Скачать презентацию My approach to teach e-commerce Dr John P Скачать презентацию My approach to teach e-commerce Dr John P


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My approach to teach e-commerce Dr. John P. Abraham Professor, UTRGV My approach to teach e-commerce Dr. John P. Abraham Professor, UTRGV

Major parts of the course • • • Overall goal: Teach how to make Major parts of the course • • • Overall goal: Teach how to make and maintain money, business or personal. What is e-Commerce, hardware architecture, e-stores, e-advertising, e-payment, e-security, etc. Business management: Planning, organizing, directing, controlling, etc. Financial Management: financial statements, investing, leasing, buying, borrowing, etc. Starting a business: business plan, sole proprietorship, partnerships, corporations, Hiring, firing, payroll, tax liabilities and forms, inventory management, etc. Creating a website to sell, web-servers, shopping cart, scripting languages

Assignments • Each student will be assigned a web design topic. Familiarize yourself with Assignments • Each student will be assigned a web design topic. Familiarize yourself with that topic thoroughly, and present it to the class. Demonstrate it with a program you wrote in that language (you will submit the program for a grade as a lab assignment). You will be assigned a date; please note that you must present on that day – if you fail to show up it will be an automatic Fail or drop. Please prepare a practical class assignment for all the students to submit the following week. • • • A series of programming Assignments in java. Script Create a webserver Develop a business plan Learn to file business related forms and taxes What should be included in an employee manual?

Student Presentations • Please create your own sample programs or web pages when describing Student Presentations • Please create your own sample programs or web pages when describing the topic assigned to you. • You should start with a sample and describe the steps needed to accomplish it.

Presentation Assignments • Presentation groups should have the topic assignment for the class ready Presentation Assignments • Presentation groups should have the topic assignment for the class ready to be distributed by the evening of the presentation. Groups must provide an electronic document, or URL pointing to document, to Dr. Abraham for posting to class website. Plan to take two minutes or so to explain the assignment to the class. • Presentation group should designate a group representative for receiving the assignment and provide an email address to my TA and the class. This will be the email address used for topic assignment submissions for review by the group, as well as questions about the assignment.

Presentation dates • • 2 – Group 1 9/11 3 – Group 2 9/18 Presentation dates • • 2 – Group 1 9/11 3 – Group 2 9/18 4 – Group 3 9/25 5, 8 – Group 4 10/2 7 – Group 5 10/9 8, 9 Group 6 10/16 10 – Group 7 10/23 11 – Group 8 10/30

Grading Two tests Topic presentation Shopping cart & presentation Programming & Assignments 50% 90 Grading Two tests Topic presentation Shopping cart & presentation Programming & Assignments 50% 90 and Above A 10% 80 to 89 B 20% 70 to 79 C 20% Below 70 F

Attendance • Attendance and class participation is required to pass the course. • If Attendance • Attendance and class participation is required to pass the course. • If you must miss an exam, make prior arrangements. No make-up exams will be given unless you contact me in advance! • Homework assignments may be submitted to me by hardcopy in my mailbox prior to class time (May submit by email to mark date and time, but must be submitted by hardcopy for grading purposes). Late homework will be levied heavy penalties. Penalty: One day late 10%, 1 week late 20%, 2 weeks late 50%. Not accepted afterwards. My TA might want Black. Board Submissions

Shopping Cart • Each student will submit a shopping cart personally developed. You may Shopping Cart • Each student will submit a shopping cart personally developed. You may not use existing shopping carts. • My TA will be totally in charge of this part.

Shopping Cart Programming Platform • • • This is partly dependent on what you Shopping Cart Programming Platform • • • This is partly dependent on what you have to work with, and how you’ve chosen to tackle the project, such as PHP vs ASP. Hosting: development web service - XAMPP is a good option for having a development environment on a local machine. This enables you to test as you go along without exposing unfinished interfaces to the rest of the world. XAMPP includes PHP. Hosting: development database backend - XAMPP includes My. SQL. You will need something to store the site data. editor or IDE - a decent text editor, such as Notepad * Hosting: demonstration site - If you do not have an external host where you can upload and publish the code, along with the database content, you will need to plan to set up your site on a machine for class demonstration. Payment Processing Sandbox accounts - In order to develop the check out process, you will need to integrate a method for providing payment. I am looking at a service called Stripe which has gained popularity, and will add more about that later as I continue researching.

I will be checking for the following during presentation of the shopping cart • I will be checking for the following during presentation of the shopping cart • Administrative Interface – Admin Login – Admin landing page • Display Inventory, Add Inventory Item • Update/Deactivate Inventory Item • Customer Interface – Customer landing page – View digital catalog • View Item Detail • Add to shopping cart – View shopping cart – Checkout using paypal or googlepay. Return to shopping

Shopping cart presentation • Shopping cart should be completed by November 13 • Everyone Shopping cart presentation • Shopping cart should be completed by November 13 • Everyone should be ready on that day • I will call on you randomly to present it

Additional resources • W 3 Schools • University may provide Web hosting for our Additional resources • W 3 Schools • University may provide Web hosting for our students. You need to investigate this on your own.

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Introduction to e. Commerce • E-commerce is a maturing industry. • Growing pains • Introduction to e. Commerce • E-commerce is a maturing industry. • Growing pains • Virtually every aspect of world business has been affected by it. • E-commerce web pages sells more than $100 billion

Why take IT • Such business applications of e-commerce require – Developers to create Why take IT • Such business applications of e-commerce require – Developers to create interactive web pages – Managers who understand the technology – Network administrators – Security professionals

So What’s E-commerce? • Paperless exchange of business information – Email to e-funds. • So What’s E-commerce? • Paperless exchange of business information – Email to e-funds. • E-commerce seeks to automate business tasks: – Generation, processing, coordination, distribution and reconciliation of business transactions through the use of Internet and other electronic media.

E-Commerce defined 2 – e-commerce refers to aspects of online business involving exchanges among E-Commerce defined 2 – e-commerce refers to aspects of online business involving exchanges among customers, business partners and vendors. For example, suppliers interact with manufacturers, customers interact with sales representatives and shipment providers interact with distributors. – also includes operations that are handled within the business itself. For example, production, development, corporate infrastructure and product management are aspects of e-business not included under the category of e-commerce.

Benefits • E-commerce allows business to exchange goods and services immediately. • Overcomes time Benefits • E-commerce allows business to exchange goods and services immediately. • Overcomes time and distance barriers. • Anyone can start a global business; which was restricted to the very large companies. • New economy. – A revolution in the rules of business driven by Internet connectivity. Business can processes information faster than products (a reversal).

Benefits 2 • Customers want access to products and services on a 24/7 basis Benefits 2 • Customers want access to products and services on a 24/7 basis (24 hours per day, 7 days per week). • Personalization is achieved by tracking a consumer’s movement through the Internet, combining this data with personal information provided by the consumer and employing the compiled information to customize interactions with Web sites and applications. • Businesses can now operate effectively without offices, because employees can communicate via phone, voice mail, fax, e-mail and the capabilities of the Internet and wireless Internet.

Web Technologies • Here are some technologies recommended by W 3 C – HTTP Web Technologies • Here are some technologies recommended by W 3 C – HTTP 1. 1 Hypertext Transfer Protool – HTML 5 –Hypertext Markup language for coding webpages. – CSS 3 – cascading style sheet. – Java. Script – DOM – an API for accessing in-memory webpage style

Web Technologies contd. • PHP – server side active page programming language. • my. Web Technologies contd. • PHP – server side active page programming language. • my. SQL – free relational database. • DHTML-dynamic. For responsive interactive client side web programming. • Scalable. Vector. Graphics, Math. ML, e. Xensible. Markup. Language. • Asynchronous Java. Script and XML

Web Technologies contd. • Web Services. See next several slides Web Technologies contd. • Web Services. See next several slides

What are Web Services? • Applications execute across multiple computers on a network. – What are Web Services? • Applications execute across multiple computers on a network. – The machine on which web service resides is the REMOTE MACHINE. – When clients uses a web service, the class and compile DLL are stored on the Remote Machine. – Remote machine’s superior computing power can be utilized as well.

Web services • promotes software re-usability • promotes collaboration • Web service is a Web services • promotes software re-usability • promotes collaboration • Web service is a class – Whose methods can be called by methods running on other machines (see Simple Object Access Protocol in later slides). – Requests and responses are transmitted via SOAP

Web services • The basic Web services platform is XML + HTTP • Web Web services • The basic Web services platform is XML + HTTP • Web services platform elements – SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) – UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery and Integration) – WSDL (Web Services Description Language)

SOAP • Simple Object Access Protocol is a communication protocol for communication between applications, SOAP • Simple Object Access Protocol is a communication protocol for communication between applications, providing a format for sending messages via Internet which allows you to get around firewalls. Most firewalls do not restrict XML & HTTP traffic. • When a program invokes a method, the request and all relevant information (parameters) are packaged in a SOAP message and sent to the Remote machine. • The Remote machine (server) parses the SOAP message for Method and parameters. • Response is sent as a SOAP message.

UDDI and WSDL • Universal Description, Discovery and Integration is used like the yellow UDDI and WSDL • Universal Description, Discovery and Integration is used like the yellow pages of Web services • UDDI is a directory for storing information about web services and communicates via SOAP • Web Services Description Language (WSDL) is written in XML • WSDL is used to describe Web services

Creating Web Services • Visual web developer and the. NET framework used to develop Creating Web Services • Visual web developer and the. NET framework used to develop web services. • Creating a web service is known as Publishing. • Using a web service is known as Consuming. • The Web service has two parts: A proxy class representing the web service and a client application that access the web service via an instance of the proxy class.

Web an overview • • 5 or 7 layer protocols IP address and Domain Web an overview • • 5 or 7 layer protocols IP address and Domain names Finding server IP address using DNS Domain registration - WHOIS

Client/Server • Server Computer (Web server, IIS, Apache) • Client Computer (web browser, explorer, Client/Server • Server Computer (Web server, IIS, Apache) • Client Computer (web browser, explorer, firefox) • Requests are sent • Responses are received • Communication takes place using HTTP (Hypertext transfer protocol)

Web sites • Web sites that contain files – Sites are static sites • Web sites • Web sites that contain files – Sites are static sites • Websites that contain programs – Browser contacts the URL program name, the webserver contacts program interpreter to interpret server side scripts and the database. The server then sends HTML string back to the browser. • Web sites that contain applications – Interprocess communication is added. – Makes use of web services.

Web programming • • • Web applications Many scripting languages available I assign these Web programming • • • Web applications Many scripting languages available I assign these languages to different groups I begin with Java Scripting Most web applications work with a DBMS, my. SQL, MSSQL, Oracle • Database server can reside on another computer

Web browser • • Runs at the client site Provides an user interface for Web browser • • Runs at the client site Provides an user interface for the application What is displayed is a web page Each web page is identified by a URL and defined by a web form • Web form is designed using HTML • The request to a server is sent using Hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) • A web page does not change depending on the request is known as a static page

Client/Server Interaction using HTTP (Static) • Into a web browser the user types an Client/Server Interaction using HTTP (Static) • Into a web browser the user types an URL or clicks on a link pointing to a URL • The web browser uses HTTP to send the request to the web server. The request contains several pieces of information, address of the requester, address of the server including the page requested (URL). Etc. – URL contains protocol, domain name, path and file name • When the server receives the request it retrieves the page and sends it as the HTTP response. • The browser receives the information and formats it and displays it.

Default • If a document name is omitted, it looks for default. htm, default. Default • If a document name is omitted, it looks for default. htm, default. asp, index. htm, or iisstart. asp.

Client/Server Interaction using HTTP (Dynamic) • A dynamic page does not exist on the Client/Server Interaction using HTTP (Dynamic) • A dynamic page does not exist on the disk at the server, it is a form that contains server controls such as labels, buttons, or text boxes. • The page is dynamically generated at the server • The request sent to the server contains the URL and information entered by the user • When the server receives the request it looks at the extension (htm, html, aspx, cgi, etc). The first two are static. Others are handed over to the appropriate application server to assemble the page as an HTML document. • The browser receives the information and formats it and displays it.