My favorite TV series
"The Big Bang Theory" It is an American sitcom created by two talented writers Chuck Lorrie and Bill Prady.
The series tells the story of two physicists - Sheldon Cooper and Leonard Hofstadter and their attractive neighbor - Penny, and their friends - astrophysics Raj Koothrappali and engineer Howard Wolowitz. ? The action of the series takes place in the city of Pasadena, California.
• The Big Bang Theory is the American sitcom with a unique scientific humor that, in principle, does not get bored. Basically, everyone likes Sheldon Cooper, the funniest character of all. ? • Personally, I like (the name) because (reason).
Soundtrack! • Title song written by Canadian alternative rock band Barenaked Ladies. In the series sounds only one verse Ladies (Я думаю вы её слышите)
Plagiarism. • On the show Big Bang Theory was a rip-off, did not take place in the face of Belarusian TV series "theorists", which was abandoned (and correctly), for even the writers knew what a rip-off and slag)
At the end of the season 15 series 3, series writer Chuck Lorre, he ridiculed Belarus postebatsya over the state and the state of the country, as well as ridiculed the authors of "under-series. "
The text which is written by Chuck Lorrie about Belarus: • Belarus is a small, land-locked country next door to Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. According to Wikipedia, one of its major exports is cattle by-products. Which begs the question, what horrible shape are the cattle in, if all they're good for is felt hats and wallpaper paste? But Belarus does have a bustling TV production industry. One of their most recent hits is a sitcom about four nerdy scientists who live next door to a beautiful blonde waitress. The characters are named Sheldon, Leo, Hovard, Raj and Natasha, and the show is entitled, Theorists. Each episode begins with a rapid-fire montage of images which takes us from the dawn of time to the present moment. Keeping with that theme, the montage is scored with what is probably the worst piece of recorded pop music since the dawn of time. And finally, each episode appears to be a Russian translation of a Big Bang Theory episode. When we brought this to the attention of the Warner Brothers legal department, we were told that it's next to impossible to sue for copyright infringement in Belarus because the TV production company that is ripping us off is owned and operated by the government of Belarus. Having no other recourse, I'm hoping that this vanity card will be read by the fine folks making Theorists, and, wracked with guilt, they break down and send us some felt hats. The Kyrgyzstan version of Dharma & Greg already sent me some wallpaper paste.
Interesting! 1. Initially, the first series of the show was a failure, because of too vulgar humor, the director even going to give up and close the project, but he was given a second chance) 2. All of the characters are addicted to comic books and serials (Star Trek, Doctor Who, etc. ), in reality, none of the actors is not something that is not interested in it, they do not know what it is. 3. Serial removed before a live audience (in the Pavilion № 25, next to the Pavilion 24, where they filmed the TV series "Friends")
Thank you for attention !
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