Скачать презентацию My day off Where you can spend Скачать презентацию My day off Where you can spend

My day off.pptx

  • Количество слайдов: 19

My day off My day off

Where you can spend your day off? I can spend my day off … Where you can spend your day off? I can spend my day off … • At the museum [æt ðə mju(ː)ˈzɪəm] в музее • At theater [æt ðə ˈθɪətə] в театре • At the cinema [æt ðə ˈsɪnəmə] в кино • At the circus [æt ðə ˈsɜːkəs] в цирке • At the disco [æt ðə ˈdɪskəʊ] на дискотеке • At the zoo [æt ðə zuː] в зоопарке • At home [æt həʊm] дома • In the amusement park [ɪn ði əˈmjuːzmənt pɑːk ] In the swimming pool In the park в парке развлечений [ɪn ðə ˈswɪmɪŋ puːl] в бассейне [ɪn ðə pɑːk] в парке

Answer some questions about your day off!!! Answer some questions about your day off!!!

When do you usually get up? When do you usually get up?

What do you usually do on your day off? What do you usually do on your day off?

Where do you spend your day off? Where do you spend your day off?

The Present Simple Tense Настоящее простое время Действие происходит постоянно, регулярно: every day, usually, The Present Simple Tense Настоящее простое время Действие происходит постоянно, регулярно: every day, usually, often, sometimes, always, rarely, never

I We You + They He She + It V V(s/es) We play football I We You + They He She + It V V(s/es) We play football every day He plays football every day

Подсказка: окончание –es добавляется • После шипящих и свистящих звуков! -s, -sh, -ch, -x Подсказка: окончание –es добавляется • После шипящих и свистящих звуков! -s, -sh, -ch, -x wash- washes, dress –dresses, finish - finishes • После глаголов, оканчивающихся на - о: do – does, go - goes

Put the sentences in the right form He ____ (get) up at 7. I Put the sentences in the right form He ____ (get) up at 7. I usually _______ (brush) my hair after breakfast. He ____ (have) his English lesson every day. She ____ (speak) English to her friends. We ______ (play) tennis in the evening. He ____ (play) board games in the afternoon. Sometimes I ____ (swim) in the lake. He often ____ (go) hiking. My dad sometimes ____ (sit) by the camp fire in the evenings. He never ____ (go) on a trip without his friends. Mary always _______ (eat) ice-cream in the amusement park.

Negative Sentences I We We don’t play football You + don’t + V every Negative Sentences I We We don’t play football You + don’t + V every day They He She + doesn’t + V It He doesn’t play football every day

Make up negative sentences, use don’t , doesn’t 1. Liz helps her mother. 2. Make up negative sentences, use don’t , doesn’t 1. Liz helps her mother. 2. My friend plays the piano. 3. We listen to music. 4. You make a lot of mistakes. 5. The farmer works in the field. 6. The small boy rides a bike. 7. He looks at the pictures in the book. 8. Kate lays the table for dinner. 9. Mike and Liz swim in the river in summer. 10. John goes to school by bus. 11. She gets up at eight o’clock. 12. He has tea and porridge for breakfast. 13. She usually has dinner at two o’clock. 14. Mike walks his dog in the morning. 15. Peter lives in London

Play time Play time

Вопросительные слова What do you do? (Что? ) – действие Пример: I often play Вопросительные слова What do you do? (Что? ) – действие Пример: I often play computer games. Where? (Где? ) – место Пример: I stay at home on Sundays. When? (Когда? )– время Пример: I usually get up at 10 o’clock. ex. 3 d, p. 81