My Best Friend
Who is best friend? To have many friends is a happiness. In fact the best friend always will understand you and will help in a difficult moment. Sometimes friends know about you more than you. Sometimes they remember about us what we for a long time have forgotten. Friends are those people which remember each situation's of your life and store your secrets to death, that them not having told. Sometimes the best friend can be entrusted what you never will tell for example to parents, to relatives or second half. Which you can cry in a vest and ask the help.
I have many friends. I like my friends. To my mind, people should have many friends as possible, because if you have not friends, you just become very dull and boring person. It is fine when you have friends, who are able to understand you and support and help in difficult situations.
But I’d like to tell you about… my best friend!
She is very beautiful girl, with big blue eyes, short dark hair and lovely smile. I shall open to you a secret. She is very lazy, and only thing that she likes are clothes, money, boys and cars!)))She is Fat, but it is decorates her.
Her name’s Nastya, she’s 13. We have much in common with her and enjoy communicating with each other. At us with it much in common, for example: we like go shopping, walk with boys in park and go to the cinema! If we fall out, soon we are reconciled! Not looking at this, that she is thick I love her all. I consider that she is my best friend because only to her entrust any secret and shall sleep easy, knowing that she is nobody tell it! She always supports me in a difficult minute and always will come to the aid. I am proud of her.
She is very talkative and noisy, naughty, but serious. She likes animals and consequeny she is goodhearted and careful. We doesn't call names each other.
I know Nastya since childhood when we wear only three years. She was fit, fair-haired girl and always was allocated from our collective. We went together to the kindergarten and go home together too. We live in one house, only in different flats. I in 7 and Nastya in 9.
Nastya’s favourite employment to play ' a square ', and still it very much likes to play basketball and a lot of time spend on the street. Even to school likes to go, but studies does’t like. Laziness!
And now I shall to show you some of her photos!
As For Me… She is the Best friend and the most Beautiful girl in the world!!!
She is the Best!!!