My best friend.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 12
MY BEST FRIEND By Rozhkova Polina 9 «A»
BEST FRIENDS IS A PERSON WHO… See life through your eyes Make you smile when you feel sad Always ready to listen to you Never tell you lies Is always there in a difficult moment Understands you without words knows you better than you know yourself Accepts you for who you are with all your flaws
I have three people who is matching this description. And every one of them, means a lot to me. With them I can be myself and feel special.
And now let's talk about each of my best friends individually. I want to start with a person, whom I know from my childhood. At the moment we continue to communicate and I am sure that we will continue it in the future.
This Olesya. We have got acquainted in childhood. we used to go into the studio at the art gallery together. After, we went to the same school, that allows us to see each other more often. She is an amazing person. It was she who always makes me smile even when I do not want it. She is taking care of me and my future. We are different and often get in fights, but no matter how much we have quarrel it just brings us closer together more.
This is Mary. We have got acquainted at the dance school. Passed only three years since of our acquaintance and she became like a sister to me. She is the only one of all the people, whom I trust implicitly. She is perfect to me I really want to be like her. She's a bit younger than me and I feel like her mom. I always care about her and track that she did not do anything stupid. She is the person who can listen to you for hours and yet it is the person with whom you can just be silent. We can not communicate and do not see each other for months, but I know that she is always there.
This is Dary. We have got acquainted not long ago in a social network. We are well communicated and one day decided to go for a walk. From that day everything changed. We are very similar and we have a lot of common interests. Next to her, I feel protected, because I know that I can rely on her. She is for me an example of force and resistance. She inspires me and makes believe in myself. Next to her, I feel out of place as if the way it should be. And most importantly she never judged me, she accepts me with all my flaws such what I really am.
All my friends are different and they are all special to me. I love and appreciate them. And I just want to say thank you to them for the fact that they appeared in my life and made it incredible and amazing.
My best friend.pptx