- Количество слайдов: 16
My family Plan 1. Family 2. Responsibilities 3. Relations
Read the transcriptions of thе words and translate them. [a: nt] [‘nevju: ] [‘fa: ðə] [‘mʌðə] [‘grænpa: ] [‘brʌðə] [ni: s] [ʌŋkl] [‘grænmʌðə] [kʌzn] брат бабушкамама племянница тётя племянник двоюродные брат папа дедушка или сестра дядя
Match the pairs a grandmother an uncle a son a sister a grandfather a daughter a father a brother an aunt
Read the descriptions of people and say what they are… mother’s or father’s brother is … sister’s or brother’s daughter is … mother and father are … sister’s or brother’s son is … uncle aunt parents niece nephew
A big family
What do you do to help your family?
What must we have at home?
What kind of family may be? a caring a hospitable family a friendly a close a loving
Let’s have a rest!
Task: write the story about your family. Family friendly loving caring understand take care of help I can’t imagine my life without the family Love
Homework: Tell about your family
Thank you for your work!
Ресурсы Интернета http: //images. yandex. ru/yandsearch? lr=38&noreask=1&ed=1&text=family%20 and%20 responsib ility&p=6&img_url=graphoconsulting. hu%2 Fwpcontent%2 Fuploads%2 F 2010%2 F 01%2 Fcsalad_1 resize 1. jpg&rpt=simage http: //allday. ru/index. php? newsid=114962 http: //www. overstock. com/Books-Movies-Music-Games/Family-Responsibilities. Hardcover/3116737/product. html http: //www. dtinstitute. net/index. html http: //ru. 123 rf. com/photo_10123120_a-mother-and-so УМК «Enjoy English» для 5 -6 классов Авторы Биболетова М. З. , Добрынина Н. В. , Трубанева Н. Н. n-reading-a-book. html http: //www. telegraph. co. uk/family/7214549/How-to-turn-your-children-into-nice-littleearners. html http: //ru. 123 rf. com/photo_4822785_girls-washing-the-plate. html http: //www. kinomania. ru/movies/p/Parenthood/ 3. shtml http: //lidia. rusedu. net/archives/2339/20110707 http: //snezhka. brnmyyo. edusite. ru/p 27 aa 1. html http: //lovas. ru/users/12087/ http: //kino. orionnet. ru/film/5456/people/ http: //mirtesen. ru/people? t=Современная проза&page=3
http: //www. pressfoto. ru/categories/people/? page=187 http: //dev. kinokopilka. ru/people/2906 -sela-uord http: //moikrug. ru/circles/926259421/? perpage= 20&page=10 http: //offtop. ru/moonlighting/v 1_627172_all_. p hp? of 1831=2948 d 7 e 23 c 366540 f 3727303 fd 472 f 6 b http: //www. omsk. aif. ru/number/byreaders/num ber_id/283 http: //savepic. ru/668670 m. htm http: //www. pressfoto. ru/categories/people/? pag e=187 http: //www. fotodeti. ru/foto_b. php? id=11882&a ll=1 http: //dingo. dn. ua/kormlenie. html http: //www. roditeli. ua/deti/upbringing_develop ment/poryadok_deti http: //show. 7 ya. ru/private. aspx? Rubr. ID=180758 http: //www. nntt. org/viewtopic. php? f=2552&t= 426678 http: //www. fotodeti. ru/foto_b. php? id=12010&a ll=&nns=6&fotrep=&allpr 1=4
http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=t. Xsqprkgy. G 8&feature=related