My first year is in Turan.
Мy first course already draws to the close. This year flewunnoticed for me. But nevertheless left many memorizablemoments in my memory.
For this time different measures, fairs, were conducted in Turan, holidays were marked, concerts and performances, and also conferences, passed on different themes. Where that we accepted participation, and where that werean audience.
For these two semesters I knew many new interesting people. Good fellow students appeared for me. You know abit later about them.
Turan became the second house for me. Before I namedschool so, now this rank was occupied by an university. He has many features. One of them realization of Cinemanights. This idea gives an opportunity toenjoy viewing of excellent films in the circle of friends, and insuch acquaintance, comfortable situation through the night.
Also Turan possesses pleasant original and internalappearance. At night he plays varicoloured paints. He is clean, light, spacious. These plants are drawable from aground floor for the second, attract attention. Photos ofstudents and of graduating students such bright, thatcompels to smile passing by.
Yet here comfortable buffets and dining-rooms in thatdelicious meal. And from windows it is possible to look after beautifullandscape : of mountain seem quite close and cloudsswimming on sky charm.
Teachers are here different. Who that we love, who that it isnot. Certainly the best teacher it is Alena Vladimirovna. The our English always passesinterestingly and deliciously.
Well and it is possible to take to minuses: 1. An enormous turn is in a cloak-room; 2. Windows are opened not everywhere (it is possible to begin to decide a problem from 623 cabinets); 3. Not all interactive boards work.
Thereon all. ТURAN the best.