Скачать презентацию My future profession Hotel Administrator Performed Folmer Anastasia Скачать презентацию My future profession Hotel Administrator Performed Folmer Anastasia

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My future profession Hotel Administrator Performed Folmer Anastasia student group БГ-11 zs My future profession Hotel Administrator Performed Folmer Anastasia student group БГ-11 zs

Key professional functions hotel administrator Øreception of clients, their registration and settlement; Øprovides information Key professional functions hotel administrator Øreception of clients, their registration and settlement; Øprovides information about additional services and controls their performance; Ørecord keeping and billing; Øtaking steps to resolve conflicts; Øexecute the instructions of the leaders; Øreceive phone calls

Working conditions The administrator's workstation is located in the lobby, behind the counter. As Working conditions The administrator's workstation is located in the lobby, behind the counter. As a rule, it is equipped with a computer. Mode of work: Twenty-four hour shifts and three days of rest

The basic professional qualitis: sociability, education Goodwill, politeness; Good look, accuracy; Patience; Seriousness. The basic professional qualitis: sociability, education Goodwill, politeness; Good look, accuracy; Patience; Seriousness.

Additional features include: Work on the post as Administrator with secondary vocational education, andgraduates Additional features include: Work on the post as Administrator with secondary vocational education, andgraduates of the university services, tourism and hospitality. The main criterion for employment in the hotel serves as a successful experience.

Why I chose this profession? This profession it seems to me very interesting, because Why I chose this profession? This profession it seems to me very interesting, because constant communicationwith the people developing such qualities as liability, determination and dedication. Also, this profession is in great demand in the labor market, and well paid.

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