11. 1. Unfortunately, my data isn’t quite as text-book perfect. – This Educational Goals project will live on, and data will continue to come in as learners find and use this instruction.
Unit #13 – Revising Instructional Materials Student Performance on the Pre-test and Post-test, D&C, pg. 320, Table 11. 2 and “Compare pre-test with post-test scores objective by objective”, D&C, pg. 323. Pre-test: All learners coming to the instruction will have a similar pre-test profile: Before the instruction, they had certain skills & knowledge. Post-test: All learners are expected to have greater skills and abilities after completing the instruction. This will continue to be true for all “x-number of learners”. Developing Objectives (Unit #5) listed in following pages. While not all Objectives are specifically addressed in Post-test data, the flow of the steps, the process of getting from the beginning/zero (pretest) to the better-informed post-test (where the learners have learned skills they did not have before the instruction), the learners did have to accomplish each of the objectives to say that they would: – “Come back in 6 months and follow up with my goals. ” – “Revise my goals. ” – Actually take and submit the learner selfassessment/feedback post-tests. Therefore, I take the precarious position of assuming that the learners learned something from the instruction. I then compiled Post-test Data, Unit #5 Objectives (see pages following), & Difficulty Index (1 -10).
Unit 13 - Post-Test Data from 1 of 4 tests (Jr. High, #1) yes/no dichotomy questions) First, the post-test questions: (each question correlates to line item in Table 11. Jr. HS 1 below) 1. Did I write down my Educational Goals? 2. Do I believe I have the power to make these goals happen? 3. Do I believe my education is important to my future? 4. Am I willing to work hard to make my high school years the best they can be? 5. Was I able to understand what she was trying to say? 6. Do I understand her enough to put the ideas into my own words? 7. Do I have friends and/or family who go to or have gone to college? 8. Am I excited about the classes offered in school? 9. Do I want control over my future, even if it means turning off the TV and the video games? 10. Am I having fun doing this Educational Goals thing? 11. Was I bored with this lesson? 12. Do I like to finish what I start? 13. Do I promise to come back & review my Educational Goals in 6 months? Here is what the email report for an individual learner post-test looks like: A visitor to your Web site has filled out the form located at: http: //www. gettingsorted. com/EGAssess 1 Jr. HS. html Learner #1 (clicked yes or no to 13 yes/no questions) 1 Yes 2 Yes 3 Yes 4 Yes 5 Yes 6 No 7 Yes 8 Yes 9 Yes 10 No 11 Yes 12 Yes 13 Yes From those 3 data sources, I created TABLE “ 11. Jr. HS 1” below (Correlating to Post-Test answers listed above, Unit #5 Objectives listed below, and Difficulty Index. ) Table 11. XX (Post-test Data Summarized by Objective & Difficulty Index) Question # Learner response Corresponds to Objective 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 2. 2. 1 3. 1 4. 3. 1, 4. 3. 1, 6. 1 4. 1. 1, 4. 2. 1 Retry instruction 1. 1, 3. 1 2. 1, 3. 1. 1, 2. 1. 1, 3. 1, 4. 3. 1 1. 1, 4. 3. 1, 6. 2. 1 (hopefully) 1. 1, 2. 1. 1, 3. 1, 4. 3. 1, 6. 1. 1, 6. 2. 1, 6. 3. 1 Difficulty Index (1 -10, easy-hard) 6 7 6 9 3 3 9 5 5 8 9
Unit 13 - Post-Test Data from 2 of 4 tests (Jr. High, #2) (yes/no dichotomy questions) First, the post-test questions: 1. Have I revisited my Educational Goals? 2. Do I believe I have the power to make these goals happen? 3. Was I able to understand what she was saying? 4. Do I understand her enough to put the concepts into my own words? 5. Have I made any changes to my Educational Goals? 6. Do I agree to do my school classroom work and all my homework on time? 7. Do I admire people who go to or have gone to college? 8. Am I excited about some classes I can take next year? 9. Do I want control over my future, even if it means turning off the video games? Turning off the T. V. ? 10. Am I having fun doing this Educational Goals thing? 11. Was I bored with this module? 12. Am I willing to finish what I start? 13. Do I promise to come back & review my Educational Goals every 6 months? Here is what the email report for an individual learner post-test looks like A visitor to your Web site has filled out the form located at: http: //www. gettingsorted. com/EGAssess 2 Jr. HS. html Learner #1 (clicked yes or no to 13 yes/no questions) 1 Yes 2 Yes 3 Yes 4 Yes 5 Yes 6 No 7 Yes 8 Yes 9 Yes 10 No 11 Yes 12 Yes 13 Yes From those 3 data sources, I created TABLE “ 11. Jr. HS 2” below (Correlating to Post-Test answers listed above, Unit #5 Objectives listed below on pg. 5, and Difficulty Index. ) Table 11. Jr. HS 2 Post-test Data Summarized by Objective & Difficulty Index) Question # Learner response Corresponds to Objective Difficulty Index (1 -10, easy-hard) 1 Yes 6. 1, 6. 1. 1, 6. 2. 1, 6. 3. 1 6 2 Yes 3. 1 7 3 Yes 4. 3. 1 6 4 Yes 3. 1, 4. 3. 1, 6. 1 7 5 Yes 3. 2. 1, 5. 1. 1 6 6 Yes 3. 1, 4. 1. 1, 4. 3. 1 5 7 Yes 1. 1, 3. 1, 4. 3. 1 3 8 Yes 2. 1, 3. 1. 1, 4. 3. 1 3 9 Yes 1. 1, 2. 1. 1, 3. 1, 4. 3. 1 9 10 Yes 1. 1, 4. 3. 1, 6. 2. 1 5 11 No 1. 1, 2. 1. 1, 3. 1, 4. 1, 6. 2. 1 5 12 Yes 2. 1. 1, 2. 2. 1, 3. 1, 4. 3. 1, 6. 1. 1 8 13 Yes 6. 1, 6. 1. 1, 6. 2. 1, 6. 3. 1 9
Unit 13 - Post-Test Data from 3 of 4 tests (High School, #1) (yes/no dichotomy questions) First, the post-test questions: 1. Did I write down my Educational Goals? 2. Do I believe I have the power to make these goals happen? 3. Do I believe my education is important to my future? 4. Am I willing to work hard to make my future the best it can be? 5. Was I able to understand what she was trying to say? 6. Do I understand her enough to put the concepts into my own words? 7. Do I have friends and/or family who go to or have gone to college? 8. Are there some subjects I am excited to study next year? 9. Do I want control over my future, even if it means turning off the TV and the video games? 10. Am I having fun doing this Educational Goals thing? 11. Was I bored with this module? 12. Do I like to finish what I start? 13. Do I promise to come back & review my Educational Goals in 6 months? Here is what the email report for an individual learner post-test looks like A visitor to your Web site has filled out the form located at: http: //www. gettingsorted. com/EGAssess 1 HS. html Learner #1 (clicked yes or no to 13 yes/no questions) 1 Yes 2 Yes 3 Yes 4 Yes 5 Yes 6 No 7 Yes 8 Yes 9 Yes 10 No 11 Yes 12 Yes 13 Yes From those 3 data sources, I created TABLE “ 11. HS 1” below (Correlating to Post-Test answers listed above, Unit #5 Objectives listed below on pg. 5, and Difficulty Index. ) Table 11. HS 1 (Post-test Data Summarized by Objective & Difficulty Index) Question # Learner response Corresponds to Objective (1 -10, easy-hard) 1 Yes 2. 2. 1 2 Yes 3. 1, 4. 1 3 Yes 1. 1, 2. 1, 3. 1, 4. 3. 1 4 Yes 3. 1, 4. 3. 1, 6. 1 5 Yes 4. 1. 1, 4. 2. 1, 4. 3. 1 6 No Retry instruction 7 Yes 1. 1, 3. 1, 4. 1 8 Yes 2. 1, 3. 1. 1, 4. 3. 1 9 Yes 1. 1, 2. 1. 1, 3. 1, 4. 3. 1 10 Yes 1. 1, 4. 3. 1, 6. 2. 1 11 Yes 1. 1, 2. 1. 1, 3. 1, 4. 1, 6. 2. 1 12 Yes 2. 1. 1, 2. 2. 1, 3. 1, 4. 3. 1, 6. 1. 1 13 Yes 6. 1, 6. 1. 1, 6. 2. 1, 6. 3. 1 Difficulty Index 6 7 6 9 3 3 9 5 5 8 9
Unit 13 - Post-Test Data from 4 of 4 tests (High School #2) (yes/no dichotomy questions) First, the post-test questions: 1. Have I revisited my Educational Goals? 2. Do I believe I have the power to make these goals happen? 3. Was this lesson interesting enough to me to come back? 4. Can I put these concepts into my own words? 5. Have I made any changes to my Educational Goals? 6. Do I agree to do my school classroom work and all my homework on time? 7. Do I admire people who go to or have gone to college? 8. Am I excited about the learning experience of college? 9. Do I want control over my future, even if it means turning off the video games? Turning off the T. V. ? 10. Am I having fun doing this Educational Goals thing? 11. Was I able to understand what she was trying to teach? 12. Am I willing to finish what I start? 13. Do I promise to come back & review my Educational Goals every 6 months? Here is what the email report for an individual learner post-test looks like: A visitor to your Web site has filled out the form located at: http: //www. gettingsorted. com/EGAssess 2 HS. html Learner #1 (clicked yes or no to 13 yes/no questions) 1 Yes 2 Yes 3 Yes 4 Yes 5 Yes 6 No 7 Yes 8 Yes 9 Yes 10 No 11 Yes 12 Yes 13 Yes From those 3 data sources, I created TABLE “ 11. HS 2” below (Correlating to Post-Test answers listed above, Unit #5 Objectives listed below on pg. 5, and Difficulty Index. ) Table 11. HS 2 (Post-test Data Summarized by Objective & Difficulty Index) Question # Learner response Corresponds to Objective 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Yes Yes Yes Yes 6. 1, 6. 1. 1, 6. 2. 1, 6. 3. 1, 4. 1. 1, 4. 3. 1, 6. 1 3. 2. 1, 5. 1. 1 3. 1, 4. 1. 1, 4. 3. 1 1. 1, 3. 1, 4. 3. 1 2. 1, 3. 1. 1, 4. 3. 1 1. 1, 2. 1. 1, 3. 1, 4. 3. 1 1. 1, 4. 3. 1, 6. 2. 1 4. 3. 1, 6. 1 2. 1. 1, 2. 2. 1, 3. 1, 4. 3. 1, 6. 1. 1 6. 1, 6. 1. 1, 6. 2. 1, 6. 3. 1 Difficulty Index (1 -10, easy-hard) 6 7 6 9 3 3 9 5 5 8 9
Unit #13 - Other Types of Data I have designed the order of questions for the 4 different tests to be varied: • To give the learner re-focus, to see if they answer the same question(s) consistently from different points of view, like what the GRE does. • I could make it easier to evaluate with the same template, but I chose the order to be learner-centered, not evaluator-centered. • This would also be easy to change. Currently, I only have 1 open-ended question per each test. • As I further refine & increase this module, I will ask more open-ended questions. • The next phase will be what SMEs Lisa, Chris & Elsa recommended: specific professions and the typical goals “required”. For example: – Doctor • • – Vet • – – – What are the typical educational goals for getting into medical school? Ditto Residency? What are the typical educational goals for vet school? Professor/Teacher Other examples (professional skateboarders, ski bums, etc. ) These future expansion pages of various podcasts & texts will feature more open-ended questions and opportunities for learner feedback. Currently, the only “other types of data” collected are • the open-ended comments on each of the 4 learner selfassessments/feedback forms. • I will expand this in the future. Describe problems and evidence that changes are needed • See all the SME evaluations and my comments back in red font. • Most of those changes were made in rapid prototyping prior to the field trial. • Some of the later changes have been made during the field trial. • Defective items removed. • Entry behaviors of learners examined; how are they succeeding with the instruction? (awaiting more learner data) Respond to student attitudes toward the instruction That will come as I receive in more learner-generated post-test data. Revise instruction based upon prescriptions Doing this based on – – – SME evaluations & SME collaborations/consensus my beliefs that the SMEs are correct in their assessments, based on my experiences future input from learners
Unit #14 – Summative Evaluation & Grading Next Phase Plans Open Issues Post video clip to You. Tube & Our. Media to increase traffic to my web site and blog @ http: //gettingsorted. blogspot. com/ Do I set up the chat room for a weekly hour or two? A promise I keep to any learners who want to talk? Await results from field trial with learners. Disappointed at very slow response. Existing Website Beta Pages Punch List: Equalize the volume output of video & audio files. Too much human variance! Rename VC files in Homestead (_new) to something better Double-check report question sort order on test reports to make the 4 tests have a consistent pattern Spiff up 4 Post-Test Data Tables in PPP Next Phase (see following pages)
Unit #14 – Summative Evaluation & Grading Next Phase Plans, Open Issues • • • Once Learner/SME Field Trial comments come in, I will make the changes, if appropriate. – I continue to send individual links to teenagers whom I know, and ask for their friends also to evaluate the instruction. – Some SME Evaluations still coming in; will welcome the evaluations as part of field trial. Then I will launch the Summative Evaluation, which will be to post to You. Tube, my blog and my pages in My. Space and Facebook. – Can’t do it until media delivery is fully ready • Page loading speed, which comes from file size. • Podcasts volumes normalized • Any other renovations Whatever feedback comes that will become my Summative Evaluation & Grading. – Summative Evaluation will be based on learner comments & feedback – Grading will be based on post-tests. – The effectiveness of the module or I will be graded more as designer/implementer/instructor than my learners will be graded. Teacher Links may also generate some SME evaluations. Long Term Effects – I can only dream that this project will continue to grow in utility and usefulness to learners. I intend to keep growing it. See next point on Next Phase plans. The next phase of project (will take place after this semester): – Make podcast(s) describing various professions/careers and what goals/qualifications would be needed for those professions. These will be targeted toward high school students. – Continue to add links & content to the web site. – Continue collecting materials for adding content.
Unit #14 – Summative Evaluation & Grading • Types of Data – – Will continue to gather relevant data from learners. – They will direct me with their feedback as to what is relevant and important to them. – Cost – I would be spending my time on this project with or without this semester’s work. It happened to work out synergistically. – Time – same comment as “Cost” above. – Special teacher training – TBD – Side Effects – that would be wonderful! – Long-Term Effects – ditto on the Side Effects above. – Will they be out of date soon? The learners will keep me honest and up-to-date. • Types of Reports – Very flexible on what reports I can gather from the data. – Maybe which countries are visiting? – Which browsers are visiting? – Will determine what is relevant to the instruction and its further improvements. • Grading Methods – Will probably continue to be difficult to grade attitudes. – Criterion-referenced tests dovetailing back to mastery of the original objective of “each learner will write down, revise and revisit their educational goals” will be hard to “prove”. – I should be able to grade the footprints of the learners (Will they show me they have come back? Will they continue to send me feedback and evaluation suggestions? )
Unit #14 – Summative Evaluation & Grading • Output of instruction, future worth? – To be determined by future e-learners. • Types of Reports – – Case Studies - I don’t expect to produce case studies because the learners won’t reveal that much information to me. – Comparative Studies - Maybe as time goes by, I might be able to produce comparative studies with the reporting tools available to my web page reports. • Grading Methods – Criterion-referenced – I hope to determine this by the data gathered. It may not be dense data, but I would hope to refine the instruction and the tests to make it denser. – Norm-referenced – probably easies to measure, but since the learners will be anonymous, what does that accomplish? Not sure about that benefit. What statistics would be truly useful to the learners and the instruction improvements in the long-term? – The other 3 (Fixed-percentage, Holistic, Individual improvement) seem less relevant and harder to measure. I don’t see how these grading methods would improve the instruction to the learners. What really matters to the learner is what they carry away in their hearts and souls and tenacity, not anything numbers I would crunch. • Assigning Grades – Perhaps someday, the instruction modules would be that relevant, and the learners would demand/request such grades and validations. Wouldn’t that be a big victory for Educational Goals in general? I can only dream.
Unit #14 – Summative Evaluation Expert Judgment: "The purpose of EJ is to determine whether currently used curriculum or other candidate instruction has the potential for meeting an organization's defined instructional needs (or not)". D&C, pg 341. • My project isn't ready for EJ yet, as I go through each of the 5 analyses listed (Congruence, Content, Design, Utility & Feasibility, and Current User’s). – As I dream about "my" organization's needs and Congruent Instruction, I can honestly say I sure hope so, but time will tell. – SME evaluations lead me to believe there is hope, but I have no current "proof". – Content Analysis: I have sure tried, but I need learners to tell me. – Design Analysis: I have tried my best to follow all the ID steps of this class. – Feasibility Analysis: Cost & Convenience, easy. No cost to the learner & "just go to the link". – Satisfactory to the user: That's the $64, 000 question---I need the learner to tell me. – Current User Analysis: ditto.
Unit #14 – Summative Evaluation Field Trial: "The purpose of the FT is to document the effectiveness of promising instruction with target group members in the intended setting. " (D&C, pg. 341) Outcome Analysis & Impact on Learners: Don't have much data, as learners aren't exactly busting down my door to give me feedback. Let's face it: Educational Goals isn't going to appeal to most learners. I realistically hope to reach that 10% who would be interested. Impact on job, Impact on Organization, and the substeps of Management Analysis require more time to answer, more time to gain some learner following and word-ofmouth. I will be carrying on with this project, and have planned further modules in the future. Time will tell, and I am hopeful.
Unit #15 - Open Issues • Field Trial (Formulative Evaluation) – will continue until mid-July, when Summer I semester is over. – I await results from field trial with learners. • I continue to ask known targeted learners for their evaluations. • I am disappointed at very slow learner response • Next phases of project: – Summative Evaluation: • By August 1, the Field Trial for Summative Evaluation will be posted to You. Tube & Our. Media, for “final” learner population. • Will change. doc files to. pdf files (activity pages for Jr. HS & HS) • Any further changes from evaluations – Make podcast(s) describing various professions/careers and what goals/qualifications would be needed for those professions. – Future Strategy: • Will it increase traffic to my web site and blog @ http: //gettingsorted. blogspot. com/? • Do I set up the chat room for a weekly hour or two? A promise I keep to any learners who want to talk?
Unit #15 – Models Performance Technology When I search www. wikipedia. org for Performance Technology, link #7 comes up http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Educational_technology. This is exciting to me, because that is the Masters I will be earning @ TAMU. Educational technology (also called learning technology) "is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources. " Wikipedia link #1 from Performance Technology is: http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Human_Performance_Technology Human Performance Technology (HPT) - also known as Human Performance Improvement (HPI) "uses a wide range of interventions that are drawn from many other disciplines including, total quality management, process improvement, behavioral psychology, instructional systems design, organizational development, and human resources management“ http: //www. polaris. edu/ASSETS/HPT%20 Fundamentals. pdf (link on 2 nd page of Google results) (produced by the Population Leadership Program, a project of the Public Health Institute, supported by the Office of Population. ) “Human Performance Technology can be viewed as a field of endeavor that serves to bring about changes to a system, and in such a way that the system is improved in terms of the achievements it values. However, there are many ways that theorists have tried to define this approach to enhancing organizational performance, and none of them have come to agree upon one definition. Nor do professionals believe that there ever will be a consensus reached on a definition – but they do agree upon its critical attributes. ”
Unit #15 – Models Performance Technology • I personally love this model, and think its future will be brilliant. I especially like the flexibility needed, that what the learner or the organization needs/wants may/may not be actual training. It might be a referral document, it might be incentives, it might be behavioral or psychological. How wonderful! As people, we are unpredictable and our micro/macro needs aren’t cookie cutter answers! Where do I sign up to study this stuff? Oh, you mean right here, where I already am? Here at TAMU, studying Educational Technology? Wahoo! • “S&R, page 366 – It is critical that ID students who plan to work in training settings develop knowledge, if not skills, in interventions that are alternatives to training. . . With some exposure to issues of incentives, performance support systems, selection, ergonomics, organizational development, and organizational psychology, ID can work cooperatively with specialists that are skilled in designing and implementing these other interventions. ” Interventions! Sounds like someone is using a strait jacket! • This entire process of Educational Technology/Human Performance Technology will be fun to track, exciting to participate in, and relevant to our future together to see how we can benefit from such flexible technology/learning.